Politics "WOKE" America

From a relationship point of view we see how radiant the woke American ideology is:

The woke left is full of double-standards... outside of this the judicial system favors woman, men naturally favor woman, the world favors woman bc woman are seen as unconditionally loved, men are not. Only two things are unconditionally loved in this world, Woman and dogs, men are seen as a support system, when that support system fails, or is in a depression the woman will lose attraction, leave, divorce in almost 9/10 cases and look for a higher status support system. In terms of interrelationships, woman typically want a traditional man, while not being traditional themselves at all, and can do all the entitled liberal bs. This is common in urban environments. For example, a girl complaining where all the good men went and wanting a loyal, strong man and then sleeping around, being attainable even when with a man. There is no chivalry anymore in big part because of the lack of traditional values in woman, and accountability for why they fail to find love / not accepting that their value system is inherently flawed for maintaining a healthy normal relationship with 9.9/10 of guys in the world. And forget about the egotism within the liberal movement which has made woman feel like gods amongst men, making 5's think they are perfect 10's, and feeling the necessity for a 10/10 guy, with high status, 6 inch d, 6 figures cash, and being 6 ft tall (at minimum). It is no surprise men are getting fed up with a generation of woman who even when questioned why they have these standards completly ignore it and hold no accountability for it, just being a woman and having make-up makes it enough for them in mass to live in a fantasy la la land

I'm not a bad looking guy, my only downfall is being merely 5 ft 9.. but regardless, I've been on many dates so it's not necessarily a problem for me. But it's a problem for 95% of men living in high density areas. It's hard to find good woman now because of indoctrination of these far left liberal empowerment ideas. I sense the egotism from a mile away... which is why most of the interactions I've had stop at one night stands. Can't wait to go to Portugal!
A question to Americans, how was life in terms of quality under Trump compared to Biden?
Much better under Trump. Good economy, good gas prices, better housing prices, unemployment was low, never went to war, established peace with many countries .... ect. Ultimately political figures are told what to do by the people in the black suits (the real power houses). Trump was one of the first to counter the one's telling him what to do and try to push for his own ideas in our country. Also talk about COVID. COVID caused more mental illness than deaths thats for sure. Biden promoted racist ideologies in the military, bombed Syria within the first few months, attempted to take credit for the warpspeed plan that Trump put in place to help with vaccine distribution, cut thousands of blue-collar jobs, removed Trump's sanctions on Russia, praised China and said that their human rights abuse needed to be respected, and more. Biden signed multiple times more effective orders than any president in history to advance radical agenda points.

... Also, I don't particularly love Trump either... I'm just a guy, not very political one at that. And my life right now is painfully shitty with the high costs of literally everything right now. I don't care if Trump was a loud mouth, liar, life right now is fcking bad. I rather Trump be annoying as fck than Biden reassuring us that we can identify as a they them anyday of the week.
Much better under Trump. Good economy, good gas prices, better housing prices, unemployment was low, never went to war, established peace with many countries .... ect. Ultimately political figures are told what to do by the people in the black suits (the real power houses). Trump was one of the first to counter the one's telling him what to do and try to push for his own ideas in our country. Also talk about COVID. COVID caused more mental illness than deaths thats for sure. Biden promoted racist ideologies in the military, bombed Syria within the first few months, attempted to take credit for the warpspeed plan that Trump put in place to help with vaccine distribution, cut thousands of blue-collar jobs, removed Trump's sanctions on Russia, praised China and said that their human rights abuse needed to be respected, and more. Biden signed multiple times more effective orders than any president in history to advance radical agenda points.
... Also, I don't particularly love Trump either... I'm just a guy, not very political one at that. And my life right now is painfully shitty with the high costs of literally everything right now. I don't care if Trump was a loud mouth, liar, life right now is fcking bad. I rather Trump be annoying as fck than Biden reassuring us that we can identify as a they them anyday of the week.
I always imagined that it was more like the land of milk and honey(40billions of dollars to Ukraine Charity despite Ukraine having a reputation for corruption, and money for programs like LGBQ and affirmative action fairness police etc...) Even some of the poster's on Eupedia look like super rich movie stars , taking trips to exotic places like Italy, and big estate's etc...
I saw that 87000 IRS are going to be hired. Is that to collect money due, or for auditing business and peoples tax return?
Being a politician is being a public servant. Of course it is a job.

That's not what I meant, I don't think I made myself clear (excuse english is not my mother tongue!).

I meant that the public sphere is not the private one. In the private sphere you work for a company and a boss.

The only hire and fire moment in politics- at least in democracies- are elections, so vote. So we could say that the voters hire and fire.

And simple basic rule in democratic politics is the one who got the most votes has won. That is legitimate.

What Trump has done is lie, cheat, incite up to and including a coup d'etat in an attempt to undermine this. To be understood from an authoritarian perspective, but not compatible with a democratic mindset.
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... Also, I don't particularly love Trump either... I'm just a guy, not very political one at that. And my life right now is painfully shitty with the high costs of literally everything right now. I don't care if Trump was a loud mouth, liar, life right now is fcking bad. I rather Trump be annoying as fck than Biden reassuring us that we can identify as a they them anyday of the week.

I think that Trump was pretty much entertaining and funny, especially when he trolled the media and their anti-Trump hysteria. His " Everything woke turns into sh*t "- line was on point and hilarious.

One thing is clear, the vitriolic hatred of the media and the establishment of Trump had nothing to do with politics. Most critics never really looked at what he got done. Furthermore, many who voted for Biden said they didn't vote for Biden but against Trump. The majority of Americans wanted Trump gone. Now they got Biden good and hard. Anyway, I believe it’s not wise that many people vote based on personality and not what’s actually important, policy.
I always imagined that it was more like the land of milk and honey(40billions of dollars to Ukraine Charity despite Ukraine having a reputation for corruption, and money for programs like LGBQ and affirmative action fairness police etc...) Even some of the poster's on Eupedia look like super rich movie stars , taking trips to exotic places like Italy, and big estate's etc...
I saw that 87000 IRS are going to be hired. Is that to collect money due, or for auditing business and peoples tax return?

It still is to some extent, and certainly was when my father brought us here. He was already in his late thirties, didn't speak a word of English, had no university degrees, and arrived with a few hundred dollars in his pocket. Yet, in under 10 years he had built a business with millions in sales. Now, he was one of the brightest people I've ever met, and worked 12 hours and more seven days a week in the beginning, but it was possible. He always told the story how, in order to start the business with an Italian American who spoke Italian and could translate for him, he went to get a small business loan from a local bank. They asked him if he had any security. He told Tony to tell the banker he had the knowledge in his brain and his two hands. He got the loan.

Even decades later, I see new immigrants coming here and starting small businesses. They may not have the success my father had, but they build a good life, and many of their children go on to go to university and better themselves.

Decades of Democrat policies have diluted that, along with globalization taking away the high paying factory jobs we used to have, but the biggest blows recently have been the Covid shutdowns and Biden/Democrat policies which have made our economy take a hit. The Covid shutdowns affected Europe too.

As for mansions etc., I don't know anybody here who owns a mansion, but it's true that quite a few of us are professionals, or own businesses, or have relatively high paying jobs.

This isn't a mansion, although it was and is a very nice house.
74 Chapel Road.jpg

I'll grant you that some might call this a mansion, and it was in our neighborhood. We were on the "poor" side, by comparison. :)

Plandome Road House.jpg
It still is to some extent, and certainly was when my father brought us here. He was already in his late thirties, didn't speak a word of English, had no university degrees, and arrived with a few hundred dollars in his pocket. Yet, in under 10 years he had built a business with millions in sales. Now, he was one of the brightest people I've ever met, and worked 12 hours and more seven days a week in the beginning, but it was possible. He always told the story how, in order to start the business with an Italian American who spoke Italian and could translate for him, he went to get a small business loan from a local bank. They asked him if he had any security. He told Tony to tell the banker he had the knowledge in his brain and his two hands. He got the loan.
Even decades later, I see new immigrants coming here and starting small businesses. They may not have the success my father had, but they build a good life, and many of their children go on to go to university and better themselves.
Decades of Democrat policies have diluted that, along with globalization taking away the high paying factory jobs we used to have, but the biggest blows recently have been the Covid shutdowns and Biden/Democrat policies which have made our economy take a hit. The Covid shutdowns affected Europe too.
As for mansions etc., I don't know anybody here who owns a mansion, but it's true that quite a few of us are professionals, or own businesses, or have relatively high paying jobs.
This isn't a mansion, although it was and is a very nice house.
View attachment 13472
I'll grant you that some might call this a mansion, and it was in our neighborhood. We were on the "poor" side, by comparison. :)
View attachment 13473
Wow very nice what a happy positive inspiration. I grew up in a cult,-- end of the world was immenent , hard work making lots of money and having a big house would have been a big flag "materialism" as was having children or wanting to go to a ivy League university. . Anyway things change, and we get new life lessons. I'm curious to compare woke values with old style traditional Italian values grandparents and grandchildren. The other day at work I had a chance to ask someone from Guyana and someone from India the importance (on a scale of 1-10)of family and extended family. Both gave a score of 10 , saying family is very important. If you were of modest means, (average house)and your mom/dad were getting very old , would you put them in a full care government nursing home, or make a in-law suite?
Wow very nice what a happy positive inspiration. I grew up in a cult,-- end of the world was immenent , hard work making lots of money and having a big house would have been a big flag "materialism" as was having children or wanting to go to a ivy League university. . Anyway things change, and we get new life lessons. I'm curious to compare woke values with old style traditional Italian values grandparents and grandchildren. The other day at work I had a chance to ask someone from Guyana and someone from India the importance (on a scale of 1-10)of family and extended family. Both gave a score of 10 , saying family is very important. If you were of modest means, (average house)and your mom/dad were getting very old , would you put them in a full care government nursing home, or make a in-law suite?

They'd go into a home over my dead body. When my mother was dying from a primary brain tumor, my father managed her care, arranging for nurse's aides who came for 2 or 3 hours a day and were paid for by insurance, and the rest of us filled in, as he was 72 himself. I quit my job and put my two children, four and one, into the car and drove more than three hours to stay and help care for her 3-4 days a week when things got really bad. (In the beginning my husband and I would leave Friday nights and drive back down very early Monday mornings.) The other days my father's sister, who was particularly close to my mother, and brother-in-law, drove from Connecticut to take over and help my father. My brother helped out on the week-ends and took care of the paper work. Then there were the other brothers who would bring food or just companionship. None of us were allowed to help her during the overnights, though. My father insisted it was his job. He turned her every three hours, massaged, creamed and powdered her so she never got a single bedsore. Everything I know of the devotion a husband should have for his wife I learned from him.

Nine months later my father was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. He spent the first three months with me. When things got really bad, he didn't want my young children to see it, and he wanted to be able to see his brother's and sisters, so my brother installed a hospital bed in his living room and I would go up every weekend to stay with him.

It's just how we were raised. I didn't indoctrinate my children to do the same for me, but even now if I'm not well my son rushes over to make me some hot food, as his father is hopeless in the kitchen, and do laundry, and my daughter has already informed her father not to worry about what will happen should he or I be struck with a long illness and can't cope. She said, you'll come to me. We'll put an addition on the house or whatever, and my brother will have to transfer so he can be nearby and the family can be together.

Family is everything; we bought that house partly because it had four bedrooms, one for my parents, and enclosed the porch for their own private den. Unfortunately, they didn't live long enough to really enjoy it. We also bought it for the school district, and because it came with a membership for a pool and tennis club. If one studies hard and then works hard, why shouldn't we? After all the deprivation my parents, and I, suffered in Italy, why shouldn't my father, when he "made good" as they say, have bought a nice house for my mother, with a big garden for an orto, and a comfortable car, and taken her and us on nice vacations? Why wouldn't we want to do the same for our children That doesn't mean you give them the latest brands in everything, or take them to Vail to ski like their friends when you can drive to someplace three hours away. Heck, they put that swimming prowess to use, because they got work permits and were lifeguards every summer for years, as well as working in the library later on.

Don't misunderstand me. You can be upper-middle class or whatever and still be miserable, and I knew people like that, although sometimes the reasons had to do with substance issues, or mental health issues which money can't cure. Not saying there weren't also some just nasty people whom nothing would make happy. All in all, however, it was a neighborhood of intact, stable families, committed to their children and their well-being, instilling in them religious values even if they had their own doubts, helping with homework, getting involved in their sports activities, participating in local civic activities and charities. All of us had some rough patches, but it was a satisfying life, despite the fact that in certain circles and certainly in the media it is mocked or they deny it can even exist.

It does exist and it can promote a happy life for those who are able to enjoy it.

Nor, for all that people say you don't need money to be happy, I defy anyone to be really happy if you don't know how to put food on the table or pay the rent. We went through those experiences when we first arrived, and trust me, they weren't happy making.

As to Woke values as to gender and male and female roles, I'm a heretic.

I know what a woman is and what a man is and I'm not going to think someone is a woman because hormones are administered, breasts or testicles are cut off, and clothes are changed. If people want to do it, that's their choice, and I don't think they should be discriminated against, and they can believe whatever they want to believe about their identity, but it doesn't change the reality, or my perception of it.

Nor do I believe you should kick your husband out if he doesn't cook, or make a huge fuss when you're breast feeding and demand he get up during the night when you have to do it. Before we made enough money to hire help we each did the chores we were good at. I came home at 7 or 8 sometimes, put on some pots with water or turned on the oven, took off my suit and cooked dinner every night. My husband did the dishes. Weekends I cooked for the week and he did the chores and heavy cleaning. As for this nonsense I see on twitter about making husbands get up to watch the wife breast feed, it's poppycock and border line abusive. I got leave when the children were very young, and trained them young to take a bottle of breast milk. I'd feed them at 8 and go to bed; my husband would feed them at midnight and go to sleep, and I'd be up for the day at the 4 AM feeding. When they were tiny and fed every two hous I just put them in a bassinet next to the bed, rolled over to get them when they cried, and that was it. So what if a lot of the time they fell asleep? My parents had the devil of a time getting us out of the marital bed and it didn't do us any harm.

This is way too long and personal, but I have learned a few things over the years, which basically boils down to the fact that if certain values are important to you, like family, commitment, hard work, you can figure out a way to make your life incorporate them.
They'd go into a home over my dead body. When my mother was dying from a primary brain tumor, my father managed her care, arranging for nurse's aides who came for 2 or 3 hours a day and were paid for by insurance, and the rest of us filled in, as he was 72 himself. I quit my job and put my two children, four and one, into the car and drove more than three hours to stay and help care for her 3-4 days a week when things got really bad. (In the beginning my husband and I would leave Friday nights and drive back down very early Monday mornings.) The other days my father's sister, who was particularly close to my mother, and brother-in-law, drove from Connecticut to take over and help my father. My brother helped out on the week-ends and took care of the paper work. Then there were the other brothers who would bring food or just companionship. None of us were allowed to help her during the overnights, though. My father insisted it was his job. He turned her every three hours, massaged, creamed and powdered her so she never got a single bedsore. Everything I know of the devotion a husband should have for his wife I learned from him.
Nine months later my father was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. He spent the first three months with me. When things got really bad, he didn't want my young children to see it, and he wanted to be able to see his brother's and sisters, so my brother installed a hospital bed in his living room and I would go up every weekend to stay with him.
It's just how we were raised. I didn't indoctrinate my children to do the same for me, but even now if I'm not well my son rushes over to make me some hot food, as his father is hopeless in the kitchen, and do laundry, and my daughter has already informed her father not to worry about what will happen should he or I be struck with a long illness and can't cope. She said, you'll come to me. We'll put an addition on the house or whatever, and my brother will have to transfer so he can be nearby and the family can be together.
Family is everything; we bought that house partly because it had four bedrooms, one for my parents, and enclosed the porch for their own private den. Unfortunately, they didn't live long enough to really enjoy it. We also bought it for the school district, and because it came with a membership for a pool and tennis club. If one studies hard and then works hard, why shouldn't we? After all the deprivation my parents, and I, suffered in Italy, why shouldn't my father, when he "made good" as they say, have bought a nice house for my mother, with a big garden for an orto, and a comfortable car, and taken her and us on nice vacations? Why wouldn't we want to do the same for our children That doesn't mean you give them the latest brands in everything, or take them to Vail to ski like their friends when you can drive to someplace three hours away. Heck, they put that swimming prowess to use, because they got work permits and were lifeguards every summer for years, as well as working in the library later on.
Don't misunderstand me. You can be upper-middle class or whatever and still be miserable, and I knew people like that, although sometimes the reasons had to do with substance issues, or mental health issues which money can't cure. Not saying there weren't also some just nasty people whom nothing would make happy. All in all, however, it was a neighborhood of intact, stable families, committed to their children and their well-being, instilling in them religious values even if they had their own doubts, helping with homework, getting involved in their sports activities, participating in local civic activities and charities. All of us had some rough patches, but it was a satisfying life, despite the fact that in certain circles and certainly in the media it is mocked or they deny it can even exist.
It does exist and it can promote a happy life for those who are able to enjoy it.
Nor, for all that people say you don't need money to be happy, I defy anyone to be really happy if you don't know how to put food on the table or pay the rent. We went through those experiences when we first arrived, and trust me, they weren't happy making.
As to Woke values as to gender and male and female roles, I'm a heretic.
I know what a woman is and what a man is and I'm not going to think someone is a woman because hormones are administered, breasts or testicles are cut off, and clothes are changed. If people want to do it, that's their choice, and I don't think they should be discriminated against, and they can believe whatever they want to believe about their identity, but it doesn't change the reality, or my perception of it.
Nor do I believe you should kick your husband out if he doesn't cook, or make a huge fuss when you're breast feeding and demand he get up during the night when you have to do it. Before we made enough money to hire help we each did the chores we were good at. I came home at 7 or 8 sometimes, put on some pots with water or turned on the oven, took off my suit and cooked dinner every night. My husband did the dishes. Weekends I cooked for the week and he did the chores and heavy cleaning. As for this nonsense I see on twitter about making husbands get up to watch the wife breast feed, it's poppycock and border line abusive. I got leave when the children were very young, and trained them young to take a bottle of breast milk. I'd feed them at 8 and go to bed; my husband would feed them at midnight and go to sleep, and I'd be up for the day at the 4 AM feeding. When they were tiny and fed every two hous I just put them in a bassinet next to the bed, rolled over to get them when they cried, and that was it. So what if a lot of the time they fell asleep? My parents had the devil of a time getting us out of the marital bed and it didn't do us any harm.
This is way too long and personal, but I have learned a few things over the years, which basically boils down to the fact that if certain values are important to you, like family, commitment, hard work, you can figure out a way to make your life incorporate them.
Thank you for sharing. You are very fortunate to have a loving devoted family. I'm in sync with all traditional Italian values of family. How things have changed. Many moons ago I grew up in BC(Vancouver/Burnaby)I remember it was common practice for a young person to offer their seat to elderly - random act of kindness. I don't see that now. My brother in law drives transit bus in GTA the buses are equipped with protective shield and camera for drivers an public.Junior just came home from teaching in Japan and said that the
general public is very respectful on the bus towards the driver and towards other passengers. As far as woke, I remember a few years back where I work one chap was built like a moose (big and stocky)I got along with him even though he was always saying lewd comments to me, I tried not to judge him(coming from a cult myself).Anyway as he was transitioning with hormone therapy he started using the women's washroom. Since many new immigrants (South Asian -Punjabi)are not accustomed to washroom being used by a transgender they ran out screaming and complained when he wanted to use the woman's washroom.
They'd go into a home over my dead body. When my mother was dying from a primary brain tumor, my father managed her care, arranging for nurse's aides who came for 2 or 3 hours a day and were paid for by insurance, and the rest of us filled in, as he was 72 himself. I quit my job and put my two children, four and one, into the car and drove more than three hours to stay and help care for her 3-4 days a week when things got really bad. (In the beginning my husband and I would leave Friday nights and drive back down very early Monday mornings.) The other days my father's sister, who was particularly close to my mother, and brother-in-law, drove from Connecticut to take over and help my father. My brother helped out on the week-ends and took care of the paper work. Then there were the other brothers who would bring food or just companionship. None of us were allowed to help her during the overnights, though. My father insisted it was his job. He turned her every three hours, massaged, creamed and powdered her so she never got a single bedsore. Everything I know of the devotion a husband should have for his wife I learned from him.

Nine months later my father was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. He spent the first three months with me. When things got really bad, he didn't want my young children to see it, and he wanted to be able to see his brother's and sisters, so my brother installed a hospital bed in his living room and I would go up every weekend to stay with him.........

Thanks for sharing your story.

Your father sounded like a good and loving husband and father. A man who took his vows ‘Until Death Do Us Part’ seriously, and thus cared for and protected his wife until death. Marriages are often shaken to the core when one spouse becomes sick or disabled and the other takes on new responsibilities. Anyway, what your father did for your mother was true love in action. Caring for a sick family member is really demanding, and exhausting. In addition, the struggle with feelings of loss, and fear, is also intense.

The thing is, your father taught you to put the family at the center, as the priority in your life. He taught you to focus on their values, strength, and relationships. Your father led by example. The point is, kids learn by what their parents do, not what they just say. There are people who love to talk about family values and sticking together, but fail when they are hit by a tragedy or are visited by trials.

When a person is close with his parents and siblings growing up, he doesn't take them for granted. Hence, as a family-oriented person, you take commitment more seriously than most. And since your family was your priority growing up, you will carry over your family values into your next family.

When making some important decisions that may affect your family, you will consider the benefits of your Family first. Sadly, we live in a selfish world. In my generation, there are not many family-oriented people. Women today are, for instance, indoctrinated to put themselves ahead before their children and family. Feminists epitomize selfishness.
Even when it is now clear that Trump has spilled top state secrets?

If he goes to jail for that, would he still be a serious presidential candidate?

One could point to Hillary and her scrubbing of her laptop, etc. Hunter Biden getting all this money in Ukraine to buy hookers and crack, and so on.

I now suspect Trump will be unable to run, but you never know.

Frankly, I think it is time for him to let someone else go for the nomination.

But with Trump or not, the Republicans have been changed into a populist party, with people who will carry the torch, and bring it farther.

Democrats are now clearly the party of Plutocracy.
One could point to Hillary and her scrubbing of her laptop, etc. Hunter Biden getting all this money in Ukraine to buy hookers and crack, and so on.

I now suspect Trump will be unable to run, but you never know.

Frankly, I think it is time for him to let someone else go for the nomination.

But with Trump or not, the Republicans have been changed into a populist party, with people who will carry the torch, and bring it farther.

Democrats are now clearly the party of Plutocracy.

I don't think those Hillary and Hunter Biden things can't be compared to this....top national security things, relative unprotected in a private home....madness.

Populism is imo dead end street, It can only function as a kind of countervailing power, but fails as a constructive power.

From my European perspective the US is going to be a lame duck and that's the last thing we need against Xi and Putin. And with an authoritarian leader in the US it would be hard to detect the differences....
:amazed:Yes, indeed, our politicians have people thrown out of hospital windows for criticizing them. It's just like Putin's Russia.:LOL:
I don't think those Hillary and Hunter Biden things can't be compared to this....top national security things, relative unprotected in a private home....madness.

Populism is imo dead end street, It can only function as a kind of countervailing power, but fails as a constructive power.

From my European perspective the US is going to be a lame duck and that's the last thing we need against Xi and Putin. And with an authoritarian leader in the US it would be hard to detect the differences....

Another kkkommunist move by the enlightened Dutch, and now Turdeau in my country.

I now suspect Trump will be unable to run, but you never know.

Frankly, I think it is time for him to let someone else go for the nomination.

But with Trump or not, the Republicans have been changed into a populist party, with people who will carry the torch, and bring it farther.

I suspect DeSantis will run and he's more likely to succeed than Trump. He's smarter at politics.

That Trump for example is in the authoritarian corner of the political spectrum is an interpretation. But I dare to say it's pretty well underlined right now in his case.

I can't state this about DeSantis I haven't heard , seen and read much about him yet.....

DeSantis from what I read is like Trump lite - culture war issues in Florida, like taking out CRT from school textbooks.
Another kkkommunist move by the enlightened Dutch, and now Turdeau in my country.
The Sri Lankan government created a food crisis by restricting fertiliser imports.

If the Dutch government cared about farmers they would put more money in R&D. Dutch tomato greenhouses are world-leading in terms of efficiency - amazing that the Netherlands exports food with such little land.

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