Immigration Belgian socialists support the Islamisation of Europe !


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This is unbelievable ! Not happy of having invited hundreds of thousands of Maghrebans to Belgium, not satisfied with the complete disfiguration of central Brussels by those immigrants who have no respect for anything, and obviously sympathetic to the radical Islamic cause, the Francophone Socialist Mayor of Brussels (elected by those very immigrants) now denies stock Belgians their fundamental right of demonstrating. It is dubbious whether the mayor actually has the power to ban such demonstration, as it is against Article 19 of the Belgian Constitution. But a socialist couldn't care less about the constitution. Their aim is to destroy the country and personally profit from it, in the most selfish and irresponsible way. Maybe the next demonstration should be against the socialist party; but that's not likely to happen - it will be banned !

Sources : VRT News : Mayor bans anti-Islam demonstration
That frightens me too, because it can happen.
Once long ago the part European of Turkey were Christians, only a few stiill are Christians and are badly treated by the Muslims.
I fully agree with you that our Europe must never ever become a Islamitic continent.

In Holland Churches are broken off, windmills are broken off, and we are get more and more mosques instead. The Dutch landscape is really changing.
In this small country we have to live with over 16 000 000 people.
Almost 2 000 000 of them are Muslim.
I am happy with the Poles coming to this part of Europe.

But we also have the opposit here in Holland, we have Geert Wilders, who wants to ban the Coran. He is a one man's Party in the Dutch Parliament.
But he is an idiot, he only makes the moderate Muslims angry.
That frightens me too, because it can happen.
Once long ago the part European of Turkey were Christians, only a few stiill are Christians and are badly treated by the Muslims.
Not just the European part. The Byzantine Empire, which lasted until 1453, was Christian and Greek speaking. Now its Muslim and (mostly) Turkish speaking.
I fully agree with you that our Europe must never ever become a Islamitic continent.
The ironic thing is that the people who contributed most in keeping Islam out of Europe (or beyond the Pyrenees) during the period of expansion of Islam, where all from what is now Belgium :

- Charles Martel, who stopped the Muslim expansion near Poitiers in 732.
- His grandson, Charlemagne, who unified the Christians against the risk of a renewed Muslim invasion.
- Godfrey of Bouillon, who led the first crusade, changing the shift of the hostilities from Europe to the Middle East.

And now it is in the old Francia (Benelux, France and Germany) that Muslims are the most numerous and most threatening in Europe.

If we don't get rid of these short-sighted socialist politicians, the situation will get even more out of control. Now the Muslims are already numerous and politically active enough to have obtain state subsidies for their mosques ! Even in Belgium where the separation between state and religion used to be sacred ! Not only do they build their mosques, but it is with Belgian taxpayers' money !

In places like Brussels City, it is already too late. They granted the right to vote at local elections to long-term foreigners a few years. As Muslims make up such a big part of the population, there is no chance of having a party in power that will tackle the problem. Now they are already banning anti-Islamisation demonstrations. Soon they will give subsidies to Muslims who take part to pro-islamisation demonstrations !
Amsterdam and Rotterdam can shake hands with Brussels and Antwerp.
But also here in Tilburg. Here we have the infamous imam who doesn't shake hands with women, not even with our ministers.
Alas he has the Dutch nationality, but otherwise I guess who would have force to leave Holland.

Thanks a lot for the piece of Muslim history you have sent. It is very long ago that I see the name Godfrey of Bouillon again, as I learnt all, but so long ago.

When I came back from Switserland in 1976 to Holland, I just couldn't believe my eyes. There were so many Turkish workers, who didn't work at all here in Holland. They received their money from the municipalities where they lived.
They are still living in Holland, and they still hardly speak Dutch.

Among the Moroccans are many young criminals in the big towns.
Once long ago the part European of Turkey were Christians, only a few stiill are Christians and are badly treated by the Muslims.

But we also have the opposit here in Holland, we have Geert Wilders, who wants to ban the Coran. He is a one man's Party in the Dutch Parliament.
But he is an idiot, he only makes the moderate Muslims angry.

What an astonishingly conflicting quote mein vriend!

First I'd like to state that my mother is of christian origin and my father is muslim and I grew up here in Istanbul. You stated that christians are being treated badly here. My question is: When? It seems to me that you are talking about the medieval times. I don't know about other muslims but I know that Turks didn't treat christians as badly and violent as medieval european christians did to other christians. Is inquisition a nice thing? or secterian violence between Catholics and Protestants?
For your knowledge, Ottoman Empire welcomed Jews running from Spanish Inquisition 500 years ago and they are still living here with us side by side. Same Ottoman empire saved Swedish king from Russians. Almost all Ottoman Queens were Orthodox christians which makes all Sultans half christian. And during second world war "muslim" Turkey saved thousands of "jews" from the wrath of "chrisitan" "nationalist" Hitler.

I also understand that your perception of Muslims have been shaped by the immigrants you happen to see and the 9/11 incident. But that's not the whole story.

The problem is the wording. Why are you making generalizations as "muslim" or "christian". Is a pious, violent, racist christian better than a fundamentalist islamist? For me there are good guys and bad guys no matter what religion or ethnic group they belong to.

As you said, people like Geert Wilders make "moderate" muslims angry as well as people like Osama Bin Ladin makes moderate christians angry. When those extremists take the lead, moderate people like you and me start to argue. And that is the very thing that they wanted.

I don't think that you would experience such problems with a secular, democratic muslim person would you?

I'm an atheist-darwinist. But I didn't hurt anyone or opress their life-style. Does me being an atheist bother you? Have you ever read EU constitution? But you probably stereotyped and generalized me as "muslim" "opressor" or whatever, just looking to the flag next to my name.
(I'm not blaming you by the way)

I never judge other people, nations, ethnic or religious groups as a whole. And one shouldn't state such an anger without getting to know them. My advice to you is to go visit Istanbul and please let me know if you can find 1 christian being treated badly by muslims just because he is a christian.

Before judging people, try walking in their shoes.

Doei mein vriend!
And guys don't worry! Europe never will be a Muslim continent. And I believe, in the future, it won't be a christian continent either.
And guys don't worry! Europe never will be a Muslim continent. And I believe, in the future, it won't be a christian continent either.

Religion is becoming a relic of the past in Europe. We can hope that the secularisation of society will reduce inter-ethnic conflicts.
Religion is becoming a relic of the past in Europe. We can hope that the secularisation of society will reduce inter-ethnic conflicts.

Yes I hope so it would be perfect if Europe could be a purely atheistic continent that would be the most awesome thing ever since the creation of.......text.
Yes I hope so it would be perfect if Europe could be a purely atheistic continent that would be the most awesome thing ever since the creation of.......text.

Agree... :cool-v:
Read this...

Catalonia: Muslim 'Moral police'

Islam in Europe 8 December 2009

Sources in the interior ministry involved in anti-terrorism say that the case of the alleged abduction and trial of a woman in Reus by Muslim fundamentalists is the most violent expression of the an increasingly disturbing phenomenon: fundamentalist groups of people who, with support of ultra-conservative mosques, assume the role of judge and police of Islamic morals and exert enormous social pressure on the Muslims in these towns.

The phenomenon, which for years has been manifesting itself in countries like France and the Netherlands [ed: I'm not sure where they got that last one from], has been detected in rural municipalities in the Camp de Tarragona area, as well as in villages in Gironès and Segarra.

This always happens in towns where the mosque is run by followers of Salafism, an ultra-conservative denomination, which believes in following the lifestyle of the Salaf (the first followers of Mohammed).

These people use their status in the community to shield their community and create a separate country, separated from the Catalan environment, which they consider ungodly. These mosques call on the faithful not to socialize with the Catalans, not to turn to their institutions (police, judges or associations), to only purchase halal products in Muslim shops, and not to use banks, since they charge interest. In addition they pressure parents not to allow their daughters to go to gym class or to the pool, and to take them out of school once they start menstruating.

These religious leaders exert enormous pressure on their community. A source in the security forces specializing in Islamic extremism says that if the mosque sermons are not enough, a group of people enters the scene to punish the unruly. These people apply in Catalonia the Islamic concept of hisba, morality police.

Many of these people got to Salafism from Tabligh, a peaceful Islamic movement based on dawa, appealing to other Muslims to abandon their life of sin. Tabligh members make this appeal peacefully, trying to convince without exerting pressure. The sources say that these people apply Tabligh logic but use violent actions.

An officer in the anti-terrorist unit of the security police says that though many victims don't dare to speak out, there have been numerous incidents in which the moral police have been involved. He says that women are the preferred targets of these groups. They make life impossible for those who are not veiled, using insults, threats and sometimes even violence. Sometimes the targets are the fathers or husbands of these women, who they scold in the street for allowing them to go unveiled. they've sometimes held them for several hours and beat them.

Judicial sources tell of a case in which a Moroccan teenager was beaten up for playing football with non-Muslim children and warn that these places of worship encourage parents to ban their children from socializing with Catalans.

In their obsession to separate Muslims from the rest of society, one of the main activities of these group is to go out to bars and look for Muslims who socialize with Catalan friends. They pressure them until they stop going, according to these sources, some are forced to grow beards and stop wearing jeans.

Source: elPerió (Spanish) (...)

Europe has a very "entertaining" future waiting ahead for sure. :innocent:
No kidding, it takes a genius to figure out that the real problem with radicalisation of Islam lies in their education, from schools to mosques. We spend billions fighting localised Taliban in Afghanistan, but "peaceful" Saudi Arabia sends radical clerics to brain wash Muslim kids in Europe, and around the world. And all of this for our petrodollars, what a sweet deal we got ourselves in.
The Left wants the immigrants to become the new proletariat of the 21st century, to obtain votes, votes, votes. Problem is, Muslims are by no means leftists, multiculturalists, progressists,etc..
Things MUST change. We can no longer bend to the whims of backward, anti-Western Muslims.
The Left wants the immigrants to become the new proletariat of the 21st century, to obtain votes, votes, votes. Problem is, Muslims are by no means leftists, multiculturalists, progressists,etc..

To quote from Chaucer’s “Squires Tale” from the Canterbury Tales written around c. 1390 (ish)

“Therfore bihoueth hire a ful long spoon That shal ete with a feend”

and which is today quoted as “When you dine with the Devil use a long spoon”.

Oh c’mon – gimmee a break! It’s 06:57 as I write this and to remember a Chaucer quote this time of the day deserves some recognition!
To quote from Chaucer’s “Squires Tale” from the Canterbury Tales written around c. 1390 (ish)

“Therfore bihoueth hire a ful long spoon That shal ete with a feend”

and which is today quoted as “When you dine with the Devil use a long spoon”.

Oh c’mon – gimmee a break! It’s 06:57 as I write this and to remember a Chaucer quote this time of the day deserves some recognition!
Sorry, I don't understand what the hell are you talking about
Sorry, I don't understand what the hell are you talking about

‘K, I can be a bit cryptic (or just bloody difficult to understand!) and at times I can be a bit precocious as well! :ashamed2:

I quoted the original Chaucerian line that has spawned so many variations, and all based on the principle that if you try to get what you want by associating with something bad it’s best to keep it as distant from you as you can otherwise it’ll bite you.

In this case I’m stating that if The Left wants Mohammedan immigrants to become the new proletariat of the 21st century then The Left better make damm sure they have a massive fire wall between themselves and what they are trying to exploit / recruit / whatever.

To my mind what they’re doing is like using a virulent rabies virus as the vehicle to carry DNA that is hoped might cure the common cold. In short, bloody stupid and ultimately fatal.

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