Politics Balkanian disagreements.

Medvegj katuni Svirrc , t'thash po leh sepse po shan , ski nevoj me ofendu , t'thash sdisa her nese sheh nej gabim tregom , per ket arsye osht forumi , ti kurr nuk um tregove ku gabova , veq shajte pa arsye , pra fol bir argument edhe e pranoj edhe kerkoj falje / terheqna , po veq me sha pa dhan as ni arsye ksaj i thom me leh.

Nejse nuk kam ndonje info per svirrc, menova qe i gollakut je, ashtu si the. Une nuk shava, por te thash qe nuk je shqiptar sepse fol marrina si me ka shka. Ku e merr ket informat qe na jem te perzim 50/50 me popullata te lindjes se mesme, dhe ne cka bazohesh ti qe thu jemi te perzim? Ta tregoj une qe ne baz te gjenetikes jemi popullata me homogjene ne Evrop.
Nejse nuk kam ndonje info per svirrc, menova qe i gollakut je, ashtu si the. Une nuk shava, por te thash qe nuk je shqiptar sepse fol marrina si me ka shka. Ku e merr ket informat qe na jem te perzim 50/50 me popullata te lindjes se mesme, dhe ne cka bazohesh ti qe thu jemi te perzim? Ta tregoj une qe ne baz te gjenetikes jemi popullata me homogjene ne Evrop.

I didn't say we were 50/50 mixed , i said that sometimes when i watch our people i get that impression ,but i also said that other times i think we are 70/80 % pure , than i said that i'm not sure and that there is a need for e serious study , i had serious problems to come to this conclusion , but here we are , now i learned some things , i have such persons in my own family , they are Semitic in look and the most interesting thing about them is that they don't want to hear about Shqiptari , i talked to them about Arbanian history and they told me 'stop talking about this' they just don't care , all they care about is making money , now i must say they are a part of my family and i love them , BUT i cant call them Arbanian and i cant count on them about Arbanian interests , the same thing you can see with Hashim Thaqi , he doesn't look Arbanian/Arian and look at his deeds , all he wants is money ,i know i sound crazy but i truly think the Semitic people are Created for the desert region and its somehow in their blood/DNA to act and to live with this desert behavior ,in the desert you must be greedy/selfish because the environment demands it , there is not much food and water in the desert , look at the Jashari (j-ashAR) family , all white Arbanian looking , and what were and are their deeds , they were RICH in the time of war and they sacrificed everything they had for their people , and after the war they never got involved in politics where the money is.We are having serious problems with these non Arbanians who call themselves as such .
Leri keto muhabete vari karin per arban alban etc. Per gjerat qe poston duhet qe te keshe nje baze shkencore. Sepse ndryshe behemi qesharak si shqiptare.
Leri keto muhabete vari karin per arban alban etc. Per gjerat qe poston duhet qe te keshe nje baze shkencore. Sepse ndryshe behemi qesharak si shqiptare.

Please write in English as per forum rules and regulations otherwise we will have another Babylon.
I didn't say we were 50/50 mixed , i said that sometimes when i watch our people i get that impression ,but i also said that other times i think we are 70/80 % pure , than i said that i'm not sure and that there is a need for e serious study , i had serious problems to come to this conclusion , but here we are , now i learned some things , i have such persons in my own family , they are Semitic in look and the most interesting thing about them is that they don't want to hear about Shqiptari , i talked to them about Arbanian history and they told me 'stop talking about this' they just don't care , all they care about is making money , now i must say they are a part of my family and i love them , BUT i cant call them Arbanian and i cant count on them about Arbanian interests , the same thing you can see with Hashim Thaqi , he doesn't look Arbanian/Arian and look at his deeds , all he wants is money ,i know i sound crazy but i truly think the Semitic people are Created for the desert region and its somehow in their blood/DNA to act and to live with this desert behavior ,in the desert you must be greedy/selfish because the environment demands it , there is not much food and water in the desert , look at the Jashari (j-ashAR) family , all white Arbanian looking , and what were and are their deeds , they were RICH in the time of war and they sacrificed everything they had for their people , and after the war they never got involved in politics where the money is.We are having serious problems with these non Arbanians who call themselves as such .

This thread is regarding E-V13, so let's stick to the topic. I only responded to you because you just keep rambling about the same thing in all topics, without even understanding the basic of the topic at hand. On top of that, now you are also stereotyping and making racist remarks. Thaqi definitely doesn't look like your typical Albanian, but he doesn't look middle eastern either. Btw, his ancestors were Serbs, and perhaps Serbs mixed with gypsies. Tatomir Vukanovic recorded his family as such in 1930.
i read many things here in this forum and i saw the wildest thoughts and conclusions regarding the E ppl , but what i see is everywhere there are E ppl there is Arbanian/Tartanian tongue in names of those ppl and in names of regions/cities etc , and i see that in the so called Balkan is the root and biggest concentration of this people according to their own history .
Now the question is 'where did E-v13 originate' i say it originated in Asia minor and/or the Balkans , this is their homeland , and they needed an huge period of time to develop to their Nation from a few people to tribes to their culture/identity = Ar-Ba , and you or at least i can see that when they went to the middle east Asia and Africa they left their traces even their own name in all those places , that name that needed time to Be , therefore i say based on logic on linguistic argument and on history that the ancestor of E split in ancient times from his family which was the family of all humans and from the middle east went through Asia minor to the Balkan to Italy to the rest of the continent , and only in recent times they went to Asia Levant north Africa .
And to you Albanians who say we are Illyrians and Pelasgians i tell you that outside of Illyria and Pelasgia you won't find these names anywhere else , but inside Illyria and Pelasgia you find the name Arba Arban Arbanoi Arbanites Arbanas Dardan/Tartan , and outside of the homeland you find again this two names Arban Tartan , so Pelasgian means the people of king Pelasgus and Illyrian means the free people , and one more thing , the Albans of Scotland called themselves Free people , and the Albany of the USA call their land 'the land of the free' and the symbol of all Albans(Arbans) is the Eagle , and the Eagle is the very symbol of freedom because the sky is its home , you can't get more free than this , and this is what Shqip t'Ar means , the 'Eagle Free people' of Ar.
The Sea Peoples in the Bible - Page 47
https://books.google.com/books?id=M...v=onepage&q=arbion mount arbion arbis&f=false

Arms, and the man I sing, who, forc'd by fate,
And haughty Juno's unrelenting hate,
Expell'd and exil'd, left the Trojan shore.
Long labors, both by sea and land, he bore,
And in the doubtful war, before he won
The Latian realm, and built the destin'd town;
His banish'd gods restor'd to rites divine,
And settled sure succession in his line,
From whence the race of Alban fathers come
And the long glories of majestic Rome.(Virgil)


alb alp alph alv arv means ARB




At means fATher Ar is our name .








Álvarez de Toledo Alv means Arb.


Skerdi... to see what i see you must meditate , you must do meditation , me-dit in Arb means to know At means father and ion means our,so Me-Dit-At-Ion means "to know our father(s)' At Et Etnos , i'm not an Patriot , Pa At Ri Ot means 'without a father refather' meaning we don't have a Pater/father so we must make a new one , neither am i a Nationalist , the Patriots make the Nation , Na means we At father ion ours , Na-At-ion means 'we are our own father' , so i don't have the problems you have , i know my father.
In all these years i learned one thing , all the time our enemies accuse us of something its ALWAYS a thing that they are guilty off ,you Skerdi accused me of not being Arbanian and than you told me about Thaqi ....his ancestors were Serbs, and perhaps Serbs mixed with gypsies. Tatomir Vukanovic recorded his family as such in 1930 . If you would be an Arbanian you would never say this because of the shame , and you would never come to the point to do a research about him being Arbanian or not , and in the same time you accused me of being a racist because i mentioned him possibly not being Arb,so you accused me for something that you yourself did , and here it comes , you said ...This thread is regarding E-V13...and making racist remarks. Let me tell you something if you are able to understand , talking about E-v13 means talking about Race , what do you think we are talking about here , Race comes from Arb tongue , Rras means thrust (push (something or someone) suddenly or violently in the specified direction) and rrasa we say to those pieces of stone that we push into the ground side by side one by one to make a path a street or a road , even Street Shtrit means Stretched Road Rat means laying , so a Race is the path/road/street of people who came one after another and who formed an Ethnicity , same blood means same forefathers.
I accused you for making racist remarks towards middle east, not Thaqi. I only mentioned his ancestry, nothing wrong or racist about it. We have an old saying that goes like "Blood is thicker then water", so going back to you when you questioned his behaviours towards our country, he definitely fits the bill. That is the reason why I brought up his ancestry, nothing shameful about it. Why I researched his family? Not just his but I research most Albanians from Kosova because of our Albanian Bloodlines project, more extensively though the Drenica region because that is where I come from (He happens to be from my region). Some people that test and don't remember their Clans, just by their last name and village where they comes from we can find which Clans they belong to (younger generations now days are forgetting their traditions, and many don't know their Clans, sadly). There was some good work done in this regard early 20th century by both groups, Serbs and Albanians. Tatomir though is not my favourite, to an extent I consider him a charlatan, but he is correct on some cases, hence I reference him once in a while.

E-V13 pre-dates all indo-European languages in the peninsula, so it's futile to throw such arguments. Also, Albanians don't use the term "Arbanian", us Ghegs use Arben, Tosks Arber, so please use the proper term so I might consider reading your linguistic arguments that you keep throwing around.
I explained that the name is Ar , and the Arbanian tongue has many ways to say 'made make' , Arb Arba Arbo means made from Ar , Arban Arben Arbon means Ar made them , Arbi means arisen from Ar , Arbion/Albion means our Arb , Arberesh means Arber esh-t , b-Arbarian means Arb Ar jan , kArbanoi means Arban and this name was used to describe the native population of Balkan when the greek/Danoi first came , later they called us bArbar , in north Africa the white ppl are called Berber the root is b-Arber , Saracen means S-Ar a cen qen ken meaning the were Ar once , the old Europeans knew about this thats why they called them like this , Arab means Ar is Ab bab the father , Alban is the latin manipulation one of the biggest in human history , Arvan the greeks turn every B to V , so the people living in so called grece since the danoi came are the Arbanoi Arbanites and Arbanians in English spelling , but the name is Ar Arb Arban , look at this complex word .
i believe it is Arb not Alb and Racca/ka means it fell , Arb has fallen ,Bukhara means Bukura like Bucurest the Beautiful one, this is what i'm talking about , the people who went there were E ppl and later they were conquered by the R/J ppl in a big war in a world war.
p.s when you said serb you wrote the name with a big S and when you said Gypsie you wrote it with a small g , what does this mean i wonder !!!
I explained that the name is Ar , and the Arbanian tongue has many ways to say 'made make' , Arb Arba Arbo means made from Ar , Arban Arben Arbon means Ar made them , Arbi means arisen from Ar , Arbion/Albion means our Arb , Arberesh means Arber esh-t , b-Arbarian means Arb Ar jan , kArbanoi means Arban and this name was used to describe the native population of Balkan when the greek/Danoi first came , later they called us bArbar , in north Africa the white ppl are called Berber the root is b-Arber , Saracen means S-Ar a cen qen ken meaning the were Ar once , the old Europeans knew about this thats why they called them like this , Arab means Ar is Ab bab the father , Alban is the latin manipulation one of the biggest in human history , Arvan the greeks turn every B to V , so the people living in so called grece since the danoi came are the Arbanoi Arbanites and Arbanians in English spelling , but the name is Ar Arb Arban , look at this complex word .
i believe it is Arb not Alb and Racca/ka means it fell , Arb has fallen ,Bukhara means Bukura like Bucurest the Beautiful one, this is what i'm talking about , the people who went there were E ppl and later they were conquered by the R/J ppl in a big war in a world war.
p.s when you said serb you wrote the name with a big S and when you said Gypsie you wrote it with a small g , what does this mean i wonder !!!
At you mentioned, you only believe in it. Keep in mind that believes easily can be wrong.
To my disliking, you make too liberal connections with words and their meanings. It is based on what you really like to see and believe, on your feelings, and not how it really is.
At you mentioned, you only believe in it. Keep in mind that believes easily can be wrong.
To my disliking, you make too liberal connections with words and their meanings. It is based on what you really like to see and believe, on your feelings, and not how it really is.

LeBrok, belive me are all BS. Nobody in Albania believe in this things. Never heard before. Overfloading an forum without any scientific reference is just stupidity.
I explained that the name is Ar , and the Arbanian tongue has many ways to say 'made make' , Arb Arba Arbo means made from Ar , Arban Arben Arbon means Ar made them , Arbi means arisen from Ar , Arbion/Albion means our Arb , Arberesh means Arber esh-t , b-Arbarian means Arb Ar jan , kArbanoi means Arban and this name was used to describe the native population of Balkan when the greek/Danoi first came , later they called us bArbar , in north Africa the white ppl are called Berber the root is b-Arber , Saracen means S-Ar a cen qen ken meaning the were Ar once , the old Europeans knew about this thats why they called them like this , Arab means Ar is Ab bab the father , Alban is the latin manipulation one of the biggest in human history , Arvan the greeks turn every B to V , so the people living in so called grece since the danoi came are the Arbanoi Arbanites and Arbanians in English spelling , but the name is Ar Arb Arban , look at this complex word .
i believe it is Arb not Alb and Racca/ka means it fell , Arb has fallen ,Bukhara means Bukura like Bucurest the Beautiful one, this is what i'm talking about , the people who went there were E ppl and later they were conquered by the R/J ppl in a big war in a world war.
p.s when you said serb you wrote the name with a big S and when you said Gypsie you wrote it with a small g , what does this mean i wonder !!!

It seems you have something here in regards to all of your posts

Let me ask...........would the Tosk and Gheg show similarities in your analysis, that is........... are these 2 dialects just a union of different "tribes" to create one nation.
At you mentioned, you only believe in it. Keep in mind that believes easily can be wrong.
To my disliking, you make too liberal connections with words and their meanings. It is based on what you really like to see and believe, on your feelings, and not how it really is.

Let me try to explain what is happening , one example that i can bring is this , in all history books in Europe including Albania and everywhere online the name of our people who conquered many places is Dardan Dardania Dardanians a.k.a Troyans , now just recently i found out that the name is in reality T'Arët tanë/Tartan meaning our Arians our golden ones our elite , now this is nowhere in books not in Albanian institutions just nowhere , but it is in holywood https://youtu.be/uFHehn0UOLU now remember that Tartan is the same as Dardan and remember that the traditional dress of Scotland is called Tartan and they called themselves Alban , again , where the Arbanians live the ancient people were called Dardan but only in books their real name was Tartan , and in Scotland we find the name of their traditional dress Tartan and they were called Albans , and according to this the Scots were from the Boyars who came from asia , before that they came from Dardania/Tartania
Now look at this , the Boyars/Bujar came from the Kirat people Kir is a name and AT means father , now we see that when the Sea people/Philistines went to the Levant they were called Arba , and the city that they build was called Kiryath Arba , we cant deny this , this means that from the Balkan and Asia minor these Arba ppl went to Africa Levant all mesopotamia till india , they carry the same names the same tongue and even the same symbols , the double headed eagle . https://youtu.be/wZezkcUKG7s
i cant deny all this evidence.

We don`t want a Deretic in albanian version.
LeBrok , according to this i conclude that the or many Europeans spoke Arbanian before the dark ages , thats why i started to look into the European languages words , what bothers me is not ancient words , but new one , like this , in Arb the word for 'mountain' is Mal , the root of this word is Ma which means to hold , L stands for kinds of things , because in ancient times in the mountain you got the wood stone meat fruits etc , from Mal a new Arb word came to describe the goods/retails and the word is Mall , now just in modern times the Mall 'retail house' was invented , and the explanation that they give is that it comes from an company 'pall mall' but where did this company take this word and how do you name a big thing of your culture from a company name , i say no , they took this word because America was founded in Boston Albany if i'm not mistaken , and i have reason to think/believe that the elite of Europe and America still speak Arbanian .
It seems you have something here in regards to all of your posts

Let me ask...........would the Tosk and Gheg show similarities in your analysis, that is........... are these 2 dialects just a union of different "tribes" to create one nation.

maybe you don't know but the tosk used to speak gheg , many of them at least , this greek history professor says that even in greece there were ghegs . https://youtu.be/c0mMTwLn3mA

What does this mean ?

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