Ancient genomes with DNA.Land


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Putting an ancient sample through a product designed to detect ancestry in modern people may not provide total enlightenment, but since genomes can be uploaded to DNA.Land for free, I've decided to upload some ancient genomes just for fun, and see what their "Ancestry Reports" say. Here is "Ancestry Report" for ElMiron sample (Upper Paleolithic woman from Magdalenian culture):


I called her "Johnny Oldman", after John Oldman from "The Man From Earth" 2007 movie: :LOL:

The plot focuses on John Oldman, a departing university professor, who claims to be a Cro-Magnon (or Magdalenian caveman) who has secretly survived for more than 14,000 years. (...)
I have uploaded Villabruna and Khvalynsk. Results should be available within 24 hours.
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Pretty neat. Thanks. :)
Some interesting results.
Yamnaya culture, sample I0443 (Lopatino II, Sok River):

This shows in which modern populations alleles found in ancient samples peak. So this makes perfect sense, because already Haak 2015 wrote that North-East Europeans (such as Lithuanians and Belarusians) and Scandinavians (such as Norwegians or Norwegian-descended Orcadians and Icelanders) have the highest percent of Yamnaya ancestry. Therefore it is no surprise that this "Ancestry Report" for ancient Yamnaya sample looks like ancestry report for some modern person with mixed Belarusian-Norwegian-Indo-Iranian grandparents.
You upload just the BAM file? Without any conversion?
You upload just the BAM file? Without any conversion?

I am currently uploading only genomes from this list:

I think they are already in proper format, or DNA.Land is converting them.

I just download from that link and upload to DNA.Land.

Do you know where can I download more genomes?

I also downloaded and tried to upload RISE598 from this link:

But it did not work and I got the following message:

"Upload failed: internal error (code 4608.20212275)"
Great idea, Tommenable!

It's interesting that the Yamnaya sample is equally divided between NW and NE Europe. It also confirms the 15% or so of European admixture in the Indus Valley and confirms one more time the link to the Bronze Age Pontic-Caspian Steppe.

The Villabruna was not a WHG but an EHG who wandered all the way to Italy, as I had guessed when his R1b result was announced in May.
"Northwest European" - reference populations include Norwegians, Orcadians, Icelanders:

Indeed but what I also realized is that it is pretty much European centered (which makes for them sense). It first tries to explain the admixture by European ancestries and anything else that simply isn't found in Europe get's explained with additional outside admixture.

Means Since Northeast and Northwest Europeans have significant enough EEF and CHG/Iran_Neo admixture it most of the time doesn't need anything else to explain. Expect Khvalynsk which indicates that this culture must had even more ancestry that is typical for South_Central Asia today and is not found in modern Europeans.

If the calculator was South_Central Asian centric for example it would explain some of the EHG found ion Yamnaya simply as "SOuth_Central Asian" ancestry and explain everything additional EHG not found in this part of the region as "Northeast European".

As you said yourself these calculators made for modern populations are not very usefull for ancient once.
Indeed but what I also realized is that it is pretty much European centered (which makes for them sense). It first tries to explain the admixture by European ancestries and anything else that simply isn't found in Europe get's explained with additional outside admixture.

Means Since Northeast and Northwest Europeans have significant enough EEF and CHG/Iran_Neo admixture it most of the time doesn't need anything else to explain. Expect Khvalynsk which indicates that this culture must had even more ancestry that is typical for South_Central Asia today and is not found in modern Europeans.

If the calculator was South_Central Asian centric for example it would explain some of the EHG found ion Yamnaya simply as "SOuth_Central Asian" ancestry and explain everything additional EHG not found in this part of the region as "Northeast European".

As you said yourself these calculators made for modern populations are not very usefull for ancient once.

Exactly. People who don't really understand how this works could very easily misinterpret the results.
"Giovanni" Villabruna....good one tomenable. Lol! If this is stored in some publicly accessible database people would ask if he's adapted from parents of Russian and Irish descent!

Kidding aside, these results are interesting
Exactly. People who don't really understand how this works could very easily misinterpret the results.

Not only this. Villabruna sample is not really EHG or WHG or anything. A Villabruna like population contributed almost ~40% of it's ancestry to Iran_Neo. CHG itself is around ~60% something Villabruna like. Even Anatolian_Neo has it. So Villabruna is not EHG, CHG, Iran_Neo or whatever. EHG, CHG, IranNeo are part something Villabruna like.

I assume therefore that this "Villabruna" cluster reflects an Mesolithic South_Central Asian population that went threeways. through the Iranian_Plateau into West Asia, through the Central Asian route into the European Steppes and either trough West Asia or the Steppes to Italy. The authors always mention that Villabruna has some ancestry that is specific Near Eastern. I think this what they call "specific Near Eastern" is shown in this calculator as the "Southwest European" and some of the NW European and Northeast European ancestry. Since we known the "Atlanto_Med" component of amateur calculators is basically EEF and "Northeast European " as well Northwest European ancestry definitely includes allot of CHG and EEF too. I assume Villabruna in Italy came via the Anatolian route likely from the Iranian_Plateau or the Caucasus.
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I've noticed at lot of ancient samples also from Europe score some "Central Asian" (Kalash, Indo Iranian et al.) admixture. I've seen a significant numbers of modern Europeans who score it as well. I guess it's a signal of ancient Indoeuropean stratum.
In the youtube video linked above, David Reich says roughly the following: that around 14,000 years ago at the end of the Ice Age, a new population, "much" more closely related to "present day people of the Near East" appeared in the archaeological record. It might be a migration from the Near East into Europe, or into both the Near East and Europe from a refugia in Greece or Western Asia, as in present day Turkey.

He doesn't believe, clearly, that the evidence points to them "originating" in far northeastern Europe, as some had been insisting even after the Villabruna paper came out.

That's all we know so far without other samples and more analysis, and I don't mean analysis by amateur bloggers.

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