Religion A question to the Protestant Christians OFFTOPIC by Doc


Silent Assassin
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Living abroad in Las Vegas
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Chinese, Columbian, German, and Russian
sabro said:
Hmmm- I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, that he is the only way, that His word is the Bible and that it is God insprired and inerrant. I belive that God created the Heavens and the Earth and that man fell through the sin of Adam- is sinful in nature and is in need of a redeemer. Born Again enough? I'm willing to bet my life on it.

100% certainty? Don't have it, don't need it. I live with uncertainty moment by moment and the thrill of the risks- like drinking tap water! Oh what a rush.

Would I die for it? Probably. I might actually die for less, like a really good pastrami sandwhich, or a really nice Harley.

Sabro, you are my hero. Seriously, you're like the reincarnation of Lexico. :cool:

Doc :wave:
Doc said:
Sabro, you are my hero. Seriously, you're like the reincarnation of Lexico. :cool:

Well, Lexico being an Atheist, that is dubbious.:eek:kashii:
Revenant said:

Hmm, I missed that. But all his posts seem to confirm that he is not religious, so I would think he is a non-religious theist, or in other words a deist.
Doc said:
Sabro, you are my hero. Seriously, you're like the reincarnation of Lexico.

Oh, really? I didn't think Xtians believed in reincarnation. Are you confused about Xtian doctrine?
Maciamo said:
Well, Lexico being an Atheist, that is dubbious.:eek:kashii:

Hmm, I missed that. But all his posts seem to confirm that he is not religious, so I would think he is a non-religious theist, or in other words a deist.

You are wrong on both accounts. The first one naturally because Revenant pointed it out, and the second because I have had many private discussions with Lexico on religion and he is not a deist.

Doc :wave:
strongvoicesforward said:
Oh, really? I didn't think Xtians believed in reincarnation. Are you confused about Xtian doctrine?

Had the thought ever occurred to you that I might not be a Christian at all. Think before you post. :eek:kashii:

Doc :wave:
Doc said:
Had the thought ever occurred to you that I might not be a Christian at all. Think before you post.

Why don't you tell us what you believe in then. :souka:
He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to

What he believes in ,is his buisness
So if he wants to keep them to himself,such as everybody has their own rights
He's still a perfectly normal person
]-wandering-raven-[ said:
He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to
What he believes in ,is his buisness

Well, if he joins this discussion on the philosohpy & rleigion subforum, then he should be ready to expose his beliefs.

So if he wants to keep them to himself,such as everybody has their own rights
He's still a perfectly normal person

I have never thought that it was normal to hide one's religious beliefs, except if you are ashamed of them, risk being persecuted/discriminated for them, or do not have any clear beliefs.
Doc said:
Had the thought ever occurred to you that I might not be a Christian at all.

Come now, he even had me down as a Bible-thumper.

Think before you post. :eek:kashii:
Doc :wave:

Let us strive always to be reasonable in our expectations of others.
Doc and Mikecash,

I never presumed you were a Xtian, did I? I did, however, address your comments in the manner in which you posted them -- particularly you, Mikecash, who put forth a typical argument used by apologists, and may I might add you have not yet had the maturity to cede it is in error.

Both of you seem more interested in helping a forum friend rather than getting to the heart and truth of the matter. I would suggest you stop dithering around with loyalties and put forth either your arguments for or against the BWOG.

Mikecash, if you are offering intellectual gymnastic constructs for a belief system in which you don`t believe in, then you are being rather superficial and disengenuine. I don`t find those as traits worthy of merit. Do you?
Doc said:
Had the thought ever occurred to you that I might not be a Christian at all. Think before you post. :eek:kashii:
Doc :wave:

Sure, it occurred to me. But I don`t care because it doesn`t matter. If you are going to proffer a question/comment or musing on the BWOG's doctrines concerning "reincarnation" without making your stance known, then I will answer it accordingly. For all I know you could be playing the Devil`s advocate and therefore it is inviting me to take the role opposite. Your personal belief is irrelevant -- just your arguments/comments/questions are.

Nothing personal on my side. I`m not prosecuting the messenger -- just the message.
Maciamo said:
Well, if he joins this discussion on the philosohpy & religion subforum, then he should be ready to expose his beliefs.
I have never thought that it was normal to hide one's religious beliefs, except if you are ashamed of them, risk being persecuted/discriminated for them, or do not have any clear beliefs.
"Hiding Is making sure one stays out of range of what others might fire at them , and One can also watch and wonder,If they like to join the conversation ,and "believe" that what they are doing is to thier own right,its not very much hiding,or if you think you are totally godless and think it's a waste of time but see how others respond"
"one thing ona good conversation Is being open For every opinion,also those you might not like or those that might be in your disadvantage"
"on beliefs,what one believes in becomes his belief no more no less,My buddy Is the type person that goes, "I believe in my Eggs and ham cause they feed me and keep me alive,thats about as much as we people here care for religion"

"as In not having clear beliefs,There's a point one wonders about the belief he or she has been raised with,then your belief is all but clear,but it is still not a topic one would be ashamed of"
mikecash said:
Come now, he even had me down as a Bible-thumper.
Well that's too bad because you're dead wrong.
Let us strive always to be reasonable in our expectations of others.
Well it's kind of hard when the other person is intolerant of other people's beliefs. :eek:kashii:
Doc :wave:

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