Is Turkey a Western country ?

How Albania's Religious Mix Offers an Example for the Rest of the World


Albanians have traditionally counted about 35 percent Sunnis, 35 percent Bektashis, 20 percent Albanian Orthodox and 10 percent Catholics. Today the Albanian religious panorama has expanded to include Baha'is, Evangelical Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons, among others.

Yad Vashem, the aptly titled Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Israel, recognizes 69 Albanians as "Righteous Among Nations." Documentary research and interviews in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia by me and others, nevertheless, suggests that the number of rescuers of Jews included many more, drawn from Sunni, Bektashi, Catholic and Orthodox clergy and families. The small Albanian nation could not prevent the Holocaust elsewhere in Europe, but they did so on their own territory.

About 95% Kosovo and ex Macedonia Albanians are Muslims.

About 70% Albanians in Albania are Muslims.

Orthodox Albanians (20% in Albania) are mostly assimilated Armanji (Aromanians) and Epirotes people.

Albanians once were mostly Roman Catholics, Albanians are only nation in the world who converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam.

If we consider all Albanians in the Balkans, about 90% Albanians are Muslims, and among them by far the most Sunni Muslims.
For sure kosova is not Turkey, you and Erdogan know this well. It will never be. Erdogan was a guest, and no-one can force a guest about the stuff he want to say. National hero of the Albanians is Gjergj Kastrioti. No one forced the Albanians making him a national hero.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan when he was Turkish Prime Minister, made speech in front of the highest Albanian officials (including Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania) and numerous assembled people in Kosovo, and for his words "Kosovo is Turkey" etc. he got frenetic applause from Albanian officials and public.
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I don't see anything wrong in the statements of erdo,while the Muslim peoples of the Balkans and the Turkish people are happy and satisfied of this historic alliance and brotherhood,no doubt they are,is what matters,these people do not care about the opinion of Serbia or EU,moreover, the Muslim religion also suggests that the relationship between the Muslim peoples (Muslims) to be strong and there is a union between Muslims,you are not Muslim, so it misses you.

Of course you are right. Your logic is correct and natural. Muslims will always strive Caliphate as it is at the root of religion of Islam.

I'm not against Union of Muslims if Muslims want it (and who asks me). It is possible that modern Muslim Caliphate is aspiration Muslim people all over the world.

But some country cannot be in the same time the member of two different unions. Every community has own standards and rules, it is not possible that one country is member of European Community and in same time member of Muslim Caliphate Community.
You come to these sites to read something worthwhile, and all you find are schizophrenic conspiracy rantings about caliphates.
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But you still do not see the issue, the albanians put their religion before their ethnicity or their nationality
Where did you noticed such thing?[emoji47] . Can you elaborate more. Their national hero is Gjergj Kastrioti. Mainly he fought against the ottomans. But he fought some battles against the Venetians and the Serbs too. What this mean to you? Albanians did the right choice, they separated the two, ,the religion and the ethnicity. This didn't happened on the Greeks and the the others. A Muslim Albanian feel more close to a Christian Albanian rather than to a Muslim Turk and Arab. There is not a cultural difference between Albanians.
Piro already said that "they are divided in 4-5 different religions." and he is right so I don't know where you get this idea.:unsure:

If you were right, there would be strong separatist Albanian Catholic movement. Piro, is there any thing like that?
Yes, you are right. Albanians are aware that the conservative religion might destroy their nation. Albanians mostly are liberal in their way of belief. Today in Albania, mostly in Tirana is a large community of protestant Albanians either . Today the prime minister of Albania is a Christian. The leader of parliament, and the president are Muslims . This mean a lot. Albanians are proud for their brotherhood on the religion issue. The way each one of us choose to believe into our Creator is too personal. A man who don't love his country and his family, will never love the God either.
About 95% Kosovo and ex Macedonia Albanians are Muslims.

About 70% Albanians in Albania are Muslims.

Orthodox Albanians (20% in Albania) are mostly assimilated Armanji (Aromanians) and Epirotes people.

Albanians once were mostly Roman Catholics, Albanians are only nation in the world who converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam.

If we consider all Albanians in the Balkans, about 90% Albanians are Muslims, and among them by far the most Sunni Muslims.
If you count the native Albanians on north West Greece the number of the Albanian orthodox is more than 20% probably. The number of the aromani today is very small. As for the Greek minority there are some few villages. The number of those two minorities is insignificant on the percentages which we are talking
Recep Tayyip Erdogan when he was Turkish Prime Minister, made speech in front of the highest Albanian officials (including Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania) and numerous assembled people in Kosovo, and for his words "Kosovo is Turkey" etc. he got frenetic applause from Albanian officials and public.
No you again are wrong here. You read only Serb sources probably.
No one applause him by the officials of the Kosova and Albania. Many Albanians dyed in the last war on Kosova, they didn't dyed to replace one invader to another invader. The public which applauded Erdogan, were the Turkish minority. Nothing wrong in this
Of course you are right. Your logic is correct and natural. Muslims will always strive Caliphate as it is at the root of religion of Islam.

I'm not against Union of Muslims if Muslims want it (and who asks me). It is possible that modern Muslim Caliphate is aspiration Muslim people all over the world.

But some country cannot be in the same time the member of two different unions. Every community has own standards and rules, it is not possible that one country is member of European Community and in same time member of Muslim Caliphate Community.
Turkey is a NATO member, likewise Albania. Serbia is not a NATO member for sure. And there is a reason for this, you know well. Albanians for sure don't want to be the part of any caliphate. Enough with this, because no one in Europe is gonna believe this story. On Albanian population are trusted polls, who tell us the real perspective trend of the Albanians. NATO, EU.
No you again are wrong here. You read only Serb sources probably.
No one applause him by the officials of the Kosova and Albania. Many Albanians dyed in the last war on Kosova, they didn't dyed to replace one invader to another invader. The public which applauded Erdogan, were the Turkish minority. Nothing wrong in this

I read Serbian sources very few.

A lot has been written about it in media and Internet including Albanian sources and there were video clips which Albanians set.

Albanians are massively welcomed Erdogan, members of Turkish minority are irrelevant.

Several pictures (not Serbian sources):



No you again are wrong here. You read only Serb sources probably.
No one applause him by the officials of the Kosova and Albania. Many Albanians dyed in the last war on Kosova, they didn't dyed to replace one invader to another invader. The public which applauded Erdogan, were the Turkish minority. Nothing wrong in this

LoL, dude get straight, Albanians are invaders on Kosovo. We here on Balkan, know you're going for Green Corridor, and your stories about alleged religious paradise don't have any importance, because we nkow your goals. Turkey is onto what it had a century ago.


And Erdogan doesn't restrain from saying it:
You come to these sites to read something worthwhile, and all you find are schizophrenic conspiracy rantings about caliphates.

You can see Muslim interlocutor speaks about the Islamic union and that is caliphate.

Nothing wrong with this sort of dialog, moreover something can be learned, it is worthwhile to read, and I personally think dialog with Muslims is necessity.

Caliphate is the aspiration of many Muslims around the world, Muslims are 1/4 of World population, it is impossible to ignore.

About caliphate there are a lot of sources, Islamic and nonIslamic, but here I will give only one illustration:

One Catholic Christian wants know about caliphate and he gets a response by Muslim scholar:

"The idea of khilafah is therefore a natural outcome of the fundamental concept of the unity of life, which relates to the oneness of God. That is to say, Islam does not allow a separation between religion and state, as it strives to attain a unity between belief and practice, between individual ethics and social ethics, between religion and life."

"The Muslims should turn to divine guidance for a way out, and we see in the Qur’an and the Sunnah clear guidelines: the unity of the Muslim Ummah can be achieved by a single leadership for Muslims in the spiritual as well as the mundane spheres. Such a leadership is called the caliphate.

"Given the present predicaments of Muslims the world over, one may think that the Islamic caliphate is too idealistic to be realized here and now. Yet there are hope of and scope for its restoration, maybe in a yet unforeseen form, but serving its chief objectives in the future. "
You can see Muslim interlocutor speaks about the Islamic union and that is caliphate.

Nothing wrong with this sort of dialog, moreover something can be learned, it is worthwhile to read, and I personally think dialog with Muslims is necessity.

Caliphate is the aspiration of many Muslims around the world, Muslims are 1/4 of World population, it is impossible to ignore.

About caliphate there are a lot of sources, Islamic and nonIslamic, but here I will give only one illustration:

One Catholic Christian wants know about caliphate and he gets a response by Muslim scholar:

"The idea of khilafah is therefore a natural outcome of the fundamental concept of the unity of life, which relates to the oneness of God. That is to say, Islam does not allow a separation between religion and state, as it strives to attain a unity between belief and practice, between individual ethics and social ethics, between religion and life."

"The Muslims should turn to divine guidance for a way out, and we see in the Qur’an and the Sunnah clear guidelines: the unity of the Muslim Ummah can be achieved by a single leadership for Muslims in the spiritual as well as the mundane spheres. Such a leadership is called the caliphate.

"Given the present predicaments of Muslims the world over, one may think that the Islamic caliphate is too idealistic to be realized here and now. Yet there are hope of and scope for its restoration, maybe in a yet unforeseen form, but serving its chief objectives in the future. "

Turks even though are not the most advanced people in the world are a lot better to be present in the Balkans than Russians.
Russians have that primitive, aggressive, violent culture that is good for no one.
Hopefully US works hard enough to weaken those primitive peasants so they no longer are a threat to indigenous people of the Balkans.
Of course you are right. Your logic is correct and natural. Muslims will always strive Caliphate as it is at the root of religion of Islam.

I'm not against Union of Muslims if Muslims want it (and who asks me). It is possible that modern Muslim Caliphate is aspiration Muslim people all over the world.

But some country cannot be in the same time the member of two different unions. Every community has own standards and rules, it is not possible that one country is member of European Community and in same time member of Muslim Caliphate Community.

We must also not forget that the EU is a racist organization, a sort of Christian caliphate, of course racist, where it rejects everything that is not Christian, the Catholic Church has much to do in this organization, the Jews and Israel have a special treaty by the EU, ''the enemy of your enemy is your friend''.

I have more to say, but I do not feel like talking today,will be useless on this matter.
We must also not forget that the EU is a racist organization, a sort of Christian caliphate, of course racist, where it rejects everything that is not Christian, the Catholic Church has much to do in this organization, the Jews and Israel have a special treaty by the EU, ''the enemy of your enemy is your friend''.

I have more to say, but I do not feel like talking today,will be useless on this matter.

Give us example(s) EU benefiting Christian organizations. Explain how EU is racist. Feel free to point any racist laws. Otherwise your accusations are just piles of garbage.
I can understand criticizing certain aspects of different religions, but you're going too far. Have some self constraint, and stop acting high and mighty. Turks are people just like you and everyone else, and it's hypocritical since you as someone from Serbia/Balkans share a lot of your DNA with them.
Give us example(s) EU benefiting Christian organizations. Explain how EU is racist. Feel free to point any racist laws. Otherwise your accusations are just piles of garbage.

I wouldn't use that much strong language but

Rejecting Morocco, and accepting Greek Cyprus is an example. Both country don't have land in Europe.

''What indigenous Balkan people are threatened by Russians? Thracians, Aromanians, Greeks?
I'd see zombies here rather than Turks. We should have never let them step in Europe in the first place....''

What a shitty forum is that? How do they allow this neo-nazi brains?
I wouldn't use that much strong language but

Rejecting Morocco, and accepting Greek Cyprus is an example. Both country don't have land in Europe.

''What indigenous Balkan people are threatened by Russians? Thracians, Aromanians, Greeks?
I'd see zombies here rather than Turks. We should have never let them step in Europe in the first place....''

What a shitty forum is that? How do they allow this neo-nazi brains?

is the 3rd Biggest country in area,and soon the second
Russia Germany Turkey,
Turkey's 2nd biggest city after Con/polis is Berlin,
Turks are the biggests minority in EU,
second/third in Deutschland Netherlands Austria France Belgium

Turkey is 2nd biggest military power in NATO after USA
Turkey is in G20,
TUrkey has or is the leader of an alliance with Azerbaitzan and many ex-Soviet states like Turkmenistan Tatzik Chechen Uzbek,
All ex Soviet states except GEORGIA when USSr collapse turn either to EU either to Turkey either with Russia like Belarus

what Turkey needs are leaders to push more reforms, or change of mind
same things we also need in Greece

and about Cyprus, it was a British colony
I wouldn't use that much strong language but

Rejecting Morocco, and accepting Greek Cyprus is an example. Both country don't have land in Europe.
Who, Greeks?
I can understand criticizing certain aspects of different religions, but you're going too far. Have some self constraint, and stop acting high and mighty. Turks are people just like you and everyone else, and it's hypocritical since you as someone from Serbia/Balkans share a lot of your DNA with them.

Exactly. Just 300 years ago, most of them didn't even speak Turkish. If there wasn't for Soviets, this would be Turkey today.

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