Immigration Ban the burka?

No, that human disgrace,plus gays,lesbians have more and better rights than Muslims in Europe.

Gays and homos have freedom even to commit sexual abuse to straight men !

Christianity in Morocco appeared during the Roman times, when it was practiced by Berber Christians in Roman Mauretania Tingitana, although it disappeared after the Islamic conquests.

Article 3 of the Moroccan constitution "guarantees to all the free exercise of beliefs", but the Moroccan criminal code prohibits conversions to other religions than Islam. Conversions of Muslims to Christianity (either proselytization or apostasy) were often in colonial period because laws against such conversions didn't exist yet.
According to Article 220 of the Moroccan Penal Code, "anyone who employs incitements to shake the faith of a Muslim or to convert him to another religion" incurs a sentence of 3 to 6 months' imprisonment and a fine of $16 to $79 (115 to 575 dirhams). Any attempt to induce a Muslim to convert is illegal. Foreign missionaries either limit their proselytizing to non-Muslims or attempt to conduct their work discreetly. In spite of these limitations, a 2015 study estimates some 3,000 believers in Christ from a Muslim background.
Christianity in Morocco appeared during the Roman times, when it was practiced by Berber Christians in Roman Mauretania Tingitana, although it disappeared after the Islamic conquests.

Article 3 of the Moroccan constitution "guarantees to all the free exercise of beliefs", but the Moroccan criminal code prohibits conversions to other religions than Islam. Conversions of Muslims to Christianity (either proselytization or apostasy) were often in colonial period because laws against such conversions didn't exist yet.
According to Article 220 of the Moroccan Penal Code, "anyone who employs incitements to shake the faith of a Muslim or to convert him to another religion" incurs a sentence of 3 to 6 months' imprisonment and a fine of $16 to $79 (115 to 575 dirhams). Any attempt to induce a Muslim to convert is illegal. Foreign missionaries either limit their proselytizing to non-Muslims or attempt to conduct their work discreetly. In spite of these limitations, a 2015 study estimates some 3,000 believers in Christ from a Muslim background.

In Morocco there is religious protection of Moroccans by the state,a good thing I think,if any Moroccan will have to convert to a religion, I think would much prefer Judaism than Christianity,I see that Judaism is closer to Islam than Christianity.

Moreover,Judaism has history in Morocco,long before the appearance of Christianity

Christian associations had to morocco as objective,they come here to do the dirty work,make Moroccans convert to Christianity,thing that Jews do not do Never in Morocco.

etc etc..
In Morocco there is religious protection of Moroccans by the state,a good thing I think,if any Moroccan will have to convert to a religion, I think would much prefer Judaism than Christianity,I see that Judaism is closer to Islam than Christianity.

Moreover,Judaism has history in Morocco,long before the appearance of Christianity

Christian associations had to morocco as objective,they come here to do the dirty work,make Moroccans convert to Christianity,thing that Jews do not do Never in Morocco.

etc etc..

North Africans were the first to receive and embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The early church in North Africa went through severe persecutions A.D. 64 thru 311. In response, the church established the Catechetical Schools of Alexandria, among other similar schools of Christian instruction. Many significant leaders of the faith emerged from the early African church.
Christians were active in what is now Iraq and Iran by the 2nd Century. They were in India and the north of the Arabian Peninsula by the 3rd Century. By the 7th Century there were monks and scholars from Iraq working in China, translating texts and ideas into Chinese and building Chinese-style churches and monasteries.
Ah, this thread. This thread, this thread.

Ban it - the burka is NOT religious regardless of what they claim. Nowhere is it mentioned in the Kuran. The hijabi and a shawl, to cover the breasts, is the ONLY thing that is truly religious.

And the other books are merely written by the Prophet's followers to try and integrate his NON-Islamic [for he was an arab with beliefs that existed long before Islam came about - he merely say a weak society to subjugate, try reading the history and/or ask scholars (some actual Islamic will say the same)] beliefs into the religion. As many scholars will tell you, and a number of the older generation higher social standing [thus educated] Muslims will, there are some very glaring differences between the Muslim culture and the Islamic religion.

Problem is, most "outsiders" know nothing about this break and so they take advantage of blatant non-Islamic / non-Muslim ignorance.

Appearance in the Koran is not necessary for it to be a religious practice. In fact, something being incorporated into a new religious practice from preexisting cultural norms is very typical of religion. In an American context, freedom of religion was instituted primarily to protect variance in practices that were not specified explicitly in the Bible.

Anything that hides one's person's sex should be banned

Like underpants? You're more liberal than I thought!

No, that human disgrace,plus gays,lesbians have more and better rights than Muslims in Europe.

Gays and homos have freedom even to commit sexual abuse to straight men !

You're not going to be taken seriously by posting such obvious falsehoods. Ridiculous.
From my experience, that's what I saw in the 4 years that I have lived in France and Spain.

More details then, please. Were police failing to respond to same-sex rape cases or something? Were you often around when same-sex sexual abuse occurred?
Originally Posted by Sile

Anything that hides one's person's sex should be banned
Like underpants? You're more liberal than I thought!
He is up to something. If men wear burka too, part of the problem is solved. Burka stops being sexist. It is still ridiculous clothing and custom, but not sexist anymore, lol.

I wonder if women wearing burka are vitamin D3 deficient. It might be a health hazard.

You're not going to be taken seriously by posting such obvious falsehoods. Ridiculous.
I don't think he cares much. Obviously he wasn't in France for its liberal education.
the worst health effect is obesity
these women can't move around any more
that is the whole purpose of imposing the burka

It sounds a subjective argument.

There are many other nations such as india. The women's clothes in there, are not suitable for western sytle sports

There are other countries as USA & CANADA. People in there, are also facing with obesity and it is not related with burka


İnteresting Research

" wearing the hijab may help some women reject prescriptive beauty ideals,” said lead author Dr. Viren Swami, in a release on the study."

It seems that women are more confident about their body.


Orthodox Jews have also harsh dreesing rules about women. Is there any ancient text about it? For exmple in egyption text, is there any information about how jews wear, especieally women?
I have read that It is problem in northern countries such as Sweden.

Also direct sun light effects is known. So wearing burqa in Arabia has a reason
Indeed, lighter skin people need to protect themselves, and clothing was the best thing for that cause for millennia. The best example are bedouins dressed up from head to toes. However there is such thing is overdoing the protection. Too much of sunscreen can bring vitamin D deficiency even in Near East. Burka is the prime example of it such overdone protection. Not mentioning becoming a custom and religious symbol, to the level of oppression of women. Now, this is very wrong.
The point was that when men start wearing burqa, even for "modesty", at least then we have some sort of equality of sexes.

Typical Suudi clothes (men), I was really suprised to see that how common is it in Suudi Arabia. For me, it is manly burka.


Tuaregs are also interesting

"In Tuareg society women do not traditionally wear the veil, whereas men do"

Typical Suudi clothes (men), I was really suprised to see that how common is it in Suudi Arabia. For me, it is manly burka.


Tuaregs are also interesting

"In Tuareg society women do not traditionally wear the veil, whereas men do"

No, it isn't.


Sometimes even their hands can't be seen.


You can't see properly or breathe properly or eat anywhere outside your home. There's certainly little point in getting an education because there's no way you can hold a modern job.

Stop trying to excuse the inexcusable. You're just reinforcing the ideas of those who are convinced Muslims have no business in Europe. What are you going to try to justify next, female mutilation? Oh, excuse me, female circumcision.
Any body part that can be seen in women can excite men (I see it quite convincingly), and this is haram,the opposite of halal in Islam,a sin committed by women,this is the reason of the pro-burka.

Westerners will never understand because they simply are not Muslims.
Any body part that can be seen in women can excite men (I see it quite convincingly), and this is haram,the opposite of halal in Islam,a sin committed by women,this is the reason of the pro-burka.

Westerners will never understand because they simply are not Muslims.


thanks...............I can never be a muslim because of the inequality they show women and to other non-muslim people. .....................I think they are the most racist people I know. The problem is always religion...........they believe what any man tells them
Any body part that can be seen in women can excite men (I see it quite convincingly), and this is haram,the opposite of halal in Islam,a sin committed by women,this is the reason of the pro-burka.

Or perhaps Western men can control themselves unlike Muslim men with their pure animal urges? Thus, Western women can walk around free, do any job, and control their destiny, but Muslim women have to hide, be closed at home, controlled by men outside, walk in potato bags, and suffer quietly. If it is god's will, then such god was created by a Muslim men, who treat their women like animals, their property.

Westerners will never understand because they simply are not Muslims
Yes, because we were not brainwashed by Mullas. Seriously, we understand this ritual, we had similar custom going on through centuries in Europe till Renaissance (if you know what it is) or even longer. The free, rich, democratic and inclusive Western World of today don't agree with this custom and considers it disgraceful, disrespectful and undemocratic.
It seems that God liked the West and reworded Western world with wealth, freedoms and power, and punished Muslims with poverty and civil wars. I think that God doesn't like what you do to your women. Get civilized, be good and respectful.
The point was that when men start wearing burqa, even for "modesty", at least then we have some sort of equality of sexes.

First of all I want to say I'm against burqas. However, I guess if I was from a differnt culture it would make more sense.

IMO, women wearing burqas isn't about sexism. Saying it is sexism is looking at it through 21st century eyes. It is the result of a legalistic mind not sexist.

Imagine this.

There's a legalistic society of humans. These Human men and women are differnt in several ways, including sexuality. The issue of lustful, pedetoral men and sluttish, whorish women becomes an issue. So, Mr. Legalistic king insists all women wear burqas to keep women from being sluts and men from being tempted. Of course sexism can be argued and is very likely. But what I'm seeing is more so a legalistic thing than sexist.
Or perhaps Western men can control themselves unlike Muslim men with their pure animal urges? Thus, Western women can walk around free, do any job, and control their destiny, but Muslim women have to hide, be closed at home, controlled by men outside, walk in potato bags, and suffer quietly. If it is god's will, then such god was created by a Muslim men, who treat their women like animals, their property.

This is the wrong understanding,the anti-Islam fabricated propaganda in the West,Muslims men do not treat their women as slaves or property,It's a matter of shared responsibility and duties between the two sexes,that man deals with,and is responsible of the application of a larger part of that responsibility,such responsibilities and duties coming of Islam,between the responsibility of women, respect their men and themselves when they leave their homes and pass in front of other men.

Hadith: (All of you are responsible for your subjects)

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