Ydna merovingians e Charlemagne

Hej, It's still possible to find Clovis, there are clues whereabout he was burried, but the church under which he was supposed to rest was modified, destroyed... and noone knows for sure what was built or rebuilt in ancient times so the tomb could be under some building or even under the road. The tomb effigies were all rebuilt and put on display in St Denis but for a lot of Merovingian and Carolingian kings were not in St Denis, it could be that the tombs themselves were not destroyed during the french revolution (they could have been destroyed before it, too, though) because their location were lost already, then (a lot of them, after the viking raids, long before 1793). The effigies were destroyed but not necessarily the tombs. Here is a link (in french) listing the kings and where people think they were burried : http://saintdenis-tombeaux.1fr1.net...-inhumes-hors-de-saint-denis-et-hors-de-paris But even in St Denis there are undisturbed old (Merovingian ?) tombs which were not digged by archeologists either, in the layer where Arégonde was found.
My husband is Plantagenet ancestor from Saint James family in Iles-et-Vilain Bretagne. His y-dna haplogroup is P31358. He is G2a3 and his 4xgreat grandparents were in Lancaster/York. Grandfather from Cayo, Wales to Ohio USA.

Re :-R1b-DF27 called "S19290" which are de Burgh Burke Haplogroups

If the Irish Burkes are descended from Charlemagne like they claim, we do know the haplogroup. It is a rare SNP underneath R1b-DF27 called "S19290" that is almost exclusively west-central European, rather than Irish or Iberian.

To the point about Merovingians, I guess you meant the Plantagenet line that goes back to the Count of Anjou? I don't see a reason to doubt G2-P303.[/QUOTE

Where did you find R-S19290 as Charlemagne please? Do you have a reference for S19290 as Charlemagne?
If the Irish Burkes are descended from Charlemagne like they claim, we do know the haplogroup. It is a rare SNP underneath R1b-DF27 called "S19290" that is almost exclusively west-central European, rather than Irish or Iberian.

To the point about Merovingians, I guess you meant the Plantagenet line that goes back to the Count of Anjou? I don't see a reason to doubt G2-P303.[/QUOTE

Where did you find R-S19290 as Charlemagne please? Do you have a reference for S19290 as Charlemagne?

O'Sullivan et al. (2018)[FONT=&quot] tested the genomes of Merovingian nobles from an early Medieval Alemannic graveyard in Baden-Württemberg. Apart from one individual belonging to haplogroup G2a2b1, all men were members of R1b, and all samples that yielded deep clade results fell under the R1b-U106 > Z381 > Z301 > L48 > Z9 > Z325 clade.

It seems that R1b is more probable than G2a for Merovingian Dynasty. I think that those G2a's descent from local a noble family whose allied with Merovingians. [/FONT]
To my mind, the best way to know the haplogroup of the Merovingians is to test remains of the descendants of king of Franks Clovis: a few bones are still preserved as relics in some churches of France.

The easiest to test would be the grandson of Clovis, Clodoald, known as Saint Cloud, whose relics are still preserved in the Saint-Clodoald church of Saint-Cloud, near Paris.

We could make a perfect triangulation of king Clovis with king Guntram, known as Saint Gontran, another grandson of Clovis, buried in the abbey of Saint-Marcel-lès-Chalon, near Chalon-sur-Saône. His remains were scattered during the religious wars in the 16th century but his skull would have been preserved. I cannot find out if it still exists or if it disappeared at the time of the French Revolution 1789-1799.
Merovingian nobles from an early Medieval Alemannic graveyard in Baden-Württemberg. Apart from one individual belonging to haplogroup G2a2b1, all men were members of R1b, and all samples that yielded deep clade results fell under the R1b-U106 > Z381 > Z301 > L48 > Z9 > Z325 clade.

It seems that R1b is more probable than G2a for Merovingian Dynasty. I think that those G2a's descent from local a noble family whose allied with Merovingians.

Interesting that the Merovingians in this thread (proposed G-P303) and the one new non- L51 Auxiliary burial from Klosterneuburg are also G-CTS574.

The others at Klosterneuburg are U106, DF19>DF88 and L21>DF13. Maybe they travelled in the same circles for a long time.
Interesting that the Merovingians in this thread (proposed G-P303) and the one new non- L51 Auxiliary burial from Klosterneuburg are also G-CTS574.

The others at Klosterneuburg are U106, DF19>DF88 and L21>DF13. Maybe they travelled in the same circles for a long time.

In this thread, Merovingian Period Y-DNA include G2a. Maciamo read that its not Merovingian Dynasty. I agree with him.

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