Religion Are all Christians intolerant and hypocritical?

I enjoyed the points made there Maciamo san. I would think, in this case, perhaps, it may be more inclusive to define Christian as usually defined in the dictionary. Kind of wondering though, would the modifier 'all' include 'all'? That could be something to think about too.

You're very welcome Tsuyoiko !!
Thanks for the welcome back Mars Man sama!
Haha, yes you better get your garden under way before my next trip to Japan!

No, im not Seventh Day Adventist, neither am I a Jehovah Witness... however the 144,000 souls to be saved does play a part in my religion.
:blush: Me any more does not surprise, that I as if again " have got in the Soviet union " - such impression at me from many discussions, as if " shadows of hegemons " rise from "nonexistence"... But unless these " fierce verbal disputes " concern to christianity?... It only " human nature of finding-out of the interspecific status "... And in these disputes "True" it is necessary for nobody... The Main thing - dispute...
About 144000 of souls - it is not necessary to perceive in the Bible all - literally...
It is a twelve-year cycle... And whether will be for this "cycle" so much... Either it is more... Or less... Will solve only a reality... (Nanin tonmuege phendiril ssigessimnida...):angel:
Are all Christians intolerant and hypocritical?

If they are pure Xtians, then they are. Is Jesus a Christian? Would Jesus be tolerant enough to let a non-Christian into Heaven? Would Xtians like to see non-Christians permitted into Heaven without them ever converting?

Many Neo-Xtians are tolerant and not all are hypocritical. But, Neo-Christians are not Christians.
Nice division of Christian and Neo-Christian! That seems a convenient way of categorizing all Christians as either fakey-Christians or intolerant and hypocritical Christians. I don't buy it.

Some Christians believe that all will be saved, aside from the Devil himself and his two beasts. Only those that do not accept Jesus now will have to go through a lot of cleansing fire. It might even be Biblical supported, it would be interesting to look into that.
I think I will stick with standard definitions for commonly used terms. It makes communication a bit easier.
I more or less agree Sabro, except that I would prefer to go wider than the standard definition and include anyone who says "I am a Christian", even if we don't think he is. That makes it harder for people to make generalisations, and I'm in favour of that.
This just an arguement about who gets to be called a Christian and who doesn't. Quite frankly, I think there are too many damn people who call themselves Christian but are NOTHING alike to make any good generalizations about personality.

Anyways, who gets to decide who is a Christian and who isn't? The pope? The local snake-handlers? A jury? Shouldn't one's beliefs be up to the person in question, not a third party? (Aside from extreme cases. No matter how many times a nut claims he's really Jesus, I'm not going to believe him. Or should I.......? )
Tsuyoiko said:
I more or less agree Sabro, except that I would prefer to go wider than the standard definition and include anyone who says "I am a Christian", even if we don't think he is. That makes it harder for people to make generalisations, and I'm in favour of that.

Yes, I agree. Anyone who claims Christ as their saviour and calls themselves a Christian should be considered a Christian. However, today`s Christians are more often than not Neo-Christians.

By the way, Hitler was a Christian.
Revenant said:
Nice division of Christian and Neo-Christian! That seems a convenient way of categorizing all Christians as either fakey-Christians or intolerant and hypocritical Christians. I don't buy it.

You don`t have to buy it. I`m not selling it for profit. Just making an observation. For those who want to accept it, it`s free for all to use.

I didn`t know you read all that (i.e. fakey, intolerant, hypocritical) so clearly into the prefix "Neo", Revenant. You seem to be more perceptive than I, for I was just meaning Christians who do not follow the Christian Bible as it exhorts its followers to do. Just not being able to live up to high standards does not mean all those things. Even ignoring them doesn`t. It may mean they are just lazy and look for convenience.

However, you are right to draw those conclusions. I won`t argue with your interpretation.
...In "Old Testament" in many prophecies it is spoken that on the party of the God there will be also pagans...:angel:

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