Immigration Ban the burka?

OK, this is almost something concrete that we can talk about. Do you have any figures for rates of burka (and/or niqab) wearing in Seine-Saint-Denis? I'm certainly aware that there are places in Paris with high Muslim immigrant populations, but rates of burka wearing are very low throughout France, so I don't suspect any particular location to be an exception to that. In Seine-Saint-Denis, most of the Muslim immigrants are from North Africa, correct? There, the niqab and the burka are much less common than the hijab and al-amira, or even wearing no head covering at all.

By the way, you may want to be careful with nonsense like "If you made it back alive"; it was just recently that a commenter on Fox News was widely ridiculed by actual Parisians for suggesting that some places in Paris are "no-go zones."

I encourage you to go to Paris and do your own research. The comment "If you make it back alive" is far from being nonsense. There are in fact Muslim dominated suburbs of Paris that I was warned not to visit while I was visiting Paris as a tourist. I mentioned Seine-Saint-Denis mainly because I saw a bit of it, enough to make me want to get out of there as fast as possible.
I encourage you to go to Paris and do your own research.

That's quite the rhetorical technique you've used here, to bring up a supposed example of something without offering any evidence, and then telling the person you're debating to go find the evidence themselves!

I'm actually going to Paris this summer to visit in-laws, but I doubt I'll be spending much time in the immigrant communities looking for burkas.

The comment "If you make it back alive" is far from being nonsense. There are in fact Muslim dominated suburbs of Paris that I was warned not to visit while I was visiting Paris as a tourist. I mentioned Seine-Saint-Denis mainly because I saw a bit of it, enough to make me want to get out of there as fast as possible.

Murder rate for Seine-Saint-Denis is 2.38 per 100,000, which is indeed high for France, but lower than almost all major US cities. I've lived in cities with rates of 4.6 and 10.1. Toronto is at 2.0 FWIW.
Bandits and criminals cover their faces, Australia its very disrespectful to start a converstion with someone if your face is covered, Most people in Ausrtralia will never converse with someone who hides their face and the Police will force you to remove your head coverings if you converse with them, be it a bike helmet or Burka or veil or whatever else.
Bandits and criminals cover their faces, Australia its very disrespectful to start a converstion with someone if your face is covered, Most people in Ausrtralia will never converse with someone who hides their face and the Police will force you to remove your head coverings if you converse with them, be it a bike helmet or Burka or veil or whatever else.
Really?! To see what, your bald spots? Or hit you on a head with batons for bad driving?
I'm afraid to ask what kind of experience you had with Australian police. Let's keep it a secret.

Just a joke, couldn't resist the easy target. ;)
By the way, you may want to be careful with nonsense like "If you made it back alive"; it was just recently that a commenter on Fox News was widely ridiculed by actual Parisians for suggesting that some places in Paris are "no-go zones."
I don't know about that Fox News commenter, but I've lived in several major European cities and 'no-go zones' do exist i.e. anyone not belonging to that so-called "community" (especially female) has very high chance to get mugged, beaten or worse.
Yes..give it a little space to islam and islam will take instead ALL of your space.. This religion should be carefully controlled with: speeches in the local language instead of Arab in mosques; faculty to not assume a veiled woman at work if there is a work code of dressing. And or for the simple fact the owner don't want veiled persons.
There is a reason thought for the tradition of veil.. : in the Islamic countries it s terribly hot weather and with high solar irradiance.. The veil serves there to protect from the sun. But unfortunately is forcefully imposed on women
speeches in the local language instead of Arab in mosques

I don't think I've heard this one before. Have bans on Arabic speeches in mosques actually been proposed? What would be the point?
I don't think I've heard this one before. Have bans on Arabic speeches in mosques actually been proposed? What would be the point?
To understand what exactly they are preaching. No secret service has enough Arab-speaking specialists to be able to monitor it all.
To understand what exactly they are preaching. No secret service has enough Arab-speaking specialists to be able to monitor it all.
It is monitored by Bots, computer programs with text or voice recognition. When it notices suspicious words or meaning than it sends it to human officer for farther analyses. In this way government can monitor every conversation. Well, theoretically.
It is monitored by Bots, computer programs with text or voice recognition. When it notices suspicious words or meaning than it sends it to human officer for farther analyses. In this way government can monitor every conversation. Well, theoretically.

Sure, I am aware how this kind of intelligence gathering is tackled.

But lack of speakers of 'exotic' languages is a serious challenge for Western secret services. E,g, see that article

Great quote: "Just look at themI love thattwo women with headscarves and two women without headscarves. Look at how they're free. The just walk past each other, without judging each other, without getting arrested by the morality police. Isn't it beautiful? I want to see this in my own country."

Interesting how it shows women who support the wearing of headscarves, but not the forced wearing of headscarves. Seems like a widespread conviction.
Last week, Chad banned the burkqa in all scenarios within their nation.
Ban it - the burka is NOT religious regardless of what they claim. Nowhere is it mentioned in the Kuran. The hijabi and a shawl, to cover the breasts, is the ONLY thing that is truly religious.

And the other books are merely written by the Prophet's followers to try and integrate his NON-Islamic [for he was an arab with beliefs that existed long before Islam came about - he merely say a weak society to subjugate, try reading the history and/or ask scholars (some actual Islamic will say the same)] beliefs into the religion. As many scholars will tell you, and a number of the older generation higher social standing [thus educated] Muslims will, there are some very glaring differences between the Muslim culture and the Islamic religion.

Problem is, most "outsiders" know nothing about this break and so they take advantage of blatant non-Islamic / non-Muslim ignorance.
Ban it - the burka is NOT religious regardless of what they claim. Nowhere is it mentioned in the Kuran. The hijabi and a shawl, to cover the breasts, is the ONLY thing that is truly religious.

And the other books are merely written by the Prophet's followers to try and integrate his NON-Islamic [for he was an arab with beliefs that existed long before Islam came about - he merely say a weak society to subjugate, try reading the history and/or ask scholars (some actual Islamic will say the same)] beliefs into the religion. As many scholars will tell you, and a number of the older generation higher social standing [thus educated] Muslims will, there are some very glaring differences between the Muslim culture and the Islamic religion.

Problem is, most "outsiders" know nothing about this break and so they take advantage of blatant non-Islamic / non-Muslim ignorance.

Anything that hides one's person's sex should be banned
No, that human disgrace,plus gays,lesbians have more and better rights than Muslims in Europe.

Gays and homos have freedom even to commit sexual abuse to straight men !

religions should not have any rights, they should all conform to the government so the Government can treat all people regardless of which religion equality.

Why do the Moslems want to enforce their way to make a division in society? This division is against the principles of government. I do not see the hindus insisting on their religion or buddists .......why are moslems ............actually sunni moslems so morally corrupt ............the shia moslems do not do these things

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