Tomb Of Grandmother of Qin Shi Huang Found.


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Archaeologists working on a site in China`s Shaanxi Province, have unearthed the tomb of Grandmother to China`s First Emperor, Qin Shi Huang. [ his tomb is famous for the Terracotta Army]
Whilst the dig is still in progress, two very well preserved carriages and the skeletons of twelve horses, used to pull said carriages, have already been unearthed. This is a sign of very high status.
The tomb is said to be among some of the largest found [ after the Emperors himself]
I wonder what we will see emerge from this tomb as it progresses?
Looks like he cared for his mother. :)
It's grandmother, yes ? She must indeed have been very important to him. I quite understand the sentiment.

I'm a great admirer of the family values in Chinese culture, and it seems to be a long standing tradition.
Looks like he cared for his mother. :)
Angela also had to query, it is his grandmother. The fault for the confusion is mine. I placed a capital G at grandmother, as you might do in "The Royal Mother"..etc, thus giving a different reading..sorry about that.

It doesn`t say if it is his maternal or paternal grandmother, however I`m going for it being his paternal grandmother. I wonder if the grandeur of the tomb shows they had a strong relationship, or because of her own past status? The piece does say, the Emperor himself designed it...but that could fit either scenario. I`m thinking some really nice finds will come out of this tomb :)
I'm a great admirer of the family values in Chinese culture, and it seems to be a long standing tradition.
I agree regarding the family tradition, yes.
Except perhaps, if you are an Emperor in this period....Qin Shi had his half brothers killed and his mother put under house arrest. All part of a coup, I believe.
Well, there goes that theory, then, although I suppose there's still a possibility he had a soft spot for nonna!:LOL:

This sounds more like the Ptolemy family model...a series of family betrayals, imprisonments, and executions, with the added spice that they had adopted the Egyptian practice of royal brother/sister unions. It makes for riveting reading!
This emperor wasn't a model person. He had the Great Wall built and reportedly 100,000 people died building it. He wanted to live forever, don't we all? His medical experts suggested consuming mercury. His grave site has a lot mercury. The terracota grave site was vandalized as some people hated him and wanted damage his memory. Yes, he gives China its name and created China.
This emperor wasn't a model person. He had the Great Wall built and reportedly 100,000 people died building it. He wanted to live forever, don't we all? His medical experts suggested consuming mercury. His grave site has a lot mercury. The terracota grave site was vandalized as some people hated him and wanted damage his memory. Yes, he gives China its name and created China.
It is true Qin Shi did achieve much, during his time as Emperor. However as you say Oriental, he certainly could not be called a model person...I agree.
Well, there goes that theory, then, although I suppose there's still a possibility he had a soft spot for nonna!:LOL:
It would certainly be nice if he did have a soft spot for someone, other than himself..yes. He seems IMO to be the type who would quicker give nonna a poisoned mooncake, if he thought she posed a threat. I think she must have been a very sagacious lady, Angela.
That said, the fact he designed this tomb for her, must say something.
Of course, I could be guilty of judging him by today's standards. By ancient standards he COULD be closer to average especially for founders of empires. Look at Alexander the Great he massacred a whole city. Julius Caesar massacred the druids as he saw them as the instigator of raids and wars and, of course, Genghis Khan - no need to elaborate on this guy.
Of course, I could be guilty of judging him by today's standards. By ancient standards he COULD be closer to average especially for founders of empires. Look at Alexander the Great he massacred a whole city. Julius Caesar massacred the druids as he saw them as the instigator of raids and wars and, of course, Genghis Khan - no need to elaborate on this guy.
No, i don`t think in regards to war he was very different to many other leaders either, good point Oriental. Crowns and kingdoms were won and lost in some very bloody battles, empires fell and others rose or expanded at their expense, usually through much blood shedding.
Certainly he did accomplish great things during his time as Emperor. The provinces were brought together as a unified China, one monetary, weight and writing system put in place. Plus he can take credit for some great feats of engineering.
On the other hand, he does have some marks against him IMO. He was tyrannical, showing no mercy to anyone he viewed as a threat, including scholars of the day, burying hundreds alive and burning all books he did not favour including books on China`s history. It is said his court had many enuchs, for he castrated prisoners [ well those he did not kill outright]. I suppose it could be said rather than kill them, he killed instead their chance of issue.
I think they used eunuchs to prevent royal ladies from having affairs just as the Windsors do. All those working in Buckingham Palace are either gay or eunuchs (especially in the past).

Looking at emperors they think strategically like objects and forces I.e. mechanically. This has to be done to achieve this and not think too much on the human aspect only if it create too reaction then they listen to advisers (ministers) as how to minimize a revolt or divert the energy of the angry people.

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