Crime Possible terrorist attack at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England

@Ironside...Dinarid's comment under yours and also his location description... which btw is somehow totally appropriate while I get infractions for making silly Halloween costume jokes. If I wrote Christian occupied whatever place under my avatar or suggested all Christians are infidels I would get banned from the forum cuz that's what a democratic freedom of speech society does, doesn't it.

Dinarid don't start with crazy nonsense and go take your medication. My dad, uncles, cousins fought for the HVO during the Yugoslav war while my hometown was bombed and militarily occupied by the Serbs who were doing ethnic cleansing of Muslims and Croats. Your silly little propaganda to justify your desire to ethnically cleanse Bosniaks from Herzegovina (which is never gonna happen), might only work on some ignorant people who know nothing.

LOL seriously calm down. No one wants to cleanse Bosniaks from Herzegovina. We just want recognize that the Muslims stole it from us. We had our Croatian Republic of Herceg-Bosna before your people took it like a rug from under our feet. Bosnia won't even give us autonomy. I don't care who you fought for, because you do not support our fundamental human rights. Also since when did I say Muslims are infidels? I don't recall. I'm not a religious fanatic so I don't see anyone as "infidels".
You're talking about Islamic occupation as if we stole the land from you are you insane? The Ottomans ruled over Bosnia for 400 years or so, when did your Herceg-Bosna exist ever in history? You thought you could do the same as the Serbs did to ethnically cleanse Bosniaks so you can be the majority and have your own territory, and it didn't work out for you, wow you're such a victim poor you. We didn't steal anything Bosniaks were the biggest victims of that shameful war and it's an undeniable fact. It's not hard to convince the world you're a victim when it's the truth. Truth beats all propaganda.
Milošević and Tuđman wanted to split up Bosnia between Croatia and Serbia that was the plan all along. But it didn't work out for them cuz Bosnians decided to fight for Bosnia (Bosniak, Croat and Serb Bosnians) and they abandoned that plan with the Dayton agreement. That agreement actually saved them because the Bosnian army started to make territorial gains once they got some weapons and became an organized army. It surrounded Banja Luka Serb Chetniks were preparing to run. Bosniaks were the majority before the war and they're still the majority after the war. No one is cleansing us off our territory of thousands of years, never did never will.
@Dinard And what do you mean by you don't have your autonomy? What exactly is so horrible about living under this "Islamic occupation" please elaborate.
@Dinard And what do you mean by you don't have your autonomy? What exactly is so horrible about living under this "Islamic occupation" please elaborate.
Serbs have Republika Srpska, which by the way is seeking independence soon (why you would want to force a territory full of people who hate you to remain with you is beyond me but whatever), and we have this goddamn federation, which we don't want. We don't want to remain in your country anyway. If you see Herzegovina as integral Bosniak territory fine, then let the Croatian-inhabited area go. But we don't need to ask you for anything.

Islamic occupation is horrible because you continue building mosques where we are living, and we are forced to remain part of a nation that is becoming increasingly Islamized. In 2008, Muslims attacked an LGBT event in Sarajevo, which previously no one thought was possible. More women are walking around wearing bedsheets, whereas "Muslim" used to be just an ethnic identity.

It really is a shame-I admire Bosniak history, which is that of Tvrtko and fierce resistance against the Turks. Now you proudly call yourselves "Muslims" while speaking of the legacy of Tvrtko who is rolling in his grave.
Serbs have Republika Srpska, which by the way is seeking independence soon (why you would want to force a territory full of people who hate you to remain with you is beyond me but whatever), and we have this goddamn federation, which we don't want. We don't want to remain in your country anyway. If you see Herzegovina as integral Bosniak territory fine, then let the Croatian-inhabited area go. But we don't need to ask you for anything.

Islamic occupation is horrible because you continue building mosques where we are living, and we are forced to remain part of a nation that is becoming increasingly Islamized. In 2008, Muslims attacked an LGBT event in Sarajevo, which previously no one thought was possible. More women are walking around wearing bedsheets, whereas "Muslim" used to be just an ethnic identity.

It really is a shame-I admire Bosniak history, which is that of Tvrtko and fierce resistance against the Turks. Now you proudly call yourselves "Muslims" while speaking of the legacy of Tvrtko who is rolling in his grave.

And now the Arabs are buying up areas around Sarajevo which when I hear the bigotry of Herzegovana like you who the Croats in Croatia don't even like and the Orthodox Christians in Bosnia who call themselves Serbs who Serbians in Serbia don't even like, I am glad in a spiteful way, you deserve it. You were calling us Turks to justify your ethnic cleansing war now we really are gonna be Turks.

Tvrtko gave fierce resistance? According to who?
Second unheard of that the LGBT parade gets interrupted by homo-phobes? Oh really, isn't that cute how compassionate you seem. How about Russia who won't even let an LGBT parade even happen?
And I'm also sure bearded Jihadi Bosniaks are just lurking around like angry Yosemite Sams around every bush to pounce on a girl and throw a burka on her.

You don't like it move to Croatia or Serbia. The partitioning of Bosnia and Herzegovina ain't happening. Not unless those who want it want to start another war.
And now the Arabs are buying up areas around Sarajevo which when I hear the bigotry of Herzegovana like you who the Croats in Croatia don't even like and the Orthodox Christians in Bosnia who call themselves Serbs who Serbians in Serbia don't even like, I am glad in a spiteful way, you deserve it. You were calling us Turks to justify your ethnic cleansing war now we really are gonna be Turks.

Tvrtko gave fierce resistance? According to who?
Second unheard of that the LGBT parade gets interrupted by homo-phobes? Oh really, isn't that cute how compassionate you seem. How about Russia who won't even let an LGBT parade even happen?
And I'm also sure bearded Jihadi Bosniaks are just lurking around like angry Yosemite Sams around every bush to pounce on a girl and throw a burka on her.

You don't like it move to Croatia or Serbia. The partitioning of Bosnia and Herzegovina ain't happening. Not unless those who want it want to start another war.
No, because this is my land. I despise Putin and what he has done to Russia, so that's irrelevant to me. But what's remarkable to me is that you are telling us to get out of our own land. What makes you think it's yours?
No, because this is my land. I despise Putin and what he has done to Russia, so that's irrelevant to me. But what's remarkable to me is that you are telling us to get out of our own land. What makes you think it's yours?

Of course you despise Putin cuz you're a fascist moron. It's so perfect how everything fits and comes full circle. Cuz Putin isn't a xenophobe he makes you sad? It's better if he liked homosexuals than Muslims? Well that figures coming from a Catholic who gets molested by his priests. Or is it also because he's an Orthodox Christian? Your people have such a glorious history of loving your Orthodox Christian neighbors.
Fascist scum like you clearly don't belong in a country like Bosnia. I don't know what you're doing there. And it's because of rascist dumbasses like your kind that the Balkans will never be a functional prosperous place.
Dinarid and Apsurdistan .. The man who had the Haplogroup I mutation is now turning in his grave ... if he had one

That was a cringy joke .. sorry
Of course you despise Putin cuz you're a fascist moron. It's so perfect how everything fits and comes full circle. Cuz Putin isn't a xenophobe he makes you sad? It's better if he liked homosexuals than Muslims? Well that figures coming from a Catholic who gets molested by his priests. Or is it also because he's an Orthodox Christian? Your people have such a glorious history of loving your Orthodox Christian neighbors.
Fascist scum like you clearly don't belong in a country like Bosnia. I don't know what you're doing there. And it's because of rascist dumbasses like your kind that the Balkans will never be a functional prosperous place.
Thanks to your name-calling I see your true nature is showing. I can just see you seething from here-keep it up, it's hilarious. I'm also not even Catholic, and I don't belong to any religion. And Putin has many fans among actual neo-nazis, so I reject that. I agree that we don't belong in Bosnia, so I want us to separate. This is my ancestral land, so I won't simply move to Croatia, sorry. You can't have it all to yourself.
Dinarid and Apsurdistan .. The man who had the Haplogroup I mutation is now turning in his grave ... if he had one

That was a cringy joke .. sorry
While I do apologize for some of my comments, which I understand may have been counterproductive, I struggle to see how I'm at fault. I never engaged in name-calling. If I have done any such thing, please point it out to me.
You know what on second thought you and your Croat-phile group of people should separate. I don't know why they're bothering with you people. You would only take about 10% of Bosnia's territory too small to be worth listening to your bullcrap or dealing with you.
So I actually do agree with you, but I don't regret calling you anything or what I've said. Cuz it's all true. Your kind and the Chetnik Serbs is the reason that shameful war happened and I had to leave my hometown and be an immigrant my whole life, and again why the Balkans will never be peaceful and probably more wars will come perhaps even in the near future. I have nothing to apologize to someone who openly can't stand an ethnic group I belong to. And don't pretend like you don't your message is very clear under your avatar and you're not fooling anybody with your two-faced double talk, I'm not stupid I read people very well.

Oh btw. I hear your Herceg-Bosna heroes are about to get some hefty sentences from the Hague tribunal, so good look with all that.
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You know what on second thought you and your Croat-phile group of people should separate. I don't know why they're bothering with you people. You would only take about 10% of Bosnia's territory too small to be worth listening to your bullcrap or dealing with you.
So I actually do agree with you, but I don't regret calling you anything or what I've said. Cuz it's all true. Your kind and the Chetnik Serbs is the reason that shameful war happened and I had to leave my hometown and be an immigrant my whole life, and again why the Balkans will never be peaceful and probably more wars will come perhaps even in the near future. I have nothing to apologize to someone who openly can't stand an ethnic group I belong to. And don't pretend like you don't your message is very clear under your avatar and you're not fooling anybody with your two-faced double talk, I'm not stupid I read people very well.

Oh btw. I hear your Herceg-Bosna heroes are about to get some hefty sentences from the Hague tribunal, so good look with all that.
I'm glad we can come to an agreement LOL. We have no interest in Bosniak-inhabited areas. I will be sad watching Bosnia, as in the land of King Tvrtko, descend into the pits of Islamization.

I guess Naser Orić was just a hero defending his people, right?

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