Are you vegetarian ?

Are you vegetarian (and why) ?

  • No

    Votes: 136 79.1%
  • Yes,but not always

    Votes: 15 8.7%
  • Yes, I don't like meat

    Votes: 7 4.1%
  • Yes, I don't want to kill animals

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Yes, because of my religion

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Yes, I am vegan (no animal product at all, including eggs and milk)

    Votes: 9 5.2%

  • Total voters
one of my flatmates is vegan, and the two others were once vegetarian but now eat meat again.
ive always been a carnivore. ;)
I've been a vegetarian all my life. Why anyone would want pieces of a dead animal in their food is beyond me. ;)
Meataterian ?

All my life, I've hated vegtables and lived on meat & potatoes.
Most of the time I live on junk food and soda which cost me all my teeth ! Old age and married life are causing me to change my ways though.

I used to work with an attorney once who said he would eat anything that didn't crawl off his plate! I thought that was one of the funniest things I had ever heard. :D
Since I eat a lot of bread, I'm more of a sausage guy. But once or twice a month I need raw meat: called Mett (some kind of minced meat, but prepared to eat it raw). Together with onions on bread esp. rolls, I love it. My girlfriend calls me an animal for doing so.

I don't think I would ever want to do without meat or meat products.
phobic... interesting concept... dead animals.. yuck...
I took an anatomy and physiology class in college and we were lucky enough to have 11 cadavers from the med. dept. to study. I decided at that point that meat is meat, whether human or cow or dog, it`s all the same to me and I won`t eat it. In Japan it`s very difficult, fish dashi in everything. If I cook at home I`m fine, If not, I eat rice. No meat no fish.
Not a vegetarian.

I do like to try a bit of everything, though I have tried vegan dishes, but I have never been on a diet. I hate that word, "diet". I like to feel free about my tastes and choices, so I love Portuguese cuisine, French, the pseudo-Chinese, Spanish, Indian and so forth. I try to diversify what I eat, so I can enthusiastically eat a Mediterranean salad as well a nice charcoaled beef steak.

As for the Ethical consequences, why not think also on the Political consequences? After all, every time you are buying a produce from country or company X, over the local production, you are making a political statement.
No meat -> I'll die!!!! I love meat so much, couldn't live without your body needs it, vegetarian food YUK!!!Why don't just graze in the garden and eat some grass??same effect :souka: Fish and meat and veggies...but not simply veggies...that would kill me most definitely :relief:
lineartube said:
I do like to try a bit of everything, though I have tried vegan dishes, but I have never been on a diet. I hate that word, "diet". I like to feel free about my tastes and choices, so I love Portuguese cuisine, French, the pseudo-Chinese, Spanish, Indian and so forth. I try to diversify what I eat, so I can enthusiastically eat a Mediterranean salad as well a nice charcoaled beef steak.

I'm with you there, lineartube. I'm the exact same way.

I have tried and failed to become vegetarian more than a few times, and about 3 years ago, I cut out beef completely and it lasted over a year. It ended when we had a huge party at my house for Father's Day. I had eaten so much chicken the past year and a half, and those hamburgers on that grill just looked so good....I just had to have one. I've been eating beef once per week on average since then.
I'm with Rock Lee. People need meat....that is just good stuf. In fact, my wife and I ate at a Japanese steak house tonight. It was delicious. :cool:
No, I'm not... I'm not too fond of vegetables even :relief:
I really like pork, regardless if normal pork or wild pork, and frequently eat it (wild pork only seldomly, because it's so expensive).
But that's the absolutely only meat I eat - I absolutely loathe any type of seafood and poultry, and I can't stand other meat besides pork either.
Is there a name for people who only and exclusively eat pork?
Putting meat on the grill is quite popular over here as well, but I can't stand grilled meat

I can respect that...But I was raised in the South. Even if there was no way to cook it...I would probably try to eat meat raw! :? nah....j/k :)

Actually grilling the meat is one of the healthiest was to eat it.
CC1 said:
Actually grilling the meat is one of the healthiest was to eat it.
I'd rather say the opposite is true - the smoke from the charcoal fire inside of the grill contains many substances which are quite unhealthy, and which are then found in the grilled meat :relief:

CC1 said:
Even if there was no way to cook it...I would probably try to eat meat raw!
I'd rather eat it raw than grilled, I think... very most times, I eat it fried in a pan. Eating it cooked is quite seldom, but is also ok.
Give me meat!! I don't eat dairy or greasy foods because they give me a tummy ache. It's ok to be a vegetarian, but I don't like it when they look down on people who eat meat. I personally think there's something very beautiful about the cycle of life and a fine cut of meat or fish. Whenever I look at a huge cut of brilliantly orange king salmon I just want to weep for what a beautiful sight it is. :bawling:
Im not a vegetarian, but lately I have decreased my meat intake just because I feel it's healthier to eat more vegetables and less meat. Also, I think that fish is a better protein source than lets say beef, or watever. However, I wont say no to some juicy pork ribs or a Pita.

No offense to anyone, but I also think that some people became vegetarians just because it might be trendy at sometime.

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