Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

Pick a president.

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Ted Cruz

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Marco Rubio

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 24 45.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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No he called for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until the country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. with official papers or without.

How can you ban a religion ?
That's the way, patriotic and shallow, to address crowds to get them excited and for it. The way of Trump addressing his crowd. It doesn't matter that this is not workable, discriminatory and probably unconstitutional, not feasible, and never will be introduced in real life. What is practical for Trump is to reduce quota or make the process longer and complicated, leading to reduced number of Muslim immigrants, or immigrants from Muslim countries.
If you want to immigrate, immigrate as a Christian. ;) Atheists are not treated much better in US than Muslims. You can't win an election without saying "God bless".
don't read the link if you don't want
and believe whatever you want

very smart of you
I'm limiting my exposure to propaganda and rigged media. ;)

I know, tons of journalists were very partial in this election pro Hillary. It was very obvious.

PS: Generally, because they are mostly good and smart people, not like Trump supporters. :D
When Trump said "we are going to build a wall", it was just a metaphor for "we will strengthen our border control and improve screening for illegal immigrants". Did people actually interpret that literally and think that Trump was going to build a real wall? :unsure:

Aaaaaah, now I got it. He is a real politician, all metaphors and written in sand.
It was business men who caused globalisation and the creation of post-industrial rustbelts.
The jobs move with global market and in face of new technologies. Sooner or later we all lose certain jobs and get new jobs. The only solution is to make sure that the people who are affected by the changes will receive help from society. Unemployment benefits are part of the help, but it is a short solution, and in severely depressed regions, like parts of USA, it is not enough. Especially when we are talking about mostly physical workers with limited mobility. I think they should be encouraged to move where jobs are, help to find a job, pay for moving expenses and support during training. They wouldn't feel like forgotten by elite and country. As with everything, the initial investment might be big, but final result is a well off citizen and prosperous taxpayer.

We have to look at it as investing in infrastructure. In this case in social infrastructure. The social "highways" and social "bridges".
When Trump said "we are going to build a wall", it was just a metaphor for "we will strengthen our border control and improve screening for illegal immigrants". Did people actually interpret that literally and think that Trump was going to build a real wall? :unsure:



Yep, George W Bush already made a fence a decade ago. I was expecting Trump to build another Great Wall of China or Hadrian's wall that will cost a wad of cash and Mexico pays for it, guess Trump will be more merciful.

The jobs move with global market and in face of new technologies. Sooner or later we all lose certain jobs and get new jobs. The only solution is to make sure that the people who are affected by the changes will receive help from society. Unemployment benefits are part of the help, but it is a short solution, and in severely depressed regions, like parts of USA, it is not enough. Especially when we are talking about mostly physical workers with limited mobility. I think they should be encouraged to move where jobs are, help to find a job, pay for moving expenses and support during training. They wouldn't feel like forgotten by elite and country. As with everything, the initial investment might be big, but final result is a well off citizen and prosperous taxpayer.

We have to look at it as investing in infrastructure. In this case in social infrastructure. The social "highways" and social "bridges".

Mobility is becoming very hard! To move from one place to another you have to be able to sell the house. If the region you have to move from is economically depressed no one wants to by your house and probably you have a mortgage to pay on it. The way I see it USA has to stop legal immigration since every year 1 million people come to the country. So the jobs created go to the resident's and unemployment softens. Also a Canadian form of healthcare would be a huge help.
Latest news from Trump: There won't be a wall but a fence.

What is wrong with a fence? Do you not have one in front of your home. There are already a lot of poor people and elderly people who are not getting enough help from the government. Illegal immigrants is a big worry for any country. I am a legal immigrant, for me it is unfair that my parents work like a horse ( yep like those portrayed in animal farm) all their lives for us to have what we have today and people can just come in for free. Moreover some of those people are terrorist or people who do other harmful things to the society once they got in.
When Trump said "we are going to build a wall", it was just a metaphor for "we will strengthen our border control and improve screening for illegal immigrants". Did people actually interpret that literally and think that Trump was going to build a real wall? :unsure:



He actually can build a lot of miles of it. He has the support of GOP. Some say 25 billions of dollars is needed. For USA is not that much. Anything lees than that is an unfinished wall. If he doesn't build it Mexican mamacitas will cross the border and deliver 500 000 babies a year, with a cost of at least 25000 dollars a baby a year is a lot cheaper building the wall than becoming Mexico's incubator.
What is wrong with a fence?
There is already a fence:

The problem is that it doesn't work well. Do you want more of a thing which doesn't work?

Do you not have one in front of your home. There are already a lot of poor people and elderly people who are not getting enough help from the government. Illegal immigrants is a big worry for any country. I am a legal immigrant, for me it is unfair that my parents work like a horse ( yep like those portrayed in animal farm) all their lives for us to have what we have today and
I was never in favor of illegal immigrants. I'm not sure where you got that from? I just ridicule Trump's ideas. In this case build a huge wall and make Mexico pay for it.

people can just come in for free.
Legal immigrants not only come for free but also receive government help to kick start their life, learning new skills and language. It's good and it builds prosperous and inclusive country. I came to Canada legally, I was helped and treated like equal and at home by every Canadian from day one. For that I love Canada, I'm successful, I pay taxes, and I could sacrifice my life defending Canada and my freedoms.
Could you do the same for France?
He actually can build a lot of miles of it. He has the support of GOP. Some say 25 billions of dollars is needed. For USA is not that much. Anything lees than that is an unfinished wall. If he doesn't build it Mexican mamacitas will cross the border and deliver 500 000 babies a year, with a cost of at least 25000 dollars a baby a year is a lot cheaper building the wall than becoming Mexico's incubator.
It doesn't address the main problem and for that reason it will be unsuccessful. The main problem is poverty in Mexico. Poor Mexicans are coming even to make 5 bucks an hour, because it is way more what they can earn in Mexico. The true solution for US is to help Mexico's economy. Even if Mexico catches up to half level of american hourly wages, this is enough to stop this grand migration. Nobody would risk life and indignation anymore for few more dollars.
Mexico did pretty good progress in last decades when it opened its economy to the world. Another couple of decades of good investments, reforms and job growth in Mexico and the illegal immigration problem should be solved. Otherwise, you can spend billions on a big wall, but poor Mexican will find new ways to slip in. Because hungry and desperate people will do anything to get in. They will dig tunnels under the wall, they will be smuggled in trucks, they will come on thousands of boats like illegals from Africa to Europe.
It doesn't address the main problem and for that reason it will be unsuccessful. The main problem is poverty in Mexico. Poor Mexicans are coming even to make 5 bucks an hour, because it is way more what they can earn in Mexico. The true solution for US is to help Mexico's economy. Even if Mexico catches up to half level of american hourly wages, this is enough to stop this grand migration. Nobody would risk life and indignation anymore for few more dollars.
Mexico did pretty good progress in last decades when it opened its economy to the world. Another couple of decades of good investments, reforms and job growth in Mexico and the illegal immigration problem should be solved. Otherwise, you can spend billions on a big wall, but poor Mexican will find new ways to slip in. Because hungry and desperate people will do anything to get in. They will dig tunnels under the wall, they will be smuggled in trucks, they will come on thousands of boats like illegals from Africa to Europe.

I posted this on Facebook the day after the election and got a lot of likes here so I thought I may show the idea here. :)

For any American wishing to move to Canada, why not immigrate to Mexico instead? Perhaps we can start a business in Mexico and hire some of the locals So they don't get pushed to illegal trafficking.
Yes I suppose a cartel and lack of competition would be an issue in the short term but but in the long term businesses can create competing companies by creating friendly Competitions between friends.
Nice idea Twilight! Those who would've jumped the fence for a low paying job would have less of a reason to do so, and LeBrok had a similar idea.

There is a wall already, what? Shall we make it taller or add turrets and cameras making it into a giant death bot?
Nice idea Twilight! Those who would've jumped the fence for a low paying job would have less of a reason to do so, and LeBrok had a similar idea.

There is a wall already, what? Shall we make it taller or add turrets and cameras making it into a giant death bot?

Thanks :). Yep in 2006 President Bush signed the Secure Fence act that is currently acting as a wall between Mexico and the U.S.

There is already a fence:

The problem is that it doesn't work well. Do you want more of a thing which doesn't work?

So if you torn down that fence would it work better? Even though fences are made to help keep people's homes secure, some folks still can get robbed, but does it mean that they should just stop making fences? I think that fence needs some sort of security alarm. Actually they could even just cut the wires off, I see this as a employment opportunities for people wanting a job as guards. Anyway that fence is not tall enough and they never finished constructing it.

I was never in favor of illegal immigrants. I'm not sure where you got that from? I just ridicule Trump's ideas. In this case build a huge wall and make Mexico pay for it.

I never said that you were, but like I said earlier on I do not have time to read ALL the posts, I got two jobs and I am married so I still got to do home duties for my husband. I was just explaining myself in here that I do not think it is fair that illegal immigrants get in like this without control, especially that some of those are just coming in the country to make trouble.

Legal immigrants not only come for free but also receive government help to kick start their life, learning new skills and language. It's good and it builds prosperous and inclusive country. I came to Canada legally, I was helped and treated like equal and at home by every Canadian from day one. For that I love Canada, I'm successful, I pay taxes, and I could sacrifice my life defending Canada and my freedoms.
Could you do the same for France?

Well, this is because you are white so they let you in freely. I got a lot of ex British colleagues back in Australia who just moved to Australia like that without any immigration fees applied. However, things have changed in the recently years, now they also have to pay a large sum of visa fees and go through tests like Asian people since the white Australian policy no longer exists. I immigrated to Australia with my parents when I was a child and my parents paid a huge sum of money under the condition of business immigration to get in. Asian people who suffered ethnic discrimination come into better off countries through this way, not the way you come into Canada. A lot of Australians themselves don't even know this, many think ALL Asians are refugees. Of course there are also those who did it through skilled immigration ( those cost money too but less expensive than business immigration), and lastly of course there are those refugees. Unlike refugees we are seen as people who can managed on our own, they did not offer many of the things they have been offering to refugees to help us adapt to the new host country. This is why refugees speak better English than business immigrant background people after a couple years of living in Australia. They even get jobs quicker, especially those who look more like white.

Many Asian immigrants who are not refugees suffered job discrimination when they seek work. Some have to wait up to 5 to 6 years before they found a job. You may wonder how do people get money to survive? Their businesses back in Asia( depends where they are from) continue to send money to keep they alive until they found a job. So since the money value is not the same, some of these immigrants children's parents have worked and sacrificed their lives for the better future of their children.

So, how is that justified?

Of course not all can do this, some have temporarily settled for a lower paid working class job until they find a better job.

Thanks to my background I am right wing, however having said that I do have a few refugees background indo Chinese friends who work hard and achieved well in their careers, and I got no problem with them. Of course in terms of political point of view we will always have our differences. That is that.

I live in France because of my marriage to a Frenchman. I have lived in this country for over 10 years. I do go back to Australia from time to time. I do work and contribute to the economy, so even though I did not pay any fees to come in because this is through marriage, it is perfectly legal.

France is a sexist country, the income disparities between women and men are very large, larger than Australia. So unfortunately I can't contribute as much as you because I am a woman, companies don't hire women for high paid jobs. Most women work in administration departments or they do teaching or nursing jobs, just like me...

Europeans also can move in and out of other European countries without visa constraints, they often do not understand the constraints of an Asian person in this because they do not suffer the same form of discrimination.
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It doesn't address the main problem and for that reason it will be unsuccessful. The main problem is poverty in Mexico. Poor Mexicans are coming even to make 5 bucks an hour, because it is way more what they can earn in Mexico. The true solution for US is to help Mexico's economy. Even if Mexico catches up to half level of american hourly wages, this is enough to stop this grand migration. Nobody would risk life and indignation anymore for few more dollars.
Mexico did pretty good progress in last decades when it opened its economy to the world. Another couple of decades of good investments, reforms and job growth in Mexico and the illegal immigration problem should be solved. Otherwise, you can spend billions on a big wall, but poor Mexican will find new ways to slip in. Because hungry and desperate people will do anything to get in. They will dig tunnels under the wall, they will be smuggled in trucks, they will come on thousands of boats like illegals from Africa to Europe.

Yes, US should help Mexico to devellop.
But first Mexicans themselves should erradicate corruption inside Mexico, otherwise it is no use.
As long as there is corruption, criminality will persist and financial aid will be diverted to the wrong people.
It is the same as in so many other countries.
I'm limiting my exposure to propaganda and rigged media. ;)

I know, tons of journalists were very partial in this election pro Hillary. It was very obvious.

PS: Generally, because they are mostly good and smart people, not like Trump supporters. :D

Instead of blaiming the voters for stupidty, try to figure out why Trump was so succesful.
I don't have ready answers, but it is worth exploring. It is an eye-opener.

And those who were commenting all the time, but didn't see this coming are certainly not smarter than the Trump voters.
It won't stop them to keep on commenting though.
Yes, US should help Mexico to devellop.
But first Mexicans themselves should erradicate corruption inside Mexico, otherwise it is no use.
As long as there is corruption, criminality will persist and financial aid will be diverted to the wrong people.
It is the same as in so many other countries.

How naïve are you?

As if the USA is not a corrupt country, often due to the abuse of wealth not poverty as in Mexico.
When Trump said "we are going to build a wall", it was just a metaphor for "we will strengthen our border control and improve screening for illegal immigrants". Did people actually interpret that literally and think that Trump was going to build a real wall? :unsure:
Nah, it`s not a metaphor, problem is that people don`t understand the humor of Mr. President during electoral campaign. Even the Mexican government fell into the trap and did not understand the joke of the President.
Nevertheless, Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu reiterated that Mexico would not pay for Trump’s proposed wall. The vow to make Mexico pay for the barrier was a key feature of his stump speeches

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