Will all people of the world mix creating one race in the future?

We are still waiting for example of the one (out of zillion) mixed marriage program. Otherwise you look ignorant and a liar. Either you don't understand the world, the concepts, programs, etc, or you are lying with premeditation.

Cite me where I said that I want that. Every time I say it is happening, a description of ongoing phenomena. However this distinction is not registering with you. One describes my feelings, the other real and existing social trend.
Do you finally get it, or you still think it is one and the same thing?

Do you deny that affirmative action etc. facilitates race-mixing? Shunning dissident voices from the masmedia isn't considered a pressure?

it's a justified assumption that a person who describes himself as a citizen of the world would be pro race-mxing, but ok, for the arguments sake, are you or are you not?
He is fast to exclude others, but doesn't like to be excluded himself. You would think people would learn compassion and empathy by own example.

We can say that Kardu is very touchy if it comes to "browning" Georgians. His IP address says Barcelona, so perhaps he got infected with this kind of issues there?

Georgians could have been purple, black or yellow for all I care, I'd still champion the identity cause :) Your silly attempts of ad hominem attacks just make me lough
Do you have a single concrete example of peaceful race-mixing on large scale anywhere in the world?

Do you really think that our ancestors interbred with the neanderthals peacefully?
Oh, you demand a single concrete example?!!! Where is the one I'm asking for zillion of times already?!
On issue of mixing we supplied many statistical evidence. On other hand we have only your suppositions. I'm losing patience with you, your arrogance, lying, racism and lack of consequence in discussion.
Do you deny that affirmative action etc. facilitates race-mixing? Shunning dissident voices from the masmedia isn't considered a pressure?
I'm sick and tired finding your posts and reminding you what you said. You were accusing western governments for running government programs deliberately made to make races mixed. Now you are talking about TV programs only!!! Have it your way and present a TV program which ridicules people marring same race or ethnic group, or only emphasizes mixed marriages. Just present your one real evidence.

it's a justified assumption that a person who describes himself as a citizen of the world would be pro race-mxing, but ok, for the arguments sake, are you or are you not?
It is not my fault that you can't wrap your head around this issue. For the zillion times, I'm for freedom of people choices, I don't give a squat who they choose to marry. If they choose to mix, it is only their choice to make. I'm a citizen of the world, it means I feel fine with any culture around me, therefore there is no need to have only one. How hard is to understand?!!!
Try to remember this next time.
I am starting to seriously doubt that Kardu is a Georgian, but whether he is or not his opinions are neither fact based nor logical. You can't reason with people who operate out of emotion or some sort of indoctrination and can't even define their terms. So, I leave you to it, LeBrok...you have far more patience than I have...
Oh, you demand a single concrete example?!!! Where is the one I'm asking for zillion of times already?!On issue of mixing we supplied many statistical evidence. On other hand we have only your suppositions. I'm losing patience with you, your arrogance, lying, racism and lack of consequence in discussion.
oh, racism is it? Typical totalitarian liberal trick to silence an opponent
I'm sick and tired finding your posts and reminding you what you said. You were accusing western governments for running government programs deliberately made to make races mixed. Now you are talking about TV programs only!!! Have it your way and present a TV program which ridicules people marring same race or ethnic group, or only emphasizes mixed marriages. Just present your one real evidence.

It is not my fault that you can't wrap your head around this issue. For the zillion times, I'm for freedom of people choices, I don't give a squat who they choose to marry. If they choose to mix, it is only their choice to make. I'm a citizen of the world, it means I feel fine with any culture around me, therefore there is no need to have only one. How hard is to understand?!!!
Try to remember this next time.

Ok, you don't care, understood.

You are also neutral to the people who oppose such mixing?
If one cares for his group's identity how can he support race-mixing?

As much as it seems that nobody is about to come to agreement with Kardu in this thread, and he isn't being swayed either, I think that both sides can have a productive discussion by seriously addressing this question. It really gets to the heart of Kardu's concerns I think. A desire for cultural persistence is an important part of human nature. And race-mixing seems to threaten it--or does it? To what degree is genetics tied to a group identity? Can outsiders be absorbed into the group? How many of the world's cultures would persist if all races started mixing together everywhere? Would there be Georgian speakers, dedicated to the Georgian culture of old, among the new monorace?
As much as it seems that nobody is about to come to agreement with Kardu in this thread, and he isn't being swayed either, I think that both sides can have a productive discussion by seriously addressing this question. It really gets to the heart of Kardu's concerns I think. A desire for cultural persistence is an important part of human nature. And race-mixing seems to threaten it--or does it? To what degree is genetics tied to a group identity? Can outsiders be absorbed into the group? How many of the world's cultures would persist if all races started mixing together everywhere? Would there be Georgian speakers, dedicated to the Georgian culture of old, among the new monorace?

Excellent questions.
Mixing also splits loyalties. Hypothetically, if Vietnam and China went to war but you were half Chinese and half Vietnamese, which side would you go fight for? Also both sides wouldn't trust you and likely wouldn't accept you, since they would be fighting against the very people that you partially belong to.

Another issue with mixing are the negative health defects and likely dysgenic impact on IQ (IQ is overwhelmingly due to genetics and not environment like "some" want you to think).


Ok, you don't care, understood.
I don't have my hopes to high.

You are also neutral to the people who oppose such mixing?
No, because it infringes on freedom of choice of individuals. Being intolerant is not OK. The bottom line is that people should be fee to choose. I'm talking about freedom for the whole society, not only for the chosen ones, for the elite, for the monarch or dictator.

I know you are going to say that I limit your choice to be intolerant, to be a dictator. And that's the bottom line with freedom for the society in general. Any time freedom of individuals or a group forces others into submission, to be dominated, to be used, to be forced, to be secluded, it is not the freedom I'm talking about. It is not the freedom to be cherished, uphold, the ubiquitous freedom. It is not freedom for society in general.

For me it is easily understandable, for you to ask the question above, must be one and the same, or a thin line, which escapes your comprehension.

Anyway, where is the one example we are waiting for, so you don't look like a liar. We gave you scientific-statistical figures that mixing trend exists and speeds up. Where is your real world proof to give reality to your suppositions, opinions, or should we say, fantasy?

Be a man of your words!
Mixing also splits loyalties. Hypothetically, if Vietnam and China went to war but you were half Chinese and half Vietnamese, which side would you go fight for? Also both sides wouldn't trust you and likely wouldn't accept you, since they would be fighting against the very people that you partially belong to.

It surely mixing complicates many things. I'm sure not many killed their enemy with pleasure in US domestic war or in Yugoslavia. On other hand, mixing often closes cultural divides, and brings people together.

Another issue with mixing are the negative health defects and likely dysgenic impact on IQ (IQ is overwhelmingly due to genetics and not environment like "some" want you to think).



Yes, two people of very different phenotype and long genetic distances, might have kids with very uncommon disorders. English very crooked teeth might be an example of such instance, when Germanic big jaw people mixed with Celtic small jaw folks. I'm not sure exactly, who with whom, but it points to some huge mismatch.
I know something about this because I come from a family where tall people love the short ones, and vice versa, or blond love brunets, small nose and big nose, as the opposite attracts, though still same ethnicity.
On other hand there are many geniuses and famous people coming from families with ethnic and racial combinations.

That's probably good subject for a new thread, the consequences of ethnic and racial mixing.
As much as it seems that nobody is about to come to agreement with Kardu in this thread, and he isn't being swayed either, I think that both sides can have a productive discussion by seriously addressing this question. It really gets to the heart of Kardu's concerns I think. A desire for cultural persistence is an important part of human nature. And race-mixing seems to threaten it--or does it? To what degree is genetics tied to a group identity? Can outsiders be absorbed into the group? How many of the world's cultures would persist if all races started mixing together everywhere?
Probably the best example is Latin America. Many cultured perished, creating new identity of Iberian/Catholic, Amerindian/White/Black, technically modern/industrial/educated/ with some local flavor, US influence, Chinese goods, African rhythm, and who knows what.
Mixing also splits loyalties. Hypothetically, if Vietnam and China went to war but you were half Chinese and half Vietnamese, which side would you go fight for? Also both sides wouldn't trust you and likely wouldn't accept you, since they would be fighting against the very people that you partially belong to.

I understand your point and its relevant in some situations. However this is not the total situation of the globe. The vast majority of countries/clans/tribes/regions are not at war 24/7, in the meantime irrelevant to all the negative events going on at present many countries have good neighborly relations and lots of unannounced exchanges are going on. People of the 'new world' have new loyalties to their mother countries even if they are stock of People from all around the globe.

Another issue with mixing are the negative health defects and likely dysgenic impact on IQ (IQ is overwhelmingly due to genetics and not environment like "some" want you to think).

the brain is like a muscle, the more stimulated and exercised the better it performs irrelevant to race. In regards to IQ you might find this helpful, you have to copy and paste it in your search bar.

"Myth: IQ depends fully on the genes of a person and is hereditary.
This is also a popular myth. People have this misconception that IQ is solely the product of good genes. A child born out of parents having low IQ will also have low IQ. Besides, they also believe that this IQ will never change.

We all know that IQ comes from a combination of both genetics and environment. Experts believe that the genes affect our IQ by 40 to 80 percent and the remaining comes from external environment. Now, just think what will happen if a person is kept in isolation from all external stimuli? What will be the proportion of their intelligence coming from the environment? Obviously zero! Isn't? Hence, the more stimuli a person gets from the world, the more is their intelligence based on the environment. It is, thus, proved that IQ is not fully depended on the genes and it does change based on the environment. Besides, studies have also found significant increase in IQ from one generation to the other. It increases 21 points on an average in 30 years."

I don't have my hopes to high.

No, because it infringes on freedom of choice of individuals. Being intolerant is not OK. The bottom line is that people should be fee to choose. I'm talking about freedom for the whole society, not only for the chosen ones, for the elite, for the monarch or dictator.

I know you are going to say that I limit your choice to be intolerant, to be a dictator. And that's the bottom line with freedom for the society in general. Any time freedom of individuals or a group forces others into submission, to be dominated, to be used, to be forced, to be secluded, it is not the freedom I'm talking about. It is not the freedom to be cherished, uphold, the ubiquitous freedom. It is not freedom for society in general.

For me it is easily understandable, for you to ask the question above, must be one and the same, or a thin line, which escapes your comprehension.

Anyway, where is the one example we are waiting for, so you don't look like a liar. We gave you scientific-statistical figures that mixing trend exists and speeds up. Where is your real world proof to give reality to your suppositions, opinions, or should we say, fantasy?

Be a man of your words!

As usual you see what you want to see. I told you: Afirmative Action long time ago.

And who says that everyone should accept the negative liberty you describe?

What do liberals know about being a man...

the brain is like a muscle, the more stimulated and exercised the better it performs irrelevant to race. In regards to IQ you might find this helpful, you have to copy and paste it in your search bar.

"Myth: IQ depends fully on the genes of a person and is hereditary.
This is also a popular myth. People have this misconception that IQ is solely the product of good genes. A child born out of parents having low IQ will also have low IQ. Besides, they also believe that this IQ will never change.

We all know that IQ comes from a combination of both genetics and environment. Experts believe that the genes affect our IQ by 40 to 80 percent and the remaining comes from external environment. Now, just think what will happen if a person is kept in isolation from all external stimuli? What will be the proportion of their intelligence coming from the environment? Obviously zero! Isn't? Hence, the more stimuli a person gets from the world, the more is their intelligence based on the environment. It is, thus, proved that IQ is not fully depended on the genes and it does change based on the environment. Besides, studies have also found significant increase in IQ from one generation to the other. It increases 21 points on an average in 30 years."


I never said that IQ was ONLY genetic, I said that it is MOSTLY genetic. And studies of adoptions across racial lines prove that raising the average Black kid in an upper class White household only increases his IQ by a few meager points. IQ is overwhelmingly genetic and unlike what you claimed about it increasing, it is actually decreasing in many Western countries due to immigration of low IQ immigrants.




Look at this IQ map, a high standard of living doesn't cause high IQ, it is the other way around: a high IQ causes a high standard of living. There are only a few exceptions like countries who were recently communist (or still are communist) like Russia, Ukraine, Mongolial, China, etc. Even though their standard of living is relatively low compared to Western countries, their IQ is about the same or higher. And lets look at the oil rich countries of the Gulf. Their IQ is in the 80s, but their standard of living is very high because of their massive fossil fuel resources.

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What do liberals know about being a man...
Only that a man should have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of choice etc...in short the freedom to individual right and choice, be it for man or woman. If you had not these rights Kardu, would you not feel you were unable to function as a free man?

And who says that everyone should accept the negative liberty you describe?
What is negative about these things?
Also, why do feel that mixing of ethnicity should threaten you or your culture? If you and the next generation carry on using your language, carry on observing your customs, they are not lost. If, on the other hand, the future generation decide to let go of these things, they do so by choice. Would you take away the freedom of choice for the next generation? The liberal man would not.
IQ is overwhelmingly genetic and unlike what you claimed about it increasing

I am not claiming it, its been observed in serious studies. And to a certain point its also obvious as that what evolution is all about. Its all an evolutionary process and nothing stays still but just a product of our environment a result of thousands of years in existence like all living species - even genes are receiving millions of messages and instructions from the environment and change by time according to need in the name of survival. Even genes evolve by time and also do their instructions. If it wasnt so we would not have evolved as species.


Look at this IQ map, a high standard of living doesn't cause high IQ, it is the other way around: a high IQ causes a high standard of living. There are only a few exceptions like countries who were recently communist (or still are communist) like Russia, Ukraine, Mongolial, China, etc. Even though their standard of living is relatively low compared to Western countries, their IQ is about the same or higher. And lets look at the oil rich countries of the Gulf. Their IQ is in the 80s, but their standard of living is very high because of their massive fossil fuel resources.

The locals in Gulf countries are perfect recipe ta acquire low IQ according to this men made calculator. Lots of money and others working for it. (very little stimuli, little anxiety with health related issues including health comfort and meals, no need to think too much of how to improve your life as cash is no problem if the need arises) It could very much the cause of Western drop in IQ too for the same reasons for having much more people reaching this category. Live all your life by the pool relaxed, fat bank account, all services around you and your IQ would be bound to be eroded easily and not really bodered to the contents in any IQ test ;)
Only that a man should have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of choice etc...in short the freedom to individual right and choice, be it for man or woman. If you had not these rights Kardu, would you not feel you were unable to function as a free man?What is negative about these things? Also, why do feel that mixing of ethnicity should threaten you or your culture? If you and the next generation carry on using your language, carry on observing your customs, they are not lost. If, on the other hand, the future generation decide to let go of these things, they do so by choice. Would you take away the freedom of choice for the next generation? The liberal man would not.
I guess Lebrok can answer for himself.Negative Liberty is a concept.All rights are conventional and not given by some higher universal authority.Again we are talking about race-mixng here not ethnic mixing. The latter is less dangerous for a particular group identity.We and future generations alike have not only so called rights and freedoms but also duties and obligations.
I guess Lebrok can answer for himself.Negative Liberty is a concept.All rights are conventional and not given by some higher universal authority.Again we are talking about race-mixng here not ethnic mixing. The latter is less dangerous for a particular group identity.We and future generations alike have not only so called rights and freedoms but also duties and obligations.
I am convinced LeBrok can answer for himself..however this being a discussion thread I was unaware one must take a ticket and wait in line to take part. The point you made may have been to another but the point was general.
So, future generations may have freedom so long as it does not interfere with their expected duties..in other words to my question..yes, you would deny future generations the freedom of choice.
I don`t know how you define race but I was under the impression we were one race...human.

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