Apprehending pedophiles: An uphill battle...

Iron Chef

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Fukuoka (current), Nagoya, Sapporo
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Asian-American (half-Vietnamese) born in Saigon but raised in America.
Generally speaking, I try to be an upbeat and postive person as much as possible. Once in a while though, I do take an issue to heart and feel compelled to post my inner thoughts on the matter. This is one such case.

Came across this recent article in the LA Times online. Check it out for yourself, it's worth the read imho. As an ex-cop and former investigator (yeah, now you all know more about me than I wanted to let on... heh), I can really relate to some of the things these guys have to deal with internally in this line of work. Dealing with the scum of the Earth day-in and day-out can be mentally exhausting to say the least.

Anyways, your comments on this article will be appreciated because it is an issue I feel very strongly about on a personal note. Thanks for taking the time to read this.,0,4897151.story?coll=la-home-headlines

In closing, I will leave you all with this to think about: Remember... people wear "masks" everyday. Each and every one of us has at least a pair, sometimes more. There is the one we put on when we go to work, socialize in familiar circles, and when dealing with and in the public in general. Then there's the other one... the one we put on when nobody can see us. The mask we hide behind when we lock the door, shut the blinds, and retreat into the dark recesses of our own minds...

Always be vigilant when dealing with people online. You never know which mask any person is wearing at any given time. In this world there are some fundamentally evil people...
I can understand the concern about pedophilia! I wouldn't like some creep molesting my children, or just thinking about it for that matter(I'm not a parent, I'm only 16).
Where would hentai come into this picture? Japanese otaku look at alot of hentai, some of it concerns younger aged anime characters. Would that be considered pedophilia..
This is something to be concerned about, you can't help but to wonder if you can protect your children these days. As the years go by it becomes more difficult. As far as that hentai in Japan goes, I think it's referred to as shota. :? Where grown ups have this strange attraction to kids. I've seen some of it, too and I wonder. But then, how often do you hear about kids being molested over in Japan. Perhaps it's not reported as much, it almost makes me think that it's okay! :bikkuri: God, I hope that's not the case.
I really feel for the guy, trying to get to these children before more can happen to them. I doubt if I could even do his job. I would feel rage at doing it, I feel rage and anger just by reading about it. If I had children I would kill anybody who tried anything with them. I can't believe that their own relations could do such things. Anything to bring this sick practice to an end is worth putting money into.
I watched on TV the other day that one pedophile said, "If you released me, I'll do it again. Because I cannot control myself".
I've heard that many of pedophiles are the victims themselves.
What I cannot understand is:
"why do they hurt children if they know the pain?"

Several years ago, the name of the pedophile appeared on newspaper, and he was a judge. Later, he killed himself. You never know who is a pedophile.

I hate this crime with passion. My heart goes for the children who had been abused. I want to support the organisations that assist those abused children.
"Where would hentai come into this picture? Japanese otaku look at alot of hentai, some of it concerns younger aged anime characters. Would that be considered pedophilia.."

You raise an interesting point. When I lived in Nagoya every month someone moving out of my building at that time would always leave a ton of old mangas stacked up neatly to be collected on whatever the scheduled day it was for such things. Inevitably it became something of a routine for the other tenants to rifle through looking for something worthwhile to read (myself included, heh). I was literally shocked at some of the things I would come across... I mean kids with kids, kids with adults, kids with animals... need I say more?

I guess that timeless question of when does "art" cross the line and become something more also applies here. I'm sure there are plenty of innocent enough themes out there to satisfy everyone's taste (even the hardcore ones) but some of the really nasty stuff i've seen available for sale here in Japan really serves no purpose other than to fuel one's perverse desires towards acting out such regrettable behavior imho. And trust me... I mean really really NASTY depicting pre-adolescent aged-characters like some of the things i've already mentioned. But then again, it is just paper and ink after all... so where does one draw the line? I don't know... it's a complicated issue I guess because despite the majority who condemn such materials there will always be a niche', a market for such enthusiasts.
I wanted to both cry and throw up after reading that article. The fact that there are men out there that are like makes me sick. Pedophiles are literally one the top of my list of the worst of the worst, with regular rapists in second, and serial killers in third. Sex offenders are the worst in my book, and should be tortured for their crimes. I'm talking hard core punishment here. This kind of stuff just pisses me off. Hell in my town alone we have three convicted sex offenders, two accounted for, and one who ran from the police just the other day. I hate pedophiles with every fiber of my body, and every ounce of energy from my soul.

Doc said:
I wanted to both cry and throw up after reading that article. The fact that there are men out there that are like makes me sick. Pedophiles are literally one the top of my list of the worst of the worst, with regular rapists in second, and serial killers in third. Sex offenders are the worst in my book, and should be tortured for their crimes. I'm talking hard core punishment here. This kind of stuff just pisses me off. Hell in my town alone we have three convicted sex offenders, two accounted for, and one who ran from the police just the other day. I hate pedophiles with every fiber of my body, and every ounce of energy from my soul.

I think you'll find that most people agree with you. I don't know about the US, but in British prisons they are kept seperated from the rest of the prison population. The reason is for their safety. The other inmates would tear them apart.
No I don't believe they seperate them. It's a good thing too. If I was an inmate I'd tear the pedophiles apart when I would get the chance.

oh i cant read it i'll get way to upset.

i never understood how people who where hurt hurt others. i'm the opposite. if somebody kicked me i would say "hey. being kicked sucked. i'll never kick others" you know?

But hey I dont wear a mask. I'm the same with everybody at anytime everywhere. =) But you're right we should be more on the look out.

the reason i came to this forum was because i was on another japan one and there where so many screwed up pervs i couldnt take it. and then they'd yell at me trying to justify how being with a 13 year old is good and "it's rediculous" that i say its not. and thats one of the less disturbing things.....

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