Politics Balkanian disagreements.

I don't blame you people who react like this , because i think words have an impact on the brain/thinking = identity , from our name Arbar the greeks made bArbar 'barbarian' , from this word and the greek method to change B to V we have the tosk Albanian word Verber which means 'blind' , in German we find this word as verboten from Old High German farboten and in English forbidden , the two roots of this word are ArbAt meaning the true identity ethnicity DNA blood forefathers Arbanian.
He is worse. I think he needs to take his pills lol

I think he is a serb. There are serbs in Kosova who can speak perfectly albanian. His goal is to discredit Albanians. Shkja ore te qiva tëtëmë.
I think he is a serb. There are serbs in Kosova who can speak perfectly albanian. His goal is to discredit Albanians. Shkja ore te qiva tëtëmë.

Ok you again insult me , and i don't insult you back , i don't even care , because i insult myself , i'm an fat idiot, here you have it ,are you happy now , i do this because i don't want pride , i don't want to become arrogant , but you still didn't tell me my mistake , come on correct me teach me , maybe i learn and i accept and i apologize and i take back everything i said.
We are still talking about the interaction or war of E vs J/T , we said that the E ppl made Egypt and it was taken away from them by force , and since than the war never ended , the battle of Kadesh is just one battle among thousands , in that battled in our side fought many or majority of our tribes one of them the Drdny/Dard/Tart and it was all led by the Hati/Hoti , at that time a group or tribe of the Ar ppl were called Ardi , and apparently a part of them became mercenaries of the enemy and were called Shardan/Sardi , S means not in Arb tongue Ardi=Sardi , they most likely stayed there and in the middle ages were called Saracen meaning the once Ar who turned Sar or as i said before this name could mean the Arabs !? .Meanwhile the Israelites go to Egypt and the time of Moses comes when Egypt was ultra obsessed with magic , things happen and the Israelites are led By The Guidance Of God out of egypt , the pharaoh dies in the sea with most likely majority of the male population of his nation , the Israelites go to mount Sinai and Moses peace be upon Him goes to receive the Laws , while Moses is up the mountain some Israelites want to be like their enemy and build a golden calf/bull like this one.
when Moses comes back we know what happened , now we can clearly assume that this group of Israelites split from the believers , but what happened to them .
At some point in history in south Arba peninsula in Argos a people turn up and they are called Danoi(tribeofDan) they say they have no land which in Arb tongue means Tokscan , they ask our king Pelasg if they could stay and he unfortunately says yes.
these ppl had many Daughters which were called Danaides (the widows of pharaohs dead army) , in Arb women is Gra , Ec means to walk travel , Graeci means 'those who walk/travel(ed) with many women' , after many years and most likely the reason of the Troyan war the Dorians(Tarian) from the north invade the now Achaeans.
remember not all ppl were Achaean just the rulers most likely , and the Dorians slaughtered them , in Arb tongue 'crush shatter scatter' is Shparta(lloj) = Sparta , they flee to south Italy and form magna graecia
in that land were Arb ppl and these graeci start to conquer of buy off small tribes / mercenary warfare till they reach Rome who was ruled by Arban/Troyan/Dardan/Tartan ppl.
They hate us but they cant function without us , so they forge an 'alliance' with these Arbani and make the Roman empire who killed raped enslaved assimilated used massacred burned down everything Arbanian , and this is how they looked like .
And they don't hide that much , a little bit yes but not that much , this is the etymological explanation of the name Europe , in Arb 'rop' means to rip apart , u rop means it was ripped , but when we curse someones family we say 'uh ropt' meaning raping his family.But by whom was Europa raped.
By the calf/bull people .
In culture we see that there are ppl that know this , thats why they mention this in movies or in this case cArtoon , remember 1st Egypt was/is magician 2nd some Jews joined Egypt 3rd the Egyptians fled to Argos/Arbland , this is the hat of the Arb ppl.
And these are the Smurfs .
Gar means Gear , load up in Arb is NGar , the animal which was used the most for this is the donkey in Arb maGar , ma means to hold it holds , and the name of the magician(egypt) in the Smurfs is gargamel Gar-gamel/kamel , because they Geared up in camels and went to Argos/Arland .
And we know that God is the Most Just , so why did this happened to us , what did we do wrong .In Arabic tongue Nas means people/humans and Ar is our name .

Quran 005:014
And from those who said, indeed we are ‘nasara’, We took their covenant; but they forgot a part of what they were reminded of it. So we aroused between them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection…
You most likely new all this things that i'm saying , you heard it before , what you must do is to put things in their order , in our tongue a cabinet (a cupboard with drawers or shelves for storing or displaying articles) is called Regall this word comes from Rregull which means regulation , Re means new G (ge/gjej) means to find L meant to Let Leave them there , so Regull means to Reorder and Leave them like that , in order to do this man must Meditate think hard about this until he figures it out .
Yeah, I know it was a mistake, but it was funny as hell :)

They used that term long before Romei:

The modern English noun Greek (Grecas or Crecas) is derived from the Latin Graeci, which in turn originates from Ancient Greek Γραικός (Graikos). It seems that the word is related with the Greek word γέρων geron, "old man" (from the PIE base *ǵerh2-, "to grow old") via Proto-Greek *gera-, "old age"—also related to Mycenean Greek kera /geras/, "gift of honour". The Germanic languages borrowed the name with an initial k sound, which was probably their initial sound closest to the Latin g (Goth. Kreks).

Aristotle used the term Graikos related with Hellenes (Meteorologica I xiv) and claimed that it was the name originally used by the Illyrians for the Dorians in Epirus from Graii native name of the people of Epirus. He places Ancient Hellas in the region of Achelousiver around Dodona where in his opinion the great deluge of Deucalion must have occurred.

He is talking about your Albanian ancestors also. Read some history, before making this wild claims about terminology.
I never made any wild claim. Where did you saw that [emoji45]? I said that the word Greek was a word that the ancient hellenes were called by foreigners . It was still used during the late Roman-Byzantine times by foreigners, not by Greeks themselves. During the iron age they used for themselves the word "Helen" and "Hellas" . Do you know what was magnia graecia in south Italy? ! The word "Greece" it's used only after the Greek independence. This fact it's well-known.
And we know that God is the Most Just , so why did this happened to us , what did we do wrong .In Arabic tongue Nas means people/humans and Ar is our name .

Quran 005:014
And from those who said, indeed we are ‘nasara’, We took their covenant; but they forgot a part of what they were reminded of it. So we aroused between them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection…

Many people are not interested in Either the Jewish Torah the Quran or the Bible. You people keep quoting what suites you best. There are many offensive passages in what you call the holy books and many people consider them as totally fictional and MAN made. It really has nothing to do with E-V13. You are totally out of subject. Please have ethics and if you want to discuss religion do it in the appropriate threads.

(I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it). (Albert Einstein, 1954)
zu viel träumen. Too much dreaming....and again out of subject - no connection with the origins of E-V13
Maleth, please do not take seriously this man, he is not Albanian. He is a serb who want to discredit Albanians.
Maleth, please do not take seriously this man, he is not Albanian. He is a serb who want to discredit Albanians.

He is not Serb.

He is Albanian.

You can bicker and disagree but it is incorrectly to insult national identity.
how much of Albanian language or should I say Tosk , has words of german origin?

Besser lass uns mal nachsehen ob es Arbanische influenc im Deutschen gibt , the name Deut which the Germans call themselves comes from Teuton , we know from Deut that the name was Deuton not with a T but with a D , and in Arbanian tongue D(h)eut ton means from our earth/land , where the Teutons lived the name of the region was called Baltic and their cultural name was Prussian , the Baltic region in up north and its not a Mediterranean region meaning there is not much sun but there is water and of course earth/clay , so a region up north without much sun and with much water combine these elements and you have MUD , in Arbanian Tosk the word for mud is Balt , Ba means made L in this case means Liquid Lagt Lloq , T means Tok/earTh a flaT ground , Ba-L-T means 'a muddy land' , Riga we say to the 'drop of rain' , about the Prussi some time ago i read online about an Illyrian tribe or group of ppl that were specialist in metallurgy and the Romans used them to work the metal for their needs , sadly i can't find that text anymore about those Illyrian Prussi but interesting enough the name/word Pruss in Arbanian means Ember ' a small piece of burning or glowing coal or wood in a dying fire' , this is how they worked metal in times of old , so Pruss means those who work with ember and/or blacksmiths , and we all know how much of specialists in metallurgy the Germans as a whole are .[FONT=arial, sans-serif-light, sans-serif]
[/FONT] We talked about the Ger word for father ,vAter how it is from Arb At but are there any other 'important' words , another one is the word for brother and it comes from Arbanian Br which means 'made' and At father ,Br-At means made from my father = Brother, this word is in many languages like German BR-UDer Sllavic BR-AT Danish BR-ODer Dutch BR-o-EDer Irish bráthair etc and i'm jealous because we lost this word , in today Arb the word for Brother is Vlla , it is a corruption of Brat , by the Greek method the B is changed to V = Brat-Vrat , but Vra means to kill in Arb and thats where the English word Wrath comes from ,it means 'killing spree' , so Vra could not fit and this is where the Latin(greek) method comes in to turn R into L like Arb/Alb , and we have from Brat - Vrat - Vlla the T drops .
Another word in Germanic is Ehre from Old High German ēra which means honor , in Arb the word for honor is a philosophy , the Arb word for Wind is ER , the word for honor is NER , N means 'in' , so meaning when you have honor you FLY , your name flies , so the Germans lost the N but kept the ER = wind , and when you listen to the Eng word Honor it spells/sounds O Ner , also the word manners is from Arb 'man-ner' which means 'it holds honor' in German Manieren 'Ma Nier' in French manières Arb Maner .
So this is why you find E-v13's in Germany , since the Juliai were Arbans of Rome and Cesar gave the name to Germany i say it comes from Arb Ger/Gjer Man which means 'holds wide' not long but wide , they hold a wide land north of us .
zu viel träumen. Too much dreaming....and again out of subject - no connection with the origins of E-V13

At least his name was Albert , Alb means Arb , Ert could be the German word for honor Ehre Ert meaning its an honor to be Arb = Alb-ert , but if it is from Arbanian tongue than it means Arberrt , Errt means dark , Albert = Darker Arbs , those who went to the Levant and all Mesopotamia and became Darker because of mixing , but their paternal line is still Arb , but i'm not sure about this , maybe i'm wrong.Also the name Albrecht makes me think !!!
And what was his DNA again , i forgot .
Sile i forgot about the Runes , in Arbanian tongue Rune means 'protect it' , this IT means most likely that Knowledge .And in all these places where we find this Arb influence we find also their graves , the Tumul https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumulus Tum Ul means 'while setting/placing ME down'.

For-g-Ot (Far-Gen-At) hehehe ah nanen shkive
Maleth, please do not take seriously this man, he is not Albanian. He is a serb who want to discredit Albanians.

what evidence do you have ?

Is it because he states things which are different to you?
At least his name was Albert , Alb means Arb , Ert could be the German word for honor Ehre Ert meaning its an honor to be Arb = Alb-ert , but if it is from Arbanian tongue than it means Arberrt , Errt means dark , Albert = Darker Arbs , those who went to the Levant and all Mesopotamia and became Darker because of mixing , but their paternal line is still Arb , but i'm not sure about this , maybe i'm wrong.Also the name Albrecht makes me think !!!
And what was his DNA again , i forgot .

Please stop this nonsense, it can be extremely annoying. You are hijacking a thread about the origins of E-V13.
Meaning & History
From the Germanic name Adalbert, which was composed of the elementsadal "noble" and beraht "bright". This name was common among medieval German royalty. The Normans introduced it to England, where it replaced the Old EnglishcognateÆðelberht. Though it became rare in England by the 17th century, it was repopularized in the 19th century by the German-born Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria.


try to remember all the other people named Albert and what their dna is? :rolleyes:
Maleth, please do not take seriously this man, he is not Albanian. He is a serb who want to discredit Albanians.

I sense some weird obsession it can be genuine, maybe its not. But its unfair that a thread is hijacked in this manner with no contribution or connection to the subject whatsoever.

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