Politics Here we go again:The populism and dystopia of Italy's new government

Changing old words with new words is
deceptive imho.
Social Justice:
The distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.
is a type of government that relies on collectivization of labor and good.

A wolf (communism) in sheep's clothing (social justice).



Debating is healthy. Attacking is not.
Not about you Exceededminimumso, you’re COOL :cool-v: [emoji41]

ps @Exceededminimumso you must do something about your name, is way too long. lol
Giuseppe Conte, Italian prime minister-designate, has resigned the mandate. Because the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella has not accepted the name proposed as Minister of Economy for his anti-EURO feelings. It is in the constitutional rights of the President of the Republic to act like this, and tomorrow he will try to appoint as Prime Minister-designate the economist Carlo Cottarelli. But apparently Cottarelli does not have a majority of consensus in the Parliament. So either something happens or we will be back to elections soon.

you should better change your whole political system too. how is one guy alone able to destroy everything just because someone is not following the same political line?

also nice story from france that is now in every newspaper:

that's how easy it is to become french. macron is even a bigger clown than trump.
and if you're a legionnary you still have to serve france 3 years until you get your citizenship.

edit: if you look closer you actually see that the guy on the balcony saved the child. he already grabed the leg of the child and wanted to pull him up but then other guy arrived.
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He said Conte's candidate, Paolo Savona, was unacceptable because the appointment would alarm investors and have dangerous consequences for Italy's outstanding government debt.
Viva la Democrazia!
Again #3......the Italian peoples vote counts for nothing ...........a new technocrat government formed by the president ........another "Monte" mayhem , ruled by Brussels.
EU is not democratic ...............watch what will happen to the UK and Brexit.
Also the irish where forced to go to the vote year after year until they joined the EU......remember this scenario
EU......Paris and Berlin from Brussels ...............the rest are "sub-capitals"
Wait, EUpire forced Ireland to vote whatever they want to join EUpire? The nerve of them
if you make the right promises you can make people vote for quite a lot of things. that goes for votes for joining but also leaving the eu.
It's just trying to negate the popular vote. Even if I think Italians were beyond stupid to vote this way, it shouldn't be negated.

Just more rule by the EU if they just appoint a technocrat, and who says the voters will come to their senses in the meantime?

What a mess.

Not that I have a workable solution. Nobody would vote for the package I'd propose, not even the so-called "right wing" parties. Too much socialism has weakened the brain of even them.
Needless to say, violence isn't a solution, so everyone just needs to calm down.
Most likely.

Italians are now known as the Serfs of Brussels.
Reminds me of a child (Italy ) asking for pocketmoney from his parents ( Germany and France) .......parents state to child
:...but you are too young to look after a lot of money, he is some change.
Most European countries had a hard time achieving long-desired democracy. The French had to behead a king. Germany and Italy only emerged as united, homogeneous countries in the late 19C. East-Europeans had to wait until recently to see the Iron Curtain fall and to get rid of communist dictatorship.

Then all those newly-hatched democracies got together and established a new technocratic... dictatorship. A Commission which is NOT even ELECTED decides on eveything important in the EU. You just can't kick them out, as you'd do with a president or PM.

Millions of would-be immigrants are waiting at the gates, or forcing their way in. We have no army to speak of, even less so since the Brits opted out - which deprives us of any form of influence in foreign affairs. Tax rate harmonization is at best a remote dream. The Central Bank inflicts its own diktats on convalescent economies. Etc...

In the meantime, the European Parliament (the one elected political body) passes bills to decide - guess what - how thick the tiles should be on the walls of a butcher's laboratory! (Not kidding!)

No wonder people are getting exasperated. Nationalist parties are gaining ground in Italy, but also in France, Austria, Poland, the Netherlands, even Germany in spite of the long-lasting post-war trauma. Britain opted out. You'd think it would set decision-makers thinking, in Brussels. It does not. They just keep on as before, quagmired in their own certainties and political correctness.

The end is near, my friends. Europe was a fantastic dream. We all believed and hoped. Then the technocrats laid their power-grabbing hands on it, and they'd rather see it dead than alter their options. The only way to salvage the EU would be to re-write its constitution, and to let the peoples have their say in public matters. Our so-called "élites" are not prepared to consent to that. Disaster is round the bend...
Italians are now known as the Serfs of Brussels.

Reminds me of a child (Italy ) asking for pocketmoney from his parents ( Germany and France) .......parents state to child
:...but you are too young to look after a lot of money, he is some change.

You live too far from Europe to fully understand what it is really happening in Europe and in Italy.
@Pax A. - Come on Man. I Felt that, and it hurts a little. (.. che frustata! ..)
I understand that you disagree with Sile comment. I don’t agree either.
By your logic:
@Salento @Sile @Angela @Jovialis and others are just this:

Should we put in a muzzle and shut up?
@Pax - Come on Man. I Felt that, and it hurts a little.
I understand that you disagree with Sile comment. I don’t agree either.
By your logic:
@Salento @Sile @Angela @Jovialis and others are just this:

Should we put in a muzzle and shut up?

Sile has proudly opined that he isn't Italian, doesn't speak Italian, doesn't want to be Italian, doesn't want to learn Italian, that the Veneto is not really Italy and the separatist movement is a good thing. Unsurprisingly, he's a Lega Nord supporter.

From what I can tell he has spent his entire life in Australia.


I was born there, lived there as a child, was partly educated there, and have never cut my ties. You were born there, lived there at least through your young manhood. We're also proud to be Italian and care deeply about what happens to Italy, unless I'm reading you incorrectly. We see all these things as happening to us, in some measure, not to THEM. I think we have some standing to venture an opinion, although my relatives do say that since I don't live there full time and don't pay taxes there I should shut up, and they have a point, so I try to be circumspect.

I don't see Jovialis putting his oar in the water like Sile on these kinds of subjects.

I found Sile's post offensive, as I find most of his posts about Italy both uninformed and offensive. If Pax ever finds me making such comments he has every right to call me out for them.
That’s not point. I said that I disagree with Sile too.
It’s about the living too far, and the Understanding comment.
On his Profile Sile wrote Australian and Italian.
Sile has proudly opined that he isn't Italian, doesn't speak Italian, doesn't want to be Italian, doesn't want to learn Italian, that the Veneto is not really Italy and the separatist movement is a good thing. Unsurprisingly, he's a Lega Nord supporter.
From what I can tell he has spent his entire life in Australia.
I was born there, lived there as a child, was partly educated there, and have never cut my ties. You were born there, lived there at least through your young manhood. We're also proud to be Italian and care deeply about what happens to Italy, unless I'm reading you incorrectly. We see all these things as happening to us, in some measure, not to THEM. I think we have some standing to venture an opinion, although my relatives do say that since I don't live there full time and don't pay taxes there I should shut up, and they have a point, so I try to be circumspect.
I don't see Jovialis putting his oar in the water like Sile on these kinds of subjects.
I found Sile's post offensive, as I find most of his posts about Italy both uninformed and offensive. If Pax ever finds me making such comments he has every right to call me out for them.
If you love Italy, you should be worried about how things evolve there.
And it starts with those Italians saying outsiders should shut up.

It's all popular politicians talk, blaiming Europe for the necessary reforms they failed to do themselves.
The last 5 years, Italy was the weakest economic performer in Europe.
Erdogan goes a step further, the free fall of the Turkish lira is 'a complot of the foreigners'.
Do you want that kind of rhetoric?
That’s not point. I said that I disagree with Sile too.
It’s about the living too far, and the Understanding comment.

It's not solely a question of disagreeing with his comment or finding it offensive for me: it's to Pax' point about whether he has the "experience" to really understand what is going on there. Look, any Tom, Dick or Harry is free to express an opinion and does. That's what all these foreigners do all the time. The question is how much weight should be given to the opinions of certain people. There's a hierarchy.

If you and I have lived here for a substantial amount of time, with only visits back, then yes, we don't understand completely what's going on, all the nuances, as well as do the people who are living there.

That's why I don't vote in the elections, although I could.

If you feel differently, great. I'm fine with that. I just disagree.

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