Will all people of the world mix creating one race in the future?

You don't understand...no one would be your enemy. I can't explain to you a social reality which is so foreign to your experience . If you lived here with your family no one would care how much you celebrated the cultural identity that has developed among your people over the last 1500 years. You could speak your language with your family and friends, send your children to Georgian language classes or even set up a Georgian Orthodox school along the lines of the many Roman Catholic schools , publish a newspaper, start a public access television station, worship as you choose, get a permit for fairs and celebrations, you name it.

Still, when all is said and done, under normal circumstances your children would not approach these things with the same fervor, and your grandchildren even less so. It is happening even with the Greek Americans, one of the groups, in my experience, who have held on to a separate identity the longest, largely because they have a separate religious identity. Even Ashkenazi Jews are marrying out at the rate of 50%. In both cases, either both the traditions are practiced, or, usually, the non Greek or non Jewish partner converts. (It was different for Italians, the Irish, Poles, Hungarians, German Catholics etc. who all went to the same churches and the same Catholic schools in many instances.)

This is the inevitable result of people mixing at school, at work, and in social situations. It's also, in my opinion, a function of the fact that when people are oppressed the reaction is often to hold on to their separate traditions even more strongly. When that oppression is gone, sometimes the fervor lessens as well, although you may not believe it.

In a culture as inclusive and seductive as this one, the only way not to "blend" and "mix" is to totally wall your community off in the way that the Amish and the Orthodox Jews have done. No one would care or interfere, certainly not the government, but neither would the government help you in maintaining that community. That would be up to you.

Yes of course I'm aware of it. It happens, usually in working class or perhaps lower middle class neighborhoods, when members of what you could call the black "underclass" rent apartments in the area, and white home owners panic and sell, often at below market rates, and the community "turns" over night.

That has nothing to do with the situation where a black lawyer or bank officer buys a home in an upper middle class white neighborhood, or where gainfully employed people of all races live in "mixed" neighborhoods. I assure you that no one flees in that situation. I'm afraid you may be taking too many of your images of America from movies and television shows.

I also don't see what this has to do with the fact that people are intermarrying at ever increasing rates in the U.S., although intermarriage with black Americans is still pretty rare.

Don't forget that we are talking about race-mxing in the first place, not mxing with other ethnicities.

All right, so it's more a class issue? Anyway, how many heart bleeding liberals go to live in the hoods, among the people they say they care so much?
It has nothing to do with what I say. I love sushi too :)

Just tried to say something positive to bring some cheer. Food is a big thing in heritage and culture, there are some pluses if you get my drift :beer1:
Just tried to say something positive to bring some cheer. Food is a big thing in heritage and culture, there are some pluses if you get my drift :beer1:
:) And all I want is that those cultures have a possibility to keep their identity and flourish, not fused in one gray mass as some desire...
:) And all I want is that those cultures have a possibility to keep their identity and flourish, not fused in one gray mass as some desire...

Yes but as it has been pointed out to you, you cannot compare a mountain village (example) say in a part of the world were people have been there for at least 100's if not thousands of years with mega cities and booming activities and economy to remain naturally homogeneous and live in ethnic quarters. If there is any mixing its a natural process of people not thinking too much about it or even perceive it as any threat. I believe 3rd generation immigrants from these deep rooted areas associate themselves much more with the country they were born with rather their great grand parents. Seeing people with differect skin colour, shape of eyes and types of noses, different customs maybe, is something they grow up with as normal. I understand this could be an issue with more homogeneous areas of the planet. Even the nature and attitude of very well traveled people is different to those who don't in regards to this issue
Yes but as it has been pointed out to you, you cannot compare a mountain village (example) say in a part of the world were people have been there for at least 100's if not thousands of years with mega cities and booming activities and economy to remain naturally homogeneous and live in ethnic quarters. If there is any mixing its a natural process of people not thinking too much about it or even perceive it as any threat. I believe 3rd generation immigrants from these deep rooted areas associate themselves much more with the country they were born with rather their great grand parents. Seeing people with differect skin colour, shape of eyes and types of noses, different customs maybe, is something they grow up with as normal. I understand this could be an issue with more homogeneous areas of the planet. Even the nature and attitude of very well traveled people is different to those who don't in regards to this issue

I understand your point, but I believe the root is not mega city vs. village. Tokyo or Delhi are not mega enough for you? is lot of race mixing going on there?
Kardu: I am for diversity and multiculturalism. Why do you want to melt everyone in one gray mass? ;)

I've never said I'm for or against it. I, and LeBrok, and Maleth, are describing what happens in areas of the world where people from different backgrounds live in close proximity to one another.

Likewise, I've shown you that no one in the U.S. at least would give a darn if you kept your unique culture. The Amish have done it and so have Orthodox Jews. If you wanted to come here to live and wanted to establish a closed off subculture you'd be perfectly free to do it; no one would prevent you.

Kardu:Whole system is directed against group identities

On the chance that you were being sincere, I pointed out to you in painstaking and no doubt boring detail that there is no statism and there are no laws here promoting "mixing". Indeed, in terms of the preservation of cultural and religious identity, the laws are designed in your favor. No one can make the Amish serve in the military. They don't have to go to certain schools or past a certain age. Roman Catholics can send their children to Catholic institutions from kindergarden through university. Orthodox Jewish children go to orthodox yeshivas. Strictly observant Muslims can send their children to Muslim schools. Very conservative Protestant Christians in certain parts of the country either have their own schools or are part of home schooling networks. It's called religious freedom. You could do the same. The Amish and Orthodox Jews and strict Muslims rarely seem to leave their groups. In parts of the country where there are lots of Protestant evangelical sects who have their own schools or are in home schooling networks, a lot of their children seem to fall in line as well. Or, there are the Mormons, for example.

Kardu: I understand your point, but I believe the root is not mega city vs. village. Tokyo or Delhi are not mega enough for you? is lot of race mixing going on there?

Tokyo and Delhi have never, to my knowledge, experienced any influx or people from other countries, never mind other continents, so how could it happen?
Kardu:Don't forget that we are talking about race-mxing in the first place, not mxing with other ethnicities.

Well, have we finally gotten to the crux of the issue? Have I been wasting my time arguing with someone who has been disingenuous all along? It's not all about a concern for "Georgian" separatism, but rather for "white" separatism? After all, I have been at pains to assure you that you could indeed maintain your "Georgian" identity in this kind of world if you worked at it.

If "ethnic" mixing is not your problem, and your bete noire is that you don't want "SSA" people, or people with large amounts of black ancestry like the North Africans, or perhaps even Middle Easterners to immigrate to Europe because you don't want them intermarrying with white Europeans, and you also want to prohibit that in the U.S, then have the courage to say so and don't try to fly under a false flag.
I understand your point, but I believe the root is not mega city vs. village. Tokyo or Delhi are not mega enough for you? is lot of race mixing going on there?

India and Japan have deep rooted histories and so does China and always had mega population numbers compared to other parts of the globe. Americas and Australia are considered New world even thou they had aboriginal inhabitants but very very low populations and vast expanses of wilderness unlike the heavily populated and ancient cultures we mentioned. Dubai and Emirates decided to embark on expansion and becoming world class, it has more foreigners then locals but none can claim citizenship but without the influx it could not be what it is today.

Many west European countries had the largest empires the world has know, which explains why their cities have become cosmopolitan some more then others. Every situation to its own. But none of the mixing that goes on is forced, just a natural evolution just like what happened in the past that created the various 'races' we see today who we know through dna no one is really homogeneous. Example my autosmal dna suggests some 30% from your region (general speaking). New York today is the Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome of the ancient times, with the difference its much easier to travel by plane then on foot or donkeys. The next colonization will be of Mars :)

India and Japan have deep rooted histories and so does China and always had mega population numbers compared to other parts of the globe. Americas and Australia are considered New world even thou they had aboriginal inhabitants but very very low populations and vast expanses of wilderness unlike the heavily populated and ancient cultures we mentioned. Dubai and Emirates decided to embark on expansion and becoming world class, it has more foreigners then locals but none can claim citizenship but without the influx it could not be what it is today.

Many west European countries had the largest empires the world has know, which explains why their cities have become cosmopolitan some more then others. Every situation to its own. But none of the mixing that goes on is forced, just a natural evolution just like what happened in the past that created the various 'races' we see today who we know through dna no one is really homogeneous. Example my autosmal dna suggests some 30% from your region (general speaking). New York today is the Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome of the ancient times, with the difference its much easier to travel by plain then on foot or donkeys. The next colonization will be of Mars :)


As I've mentioned on this thread several times, old mixing in general and race-mixing in particular was through violence and coercion and can not be compared to current situation.

As explained there I mentioned Tokyo and Delhi in reference of your claim mega city vs village for facilitation of race mixng
I've never said I'm for or against it. I, and LeBrok, and Maleth, are describing what happens in areas of the world where people from different backgrounds live in close proximity to one another.

Likewise, I've shown you that no one in the U.S. at least would give a darn if you kept your unique culture. The Amish have done it and so have Orthodox Jews. If you wanted to come here to live and wanted to establish a closed off subculture you'd be perfectly free to do it; no one would prevent you.

On the chance that you were being sincere, I pointed out to you in painstaking and no doubt boring detail that there is no statism and there are no laws here promoting "mixing". Indeed, in terms of the preservation of cultural and religious identity, the laws are designed in your favor. No one can make the Amish serve in the military. They don't have to go to certain schools or past a certain age. Roman Catholics can send their children to Catholic institutions from kindergarden through university. Orthodox Jewish children go to orthodox yeshivas. Strictly observant Muslims can send their children to Muslim schools. Very conservative Protestant Christians in certain parts of the country either have their own schools or are part of home schooling networks. It's called religious freedom. You could do the same. The Amish and Orthodox Jews and strict Muslims rarely seem to leave their groups. In parts of the country where there are lots of Protestant evangelical sects who have their own schools or are in home schooling networks, a lot of their children seem to fall in line as well. Or, there are the Mormons, for example.

Tokyo and Delhi have never, to my knowledge, experienced any influx or people from other countries, never mind other continents, so how could it happen?

Well, have we finally gotten to the crux of the issue? Have I been wasting my time arguing with someone who has been disingenuous all along? It's not all about a concern for "Georgian" separatism, but rather for "white" separatism? After all, I have been at pains to assure you that you could indeed maintain your "Georgian" identity in this kind of world if you worked at it.

If "ethnic" mixing is not your problem, and your bete noire is that you don't want "SSA" people, or people with large amounts of black ancestry like the North Africans, or perhaps even Middle Easterners to immigrate to Europe because you don't want them intermarrying with white Europeans, and you also want to prohibit that in the U.S, then have the courage to say so and don't try to fly under a false flag.

if you were missing the point it's not my fault. This thread is about race-mixing isn't it? And I was clear what I was saying from the start.

You tell us that: 'I've never said I'm for or against it'. I ask you are you for or against?
As I've mentioned on this thread several times, old mixing in general and race-mixing in particular was through violence and coercion and can not be compared to current situation.

Not necessarily correct, humans even inbred with neandertals so I imagine that autosmal dna mixtures we see today are not soley related to violence and coercion it could well be a mixture and I am more inclined to believe that it was more peaceful then anything else.

As explained there I mentioned Tokyo and Delhi in reference of your claim mega city vs village for facilitation of race mixng

I already explained besides, you should not ignore the other cities mentioned as mixing is going on and unforcefully
Not necessarily correct, humans even inbred with neandertals so I imagine that autosmal dna mixtures we see today are not soley related to violence and coercion it could well be a mixture and I am more inclined to believe that it was more peaceful then anything else.

I already explained besides, you should not ignore the other cities mentioned as mixing is going on and unforcefully

Do you have a single concrete example of peaceful race-mixing on large scale anywhere in the world?

Do you really think that our ancestors interbred with the neanderthals peacefully?
Do you have a single concrete example of peaceful race-mixing on large scale anywhere in the world?

Do you really think that our ancestors interbred with the neanderthals peacefully?

This is just another red herring. Whatever the case in the past, it's starting to happen now wherever there are disparate groups living in proximity to one another, and is accelerating.
if you were missing the point it's not my fault. This thread is about race-mixing isn't it? And I was clear what I was saying from the start.

You tell us that: 'I've never said I'm for or against it'. I ask you are you for or against?

I didn't miss the point of the thread at all. You were the one who threw out a red herring like your supposed huge concern for the preservation of the Georgian ethnicity, culture and religion. You argued on the basis of that for post after post. Remember? I naively, perhaps, took you at your word that this was your particular focus.

I like the fact that there are many different cultures in the world. It makes it a richer and more vibrant place. I shouldn't like to see that end. I'm actually a rather conservative person, believe it or not, and was raised by an Italian nationalist, so I particularly wouldn't like to be around to see the culture of my youth and young adulthood die out, but the fact is that it already is dying,or if not dying, changing very quickly, and not because there's been a lot of immigration into Italy from Africa or the Middle East. The world is changing at a break neck pace in a myriad of ways. Globalization, the internet, means that young people all over the world are increasingly becoming very similar. They're all throwing much of their heritage overboard without a thought.

What should we do? Ban the internet?

The world will change whether we like it or not.

Besides, that's just another red herring that you're throwing out. I doubt whether you care about the culture part of it. Some of the people bleating the loudest about the preservation of their culture don't know very much about it or have actively rejected it. The real concern of most, and certainly your real concern seems to be that white people shouldn't be marrying non white people, however you define "white". That's what you want to prevent. Anything else is obfuscation.

I'm sure that if a black African child was adopted by a European couple and was raised speaking the language, following the local religion, learning to appreciate the local culture, eating the local foods, singing the local music and on and on you would still not want that child to marry a "white" person of that same region. Stop hiding behind culture when your concern is race.

As for me, I don't care one way or another if some people marry people of other races. A doctor in my home town in Italy went to Africa to work for Médecins Sans Frontières and brought home an African wife. Did it cause a bit of consternation at first? Yes, it did. However, his daughter is just as Italian as any of her playmates. I don't make choices like that for other people. In parts of the world like the Americas where there has been a huge amount of immigration, it's inevitable that this will happen. In rural China, if it happens, it may take thousands of years and a different kind of world. That's the way it is.

This is all separate and apart from my opinion about whether thousands upon thousands of terribly poor, uneducated, unskilled, refugees who adhere to very extreme and conservative and certainly intolerant, to say the least, versions of Islam, who moreover often seem positively opposed to integrating into the larger society should be allowed to emigrate to an economically depressed Europe already struggling to provide social services to its own people.
Do you have a single concrete example of peaceful race-mixing on large scale anywhere in the world?

Do you really think that our ancestors interbred with the neanderthals peacefully?

Do not be impressed by Hollywood's epic movies and super drama ;). Consider this:-

"The genocidal view was generated, like the Celtic myth, by historians and archaeologists over the last 200 years. With the swing in academic fashion against “migrationism” (seeing the spread of cultural influence as dependent on significant migrations) over the past couple of decades, archaeologists are now downplaying this story, although it remains a strong underlying perspective in history books.
Some geneticists still cling to the genocide story. Research by several genetics teams associated with University College London has concentrated in recent years on proving the wipeout view on the basis of similarities of male Y chromosome gene group frequency between Frisia/north Germany and England. One of the London groups attracted press attention in July by claiming that the close similarities were the result of genocide followed by a social-sexual apartheid that enhanced Anglo-Saxon reproductive success over Celtic.
The problem is that the English resemble in this way all the other countries of northwest Europe as well as the Frisians and Germans. Using the same method (principal components analysis, see note below), I have found greater similarities of this kind between the southern English and Belgians than the supposedly Anglo-Saxon homelands at the base of the Danish peninsula. These different regions could not all have been waiting their turn to commit genocide on the former Celtic population of England. The most likely reason for the genetic similarities between these neighbouring countries and England is that they all had similar prehistoric settlement histories."


No need to fish for herring :)

I was always clear of what I was saying and meaning. I even stated that I am a nativist.

If one cares for his group's identity how can he support race-mixing?

Changes do happen but it does not mean that we should welcome it and sit iddle until it alters our way of life.
Do not be impressed by Hollywood's epic movies and super drama ;). Consider this:-

"The genocidal view was generated, like the Celtic myth, by historians and archaeologists over the last 200 years. With the swing in academic fashion against “migrationism” (seeing the spread of cultural influence as dependent on significant migrations) over the past couple of decades, archaeologists are now downplaying this story, although it remains a strong underlying perspective in history books.
Some geneticists still cling to the genocide story. Research by several genetics teams associated with University College London has concentrated in recent years on proving the wipeout view on the basis of similarities of male Y chromosome gene group frequency between Frisia/north Germany and England. One of the London groups attracted press attention in July by claiming that the close similarities were the result of genocide followed by a social-sexual apartheid that enhanced Anglo-Saxon reproductive success over Celtic.
The problem is that the English resemble in this way all the other countries of northwest Europe as well as the Frisians and Germans. Using the same method (principal components analysis, see note below), I have found greater similarities of this kind between the southern English and Belgians than the supposedly Anglo-Saxon homelands at the base of the Danish peninsula. These different regions could not all have been waiting their turn to commit genocide on the former Celtic population of England. The most likely reason for the genetic similarities between these neighbouring countries and England is that they all had similar prehistoric settlement histories."


Did Celts and Germanics belong to different races?

On the other hand there is Amerindian blood apparently among modern Icelanders, but that's because their ancestors were kidnapping women from Vinland and bringing them to Iceland (not very peacefully)
Did Celts and Germanics belong to different races?

On the other hand there is Amerindian blood apparently among modern Icelanders, but that's because their ancestors were kidnapping women from Vinland and bringing them to Iceland (not very peacefully)

Not all men are raging savages needing to procreate by raping women violently. Humans are genetically designed (thanks to Oxytocin) to bond and care for their offspring. There are exceptions of course.
Not all men are raging savages needing to procreate by raping women violently. Humans are genetically designed (thanks to Oxytocin) to bond and care for their offspring. There are exceptions of course.

All I am asking is to show me a single real historic fact of groups of different race mixing with each other peacefully, not as a result of conquest and coercion.
Whole system is directed against group identities (although some groups are in better position than others).

I am not gonna drop this either: I am for diversity and multiculturalism. Why do you want to melt everyone in one gray mass? ;)
We are still waiting for example of the one (out of zillion) mixed marriage program. Otherwise you look ignorant and a liar. Either you don't understand the world, the concepts, programs, etc, or you are lying with premeditation.

I am for diversity and multiculturalism. Why do you want to melt everyone in one gray mass?
Cite me where I said that I want that. Every time I say it is happening, a description of ongoing phenomena. However this distinction is not registering with you. One describes my feelings, the other real and existing social trend.
Do you finally get it, or you still think it is one and the same thing?
Well, have we finally gotten to the crux of the issue? Have I been wasting my time arguing with someone who has been disingenuous all along? It's not all about a concern for "Georgian" separatism, but rather for "white" separatism? After all, I have been at pains to assure you that you could indeed maintain your "Georgian" identity in this kind of world if you worked at it.

If "ethnic" mixing is not your problem, and your bete noire is that you don't want "SSA" people, or people with large amounts of black ancestry like the North Africans, or perhaps even Middle Easterners to immigrate to Europe because you don't want them intermarrying with white Europeans, and you also want to prohibit that in the U.S, then have the courage to say so and don't try to fly under a false flag.

He is fast to exclude others, but doesn't like to be excluded himself. You would think people would learn compassion and empathy by own example.

Originally Posted by Aberdeen
That's true - I think the average white person looking at a typical Georgian would classify them as being of mixed race. But hopefully Georgians would not be treated differently because of that.

Idiotic remark. Have you even seen a Georgian in your life?

You said Georgians look like mixed race people, so I am asking: show us the photos of real Georgians and tell us exactly which races were mixed to give their appearanece. You don't understand this simple question or are you playing dumb?

Because you are t r o l l i n g!

What albino? what a hell are you talking about? I say every group should preserve their identity, be it European, African or Asian. So stop demagogy now.
I am inclined to believe that you are not Polish, but Russian t r o l l, one of those from hundreds on service of kremlin.

It's not opinion but t r o l l i n g

Where did I say anything about the pigmentation of Georgians in the matters discussed in this thread? Or a race for you is only about the skin color? That primitive Nordicisism can't be taken seriously, that's why i suspect you are t r o l l i n g intentionally

We can say that Kardu is very touchy if it comes to "browning" Georgians. His IP address says Barcelona, so perhaps he got infected with this kind of issues there?

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