Any guesses on the meaning behind my handle: Denderplankenware?


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It's a rather good one...

Say what first comes into your mind anent the meaning of Denderplankenware (and why) then also any other afterthoughts...
the Dender is a river with its origins north of Mons and flowing northwards into the Schelde

it is a pathway made of planks toward the Dender
I'm aware that van der Plank is a relatively common Dutch name.

I know plank means shelf or book-shelf, so planken would be plural.

Den der may have an old Dutch meaning (that escapes me), or....dender could be a first person singular conjugation of denderen - to rumble, in the adjectival sense, denderend means smashing (as in something really good).

Ware can mean the same thing as in English, or it can be an adjectival form of waar, meaning true, real, or can be used in the sense of something being worthy.

So, putting it all together, you might use it as a description of a book so smashingly good that it is worthy of taking pride and place on your book shelf.

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