4 More Years

Haha.. So true.. It corresponds with my signature picture so well too.
Call it common sense, but I would never support a president who first lied to the american people, invaded a country based on false allegations that have since been disproven, and now is responsible for over 1000 american casualties abroad and 2800 on 9/11 as well as for the death of over 100,000 innocent iraqi civilians.

These are facts that cannot be contested, Bush supporters are simply stupider then the rest of us.
edited due to accidental stuff--off to hooters--enjoy your night.
Also, do you think the death rate prior to the election took into account any of the people found in mass graves throughout Iraq? And would Saddam provide a death certificate for the family?
I'm skeptical of mass killings while weapons inspectors were canvassing the country 15 months leading up to the invasion (that took place largely in Kurdish held areas I believe as well), not easily captured in random door-to-door surveys, although obviously Hussain is reportedly responsible for 1.5-2 millions deaths in war, executions, torture etc. over his 24 year reign :(
Antifederalist said:
edited due to accidental stuff--off to hooters--enjoy your night.

dADADADDADADADA (What he wrote before) ? You're going by the old "If you can't beat 'em, Act stupid" principle eh? Heh..

Anyway I've gone this long restraining myself from getting involved in this thread because I've done it countless times and it never does any good. So I shall be gone now.
Antifederalist said:
edited due to accidental stuff--off to hooters--enjoy your night.

chek out this documentary if u will

The World According to Bush, from a french film maker

and also this one

There is something about W, from an american one.

Is ok, i know u is not ur fault, i mean after 3 years of media bombardemnt, hell,
i would think the same things :)
King of Tokyo said:
dADADADDADADADA (What he wrote before) ? You're going by the old "If you can't beat 'em, Act stupid" principle eh? Heh..

Anyway I've gone this long restraining myself from getting involved in this thread because I've done it countless times and it never does any good. So I shall be gone now.

Actually, no. I had written something prior to that (*edited to remove the word "even") and wanted to retract it. The dadad... was to act as a filler. And besides, don't you already think I am stupid for being conservative?
Antifederalist said:
Actually, no. I had written something prior to that (*edited to remove the word "even") and wanted to retract it. The dadad... was to act as a filler. And besides, don't you already think I am stupid for being conservative?

Nope, just misinformed/ignorant. Or maybe you were brought up having it beaten into you by a father that was very against sins like homosexuality but would still drink, beat your mother and other various acts looked down upon by the bible as sins, yet found it to be more acceptable than to be married to someone of the same gender. I hope this isn't the case like it is in so many gun totin' all american redneck homes. I don't know how anyone who is intelligent and intelligently informed could genuinely like what Bush and what he has been doing to his country and what is to most likely to come. And look, you got me into this again, I really should be going.. I'm going to end up typing for a long time and it is going to do as much good as typing to my fridge. You are republican - you made your choice - or rather maybe someone else made it for you while you were growing up - whichever the case, you will not listen to the facts so why bother.. Wait.. There I go again.. I have to stop typing.. Right.. Now..
King of Tokyo said:
Nope, just misinformed/ignorant. Or maybe you were brought up having it beaten into you by a father that was very against sins like homosexuality but would still drink, beat your mother and other various acts looked down upon by the bible as sins, yet found it to be more acceptable than to be married to someone of the same gender. I hope this isn't the case like it is in so many gun totin' all american redneck homes. I don't know how anyone who is intelligent and intelligently informed could genuinely like what Bush and what he has been doing to his country and what is to most likely to come. And look, you got me into this again, I really should be going.. I'm going to end up typing for a long time and it is going to do as much good as typing to my fridge. You are republican - you made your choice - or rather maybe someone else made it for you while you were growing up - whichever the case, you will not listen to the facts so why bother.. Wait.. There I go again.. I have to stop typing.. Right.. Now..

You are a piece of work. And no, I am not a Republican, I am a conservative who, more often than not, votes Republican (I do occasionly vote for Dems in my local elections just because they actually tend to be more conservative than the republicans there). And the feeling is mutual, typing to you is like typing to my fridge.

I just find your arrogance astounding. But I am sure as a non-US resident that you have an added perspective aboat how things are here that we are to blind and ig-nant to see.

You suggest that I am ignorant/misguided and my father beat my mother and drank and hates gays....I am the ignorant one here?
Antifederalist said:
You are a piece of work. And no, I am not a Republican, I am a conservative who, more often than not, votes Republican (I do occasionly vote for Dems in my local elections just because they actually tend to be more conservative than the republicans there). And the feeling is mutual, typing to you is like typing to my fridge.

I just find your arrogance astounding. But I am sure as a non-US resident that you have an added perspective aboat how things are here that we are to blind and ig-nant to see.

You suggest that I am ignorant/misguided and my father beat my mother and drank and hates gays....I am the ignorant one here?

I said I hope it is not true. I never said it was. I said it was the case with many redneck republicans. I would never claim to know your personal life, as I don't know you, or why you are Pro-Bush.

And I have dual citizenship, my mother was conceived in America, with Americans parents (From Massachusetts no less, atleast I know my relatives live in an intelligent state). Trust me, I know America, and I'd like to forget about it as long as Bush is president.
King of Tokyo said:
I said I hope it is not true. I never said it was. I said it was the case with many redneck republicans. I would never claim to know your personal life, as I don't know you, or why you are Pro-Bush.

And I have dual citizenship, my mother was conceived in America, with Americans parents (From Massachusetts no less, atleast I know my relatives live in an intelligent state). Trust me, I know America, and I'd like to forget about it as long as Bush is president.

How many redneck republicans do you know? And were al their home lives like what you hope mine wasn't? Sounds like stereotyping to me; I didn't know Liberals were capable since they are so enlightened compared to us conservatives. I guess we are all human after all.
keep the discussion polite guys...no namecalling please...too many arguements lately...be more tolerant to eachother... :bluush:
Antifederalist said:
You are a piece of work. And no, I am not a Republican, I am a conservative who, more often than not, votes Republican (I do occasionly vote for Dems in my local elections just because they actually tend to be more conservative than the republicans there). And the feeling is mutual, typing to you is like typing to my fridge.

I just find your arrogance astounding. But I am sure as a non-US resident that you have an added perspective aboat how things are here that we are to blind and ig-nant to see.

You suggest that I am ignorant/misguided and my father beat my mother and drank and hates gays....I am the ignorant one here?

Conservatives are small minded, they don't want progression. Take bible thumping anti-gay conservatives for example. The same discrimination against anti-gay marriages equates to laws that once restricted inter racial marriages, they're stupid, they just don't get it.
So it is no suprise that your opinions are as they are.
Bush kills hundreds of thousands of civilians: Vote Bush. Would any rational thinker vote for Bush? I think not.

Results from the World Vote:

According to the international election, John Kerry receives 81.6% of the vote. George Bush is favoured by a 6.2% minority. Independent candidate Ralph Nader gets 5.3%. The other candidates together receive less than 6%. In total, nearly 10,000 citizens from countries all over the world took part in this election.

The World Votes For John Kerry
THE HAGUE, 11/1/?04 ? If the rest of the world could vote in the U.S. Presidential election, John Kerry would win in a landslide. That is the conclusion of an international election conducted by The World Votes.

The survey results are mailed to all respondents - including more than 4,000 American citizens- as well as to international and U.S. media. But the World Votes has no intent to influence the democratic process in the U.S. ?We just want to urge U.S. voters to keep the rest of the world in mind when casting their vote?, says Wiebe de Jager, one of the initiators.

Distribution of participants:

But the rest of the world has no say in who becomes the US president. So I don't see how "The world Votes For John Kerry" makes any difference at all. Views are alot diffenrent on the outside than on the inside as you can clearly see now.
One very positive side of this year's election:


The first African American in Senate, I might add. Doesn't he look like Tim Meadows?
The rest of the world also doesn't get tax breaks, doesn't have to deal with how the president will protect the States in domestic terms, and likes the liberal ideal of protecting domestic jobs, which drives up domestic labor costs and allows foreign products to appear more appealing in the American market.
My friend swears that Obama is just Osama clean-shaven.

Relax...its just a joke.

On another note Timsan...10,000 people isnt a lot of people to include in a vote like this election. Seems like the possibility for forsight into anti-Bush bias would have been more than evident in a small poll like that.

Plus...I'm conservative-ish. But I'm hardly small minded. Its terribly faulty to claim that all convervatives are small-minded that want no progression.

On a final note Timsan; b*tch and moan 'till the cows come home, its not gonna change the outcome. Grit your teeth, deal with it and move on.
Hiram Revels was the first African American in the US Senate (1876)
recently Carol Moseley-Braun from chicago 1992-98.

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