Politics Here we go again:The populism and dystopia of Italy's new government

All this is correct.
Arabian gulf countries do indeed have a lot of foreign residents, they don't integrate and as far as I know they don't want to acquire citizenship, and people don't care either way if they want to become citizens, I've never seen any negative reaction from local arabs.
The other day I had a interesting talk with a Jordanian who had just come from Scotland . His father had worked for [more than 10 years] in one of the Gulf countries. So I asked him where his father liked it the best Canada /Gulf country/ Jordan? He replied his father liked the Gulf country the best, so then I replied why he was not living there[after 20 years]he replied they denied him citizenship. I have had similar conversations with Pakastani's and other south Asians working and living in Arab states. One Filipino gave an example of a very negative experience that I cannot relate. Another West African I befriended, also related a negative experience with regards to Arabs states.
The other day I had a interesting talk with a Jordanian who had just come from Scotland . His father had worked for [more than 10 years] in one of the Gulf countries. So I asked him where his father liked it the best Canada /Gulf country/ Jordan? He replied his father liked the Gulf country the best, so then I replied why he was not living there[after 20 years]he replied they denied him citizenship. I have had similar conversations with Pakastani's and other south Asians working and living in Arab states. One Filipino gave an example of a very negative experience that I cannot relate. Another West African I befriended, also related a negative experience with regards to Arabs states.

Well it seems I don't know much then, I'm an athiest humanist outcast that doesn't participate in society or culture, hehe .. so I could be wrong.
Italy: we are talking about the one of the founder country of EU, which is top five in European Justice Court in case rank and racing Non-EU countries such as Ukraine-Turkey-Russia.

So don't get so much hope about them.
This reveals more about posters than anything else .whose dystrophy.

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Actually Al-Jazeera belongs to Qatar, the enemy No. 1 of Saudi Arabia in the Arabian Peninsula, but not only that: all the Arabian Gulf Emirates and Saudi Arabia maybe be very bent on heavily restricting citizenship to foreign residents and establishing a de facto "2nd class" status for non-natives, but they are very far from anything remotely resembling "zero immigration". Actually, those are some of the countries with a highest % of immigrant population in the entire world, in some of the Emirates more than 50-60%, and in Saudi Arabia as many as 1/3 of the population. That's not exactly an "anti-immigration" policy, it's just an anti-democratic and anti-citizenship policy.

saudi arabia does have quite a lot of foreigners but its almost impossible to get citizenship for them. you can get it if your father is arab. its also possible if your mother is saudi but its a bit harder. foreign women can get it through marriage with a saudi.
thats not the case for foreign men.
its extremely hard to become saudi in another way. you definitly ALWAYS HAVE to be muslim.
those foreigners are all guest workers who are there for work and once they lose their job they are asked to leave the country.
saudis and oreigners also live separated from each other. western people live in special compounds were they are allowed to practice their western lifestyle.
i mean they are open for immigration over their borders into their country but they actually do not let people immigrate into their society. it's so different from actual "real" immigration in europe.
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saudi arabia does have quite a lot of foreigners but its almost impossible to get citizenship for them. you can get it if your father is arab. its also possible if your mother is saudi but its a bit harder. foreign women can get it through marriage with a saudi. thats not the case for foreign men.
its extremely hard to become saudi in another way. you definitly have to be muslim.
those foreigners are all guest workers who are there for work and once they lose their job they are asked to leave the country.
saudis and oreigners also live separated from each other. western people live in special compounds were they are allowed to practice their western lifestyle.
i mean they are open for immigration over their borders into their country but they actually do not let people immigrate into their society. it's so different from actual "real" immigration in europe.

Who wants to become Saudi anyway ?
Who wants to become Saudi anyway ?

if you were Bangladeshis, it would be great. At first you became citizen then you could bring your family.
Who wants to become Saudi anyway ?

i'm pretty sure there are quite a lot of africans and asians who would like to have the benefits of beeing saudi in saudi arabia. especially when they are already working there and see all the advantages that it would give them.
i'm pretty sure there are quite a lot of africans and asians who would like to have the benefits of beeing saudi in saudi arabia. especially when they are already working there and see all the advantages that it would give them.

yes, the same reason why they want to become European, even without the working
To correct this the EU will have to make the richer countries poorer.

We call it social justice. The problem is managing.

Germany and France with Benelux countries should start new EU.
Changing old words with new words is
deceptive imho.
Social Justice:
The distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.
is a type of government that relies on collectivization of labor and good.

A wolf (communism) in sheep's clothing (social justice).

The other day I had a interesting talk with a Jordanian who had just come from Scotland . His father had worked for [more than 10 years] in one of the Gulf countries. So I asked him where his father liked it the best Canada /Gulf

I've heard/read similar accounts. It seems to me the states (I can't say how the general society feels about it, it must have a wide variation from region to region, person to person) are willing to accept foreign work, but not heavy and direct foreign influence at the very core of the citizenry and national culture, which would definitely happen if they just gave citizenship and full rights to the huge portion of foreign residents within their territories (IIRC in the UAE the native Arabs are now less than 20% of the population!).
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I won't argue with a murican
“I ain’t a Murican” (Derogatory for American). I’m an American.
EDITED —- bc You don’t deserve to Know my Story!
Your Comment implies that I should refrain from expressing my views on European and ME-NA political, and Social matters, because being an American has clouded my perspective, and that I don’t understand your part of the World. :(
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Giuseppe Conte, Italian prime minister-designate, has resigned the mandate. Because the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella has not accepted the name proposed as Minister of Economy for his anti-EURO feelings. It is in the constitutional rights of the President of the Republic to act like this, and tomorrow he will try to appoint as Prime Minister-designate the economist Carlo Cottarelli. But apparently Cottarelli does not have a majority of consensus in the Parliament. So either something happens or we will be back to elections soon.
Giuseppe Conte, Italian prime minister-designate, has resigned the mandate. Because the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella has not accepted the name proposed as Minister of Economy for his anti-EURO feelings. It is in the constitutional rights of the President of the Republic to act like this, and tomorrow he will try to appoint as Prime Minister-designate the economist Carlo Cottarelli. But apparently Cottarelli does not have a majority of consensus in the Parliament. So either something happens or we will be back to elections soon.
he most likely refused after a chat with brussels...........sounds like what happened with the economy misters of Greece and UK in the past ............EU already rule the economies of the 27 or 28 EU nations.
Even if Italy goes to the polls again , the same scenario can happen in regards to the economy minister
“I ain’t a Murican” (Derogatory for American). I’m an American.
EDITED —- bc You don’t deserve to Know my Story!
Your Comment implies that I should refrain from expressing my views on European and ME-NA political, and Social matters, because being an American has clouded my perspective, and that I don’t understand your part of the World. :(

I am not sorry to use word murica, The aim is not an insult. However I am sorry to misundertand me orr cause this misunderstnading.

It is very common word between countryball community.
(Muricaball / Long Live Murica)

Even I shared a smurf post to make clear that it is a joke term.

Murica term is a symbol for Conservative American culture, not more.

Your wolf - communism post make me with that you are very conservative American. Thinking all lefting ideology are part of communism, is political insult.

EDITED —- bc You don’t deserve to Know my Story!
I suggest you to take a one glass of wine to get relax.

I don’t understand your part of the World. :(

So did you insult my part of world ? :grin:

We are living on same planet my friend.

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