The Opinion Game


Sunrise or sunset? (sorry if this was asked already :p, but I just pulled an all-nighter and saw the sunrise, so it's on my mind ^_^)
hard to choose, both are beautiful... well, let it be sunrise as new birth and new way to see things

tornado or blizzard?
Jref; there's something special about this place, the innocence of a child, precocious, wise, sparing in words, and funny !

Baby-sitting or troll-sitting ?
office - who likes cubicles?
straight forward
manual - I feel way more in control driving manual, it's all I ever drive.
shine - despite being from Seattle, I'm not a big fan of rain. Summers in
Seatttle however are beautiful, sunny, and warm.
I can't choose between Star Wars and Star Trek, they both have things I like
and don't like about them.
I don't know
I don't play video games
Pacific - I don't think I've ever seen the Atlantic.
I like the look of American money - very distinguished. It may be hard to tell
it apart for foreigners, but once you get used to it you can tell the
bills apart instantly.
international development

thrift store OR buy it on sale??
Buy it on Sale... I hate searching for something amongst all the crap.

Straight hair or Curly hair?
Straight hair - it is easier to make it curly if you want a change!

Sea or Sky?
I love the Sea! However if Im not near the sea, I do like to stare at the sky....
Preferably the sea however, im a water baby!
I dont know anymore opinions...

Learning online or from books? (e.g learning another language)
Debates are great for learning online, well that depends on the forum though. Some online articles are great too, but they are harder to find.

Books are usually long and very well researched, so if I really want to know about something, a highly recommended book is best.

Watch a golf tournament or a marathon on the tube?
Marathon, golf is waaaaaay to slow for my opinion (same thing with baseball). Marathons can be interesting though - at the very least it's amazing to see the pace the leaders keep.

Aqua blue or sky blue?
straight hair

Plan an evening to the last detail or improvise ?

Improving can simply suck sometimes because you eventually end up doing nothing, or just wasting your time not getting around to do what you really want to do.

Reading a story from a book, or reading a story from the internet?

From the internet

Reading the bible or looking up adult content on the internet? Not that anybody here does that second choice ;)
Reading the Bible, of course :souka: I'm such a pure and innocent soul, as I'm sure you know.......... :smug:

Ummm.... for activity of your choice of a quiet evening - reading or writing?

Out-of-Africa or multiregional origin ?
Nice question! Out-of-Africa! Lucy is my great (to several powers) grandmother!

Just for fun:

Evolution or Creation?
Evolution; I can also call it continuous creation. :p

Life-first-appeared-on-earth or life-first-appeared-on-Mars ?
Lexico, you are putting these questions especially for me, aren't you?! I bet you already know my answer too: First on Mars!

Right brain or Left brain?
OK, I suppose that was a bit obscure. How about:

Liquid soap or Bar of soap

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