Boston Dynamics Tests Chat GPT on Spot Robot


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Boston Dynamics robot dogs are designed to perform automated tasks on a daily basis.

What happens when you combine the popular chatbot with Spot from Boston Dynamics? A team of AI experts decided to test the idea in a new project.
They used a language model like Chat GPT to improve Spot's natural language processing capabilities, to better understand and respond to spoken commands from humans.
This could potentially lead to job displacement in some sectors, as a robot like Spot with advanced natural language processing capabilities can perform certain tasks that were previously done by humans.
I have been thinking about how cool it would be to do this actually!

I would definitely buy an AI-powered robot dog if it was reasonably priced.

Just imagine integrating a home-security system like Ring, into it. You could have your dog patrol the house with a video camera at night.

I myself am pretty sanguine about AI, and even job replacement. Damn the torpedoes.

The problem I think is that we get too hung up on thinking like workers. Rather, people should seize this opportunity to get ahead of the curb. Either way, people need to adapt to change; because the change is coming. All the lip-service that politicians, and captains of industry make will count for zero if you could reduce costs, and maximize productivity.

People will definitively lose job, but frankly, I think low-skilled workers just bog everything down. I would rather have a Kiosk with hydraulic arms make me a sandwich, than some dazed and confused lower-IQ person that doesn't even wash his hands.
I have been thinking about how cool it would be to do this actually!

I would definitely buy an AI-powered robot dog if it was reasonably priced.

Just imagine integrating a home-security system like Ring, into it. You could have your dog patrol the house with a video camera at night.

I myself am pretty sanguine about AI, and even job replacement. Damn the torpedoes.

The problem I think is that we get too hung up on thinking like workers. Rather, people should seize this opportunity to get ahead of the curb. Either way, people need to adapt to change; because the change is coming. All the lip-service that politicians, and captains of industry make will count for zero if you could reduce costs, and maximize productivity.

People will definitively lose job, but frankly, I think low-skilled workers just bog everything down. I would rather have a Kiosk with hydraulic arms make me a sandwich, than some dazed and confused lower-IQ person that doesn't even wash his hands.

As someone who lives in a country where they outsourced much of our manual-labor to the 3rd world, so biological robots can do it for pennies, I can assure you it will happen. Especially if they'll be able to get a real robot to do it for free, and locally (no shipping costs).

In the future, when things get too dicey, I'm sure we'll millionaires living on space-platforms, and permeant space colonies, where they will be beyond the reach of the underclasses. Who knows, maybe their descendants will evolve separately through isolation, and Gene-CRISPRs, and eventually return to earth as space invaders, to reclaim it from the masses. Sounds like a great novel for Chat GPT to write. :LOL:
With AI we are between utopia and dystopia, a part of the narrative about AI is built on the possibility of reaching a utopian future, where technology will facilitate our lives and economic progress, another part of the narrative talks about a dystopian future in which we will be victims of our creation.

Globalization has taken many of the manual jobs to third world countries, as you said, and with robotization they will return to the West, but our workers will remain unemployed.
Artificial intelligence applications will replace more jobs in the future for sure.
However, in the short to medium term, these are likely to be simple, repetitive tasks that don't require complex skills.
I agree with you, artificial intelligence is preferable to natural stupidity.
Low-skilled workers will have to update their knowledge or skills through training and education to face these new challenges, with reconversion of functions whenever it is impossible to maintain the old jobs.

At the same time, human beings will continue to perform more demanding and complex tasks,it is likely that with the evolution of AI, highly skilled jobs will be created. Humans need to program, monitor and maintain their algorithms.
At least until the machines can do it, then they will maintain themselves.

The future will bring immense changes. Which way will the future lean, utopia or dystopia?
If we walk towards a dystopian future, it will perhaps be similar to the one that appears in the movie Elysium, like the example you gave. Where the Earth is overpopulated and in ruins, while the rich and powerful live on a space station. The station is a technological utopia for those rich and powerful who are guaranteed health, beauty and wealth. Earth's population, on the other hand, lives in miserable conditions, with high rates of violence and disease. As the future approaches these options, utopia or dystopia, seem less and less science fiction.

Or maybe we are too influenced by Hollywood movies and the future is much more banal and normal than we can imagine.
In fact, it can be something quite banal. Instead of robots taking over the world or an elite living on a luxurious space station, we could have things like smart washing machines that communicate with our phones, self-driving cars that drive us to work, and virtual assistants that manage our daily lives, things that already exist today but even more advanced.
We could have a robot vacuum cleaner that decides that the best way to clean the house is to sweep everything under the rug :).
(I didn't create this joke, actualy, I asked ChatGPT to tell me a joke about artificial intelligence, but it failed miserably. He's not funny at all, only on the twentieth attempt did he came out with this sentence that I adapted)

The future of artificial intelligence is likely to be full of funny little inconveniences and awkward moments like these, rather than a dramatic sci-fi revolution.
Write the first page of a 205 page novel based on this subject:

In the future, when things get too dicey, I'm sure we'll millionaires living on space-platforms, and permeant space colonies, where they will be beyond the reach of the underclasses. Who knows, maybe their descendants will evolve separately through isolation, and Gene-CRISPRs, and eventually return to earth as space invaders, to reclaim it from the masses.


Chapter 1: The Separation

As Earth spiraled into chaos and disorder, the wealthy and elite sought refuge far beyond the reach of the turmoil below. No longer content to stand by and watch their precious resources and power dissipate, they turned to the stars for sanctuary. From the vastness of space, they carved out havens for themselves, crystalline palaces that hung suspended above the fragile, scorched blue sphere they had once called home.

The year was 2125, and the Great Divide had already begun.

An array of space platforms, constructed with the cutting-edge materials of the era, dotted the exosphere. Each one, a beacon of prosperity and progress, sent a message of triumph back to the burning world beneath them. The indomitable power of the human spirit had once again triumphed over adversity – or so the select few who lived amongst the stars would have everyone else believe.

These platforms housed the Millionaire Colonies – the final frontier for humankind's rich and privileged. Behind the glistening walls of their orbital citadels, they reveled in hedonistic bliss, embracing the promise of a new beginning, untethered from the suffering that plagued their home planet. Immune to the struggles faced by the Earth's underclasses, the colonies thrived, becoming breeding grounds for innovation and advancement, unfettered by the constraints of their terrestrial counterparts.

As generations passed, the divide between the space-bound millionaires and the Earth's masses grew wider, with the gulf between them growing both physically and metaphorically. Over time, the elite altered their own genetic code through the use of CRISPR technology, enhancing their bodies and minds in ways that would have been unthinkable mere decades before. Their children were born smarter, stronger, and more adaptable, prepared to inherit a future sculpted by the grand ambitions of their ancestors.

Yet, despite the intoxicating allure of their celestial utopia, a dark shadow still loomed on the horizon. The endless wonders of space could not quench the millionaires' thirst for power, and they found themselves yearning for the domain they had forsaken. They could not shake the idea that Earth, with all its imperfections, belonged to them by right. It was their ancestral birthright, their manifest destiny – and it was slipping through their grasp, as the underclasses took hold and reshaped it in their own image.

And so, they began to plan their return.

As the descendants of these space-born elite evolved into something greater than human, they envisioned a new future: one where they would come back to Earth not as returning prodigals, but as conquerors. They would descend from the heavens like gods of old, and with the power of their superior genes and technology, they would reclaim the world that had once been theirs.

Their plans set in motion, the millionaires watched and waited, biding their time, as the unsuspecting Earth carried on in ignorance. Little did they know that this twisted reunion would change the course of human history, altering the fabric of existence itself, forever.
Not bad, it's a great start to the novel.
I asked Bing Image Creator to generate me some images to illustrate the text.

Yes, but at least those in your novel don't want to annihilate the humans on Earth, like the Engineers, they just want to conquer and enslave them :)
I started over, and directed each page's content. I also made some modifications of my own into it, and polished it up:


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow on the beleaguered city below, it was hard to imagine that the world was falling apart. Yet, just beneath the surface, the signs were there: the collapsing infrastructure, the hopeless expressions of its inhabitants, and the ever-present hum of desperation that seemed to permeate the very air they breathed.

In the late 21st century, Earth had succumbed to the perils of climate change, overpopulation, and social unrest. Sea levels had risen, swallowing coastal cities whole, while the remaining land was battered by violent storms and crippling droughts. Food and water had become scarce, leading to widespread famine and an ever-growing number of climate refugees.

The tension in the air was palpable as political strife mounted, with leaders around the globe either grappling for power or failing to maintain order. Nations and ideologies clashed with increasing fervor, and the world teetered on the brink of catastrophe. Amidst the chaos, the gap between the rich and the poor grew to an alarming extent, with the wealthy and powerful tightening their grip on resources, further exacerbating the situation for those less fortunate.

This dire state of affairs seemed to spiral out of control with each passing day, and as the situation on Earth grew increasingly unsustainable, the elite scrambled to find a solution. It was not out of concern for the masses or a sense of responsibility that they sought to remedy the world's woes, but rather an insatiable desire to preserve their wealth, power, and status at any cost.

The urgency of their plight fueled their ambition, pushing them to explore new possibilities and ventures that would ensure their continued survival in a world that was quite literally falling apart around them. And so, with one eye on the tumultuous planet below and the other gazing at the stars, they began to dream of a new world – a refuge far removed from the devastation that ravaged their once-pristine home.

Unbeknownst to the common people, a plan was already in motion – a plan that would forever change the trajectory of humankind, and irrevocably cleave the world in two. The Great Divide was upon them, and there was no turning back.

The architects of the escape plan were a cunning, powerful conglomerate: corporations, captains of industry, and political heavyweights who had managed to secure their positions at the pinnacle of society. They were the proverbial puppet masters, capable of pulling the strings to sway public opinion and amass fortunes beyond the wildest dreams of ordinary people.
The corporations played a pivotal role in the grand scheme, leveraging their vast resources and technological prowess to lay the groundwork for the impending exodus. Tech giants led the charge, investing heavily in research and development to create cutting-edge advancements in space travel, habitation, and sustainability. Aerospace companies, sensing opportunity in the chaos, diverted their resources from traditional projects to focus on the construction of the luxurious space platforms that would one day serve as their new homes.

The captains of industry, those who had built their empires through relentless determination and sheer force of will, were equally crucial in the plan's execution. They formed secret alliances and brokered deals, trading favors and influence to ensure that they would have a seat at the table when the time came. Their vast wealth provided the fuel that would drive humanity's escape from Earth, turning the impossible dream of the colonies into a reality.

To achieve their goal, these powerful individuals needed to navigate a world fraught with danger and uncertainty, all while keeping their grand ambitions hidden from the masses. They operated in the shadows, manipulating governments, media outlets, and even rival corporations to further their agenda, all the while maintaining a façade of altruism and concern for the plight of their fellow humans.

But the elite knew that secrecy alone would not be enough. They understood that their lofty ambitions could only be realized if they were able to gain the support of the public – or, at the very least, prevent outright opposition. To this end, they orchestrated an elaborate campaign of misinformation and manipulation, convincing the masses that their efforts were solely focused on saving the planet, rather than abandoning it.

In truth, their motivations were purely selfish: the promise of a haven amongst the stars, a sanctuary far removed from the chaos and destruction that plagued the Earth. To realize their vision, they would stop at nothing, employing every resource at their disposal and ruthlessly eliminating any obstacles that stood in their path.

With each passing day, the plans for the exodus grew more complex, and the powerful few grew more confident in their ability to leave the turmoil of Earth behind. Little did they know that their actions would have far-reaching consequences, igniting a series of events that would forever alter the course of human history. The dawn of the Great Divide was fast approaching, and nothing would ever be the same again.

As the plans for the exodus took shape, the powerful elite began to divide along ethno-nationalist lines. While some saw the space platforms as a chance to create a utopian society that transcended the divisions that had plagued Earth for centuries, others saw an opportunity to build a future that preserved their cultural identity and traditions, free from the influence of outsiders.

The ethno-nationalist colonies were a manifestation of centuries-old tensions and rivalries, with the elites from various nations seeking to establish self-contained sanctuaries in space. They envisioned a future where they could maintain their customs and way of life, insulated from the chaos and dilution that they believed had weakened the fabric of their society on Earth. With vast resources at their disposal, these elites financed the construction of orbital platforms tailored to their cultural preferences, each a reflection of the nation they sought to recreate.

On the other hand, the multi-racial and multi-ethnic colonies were founded on the principles of unity, cooperation, and inclusivity. The leaders of these colonies believed that the key to humanity's survival lay not in division, but in the pooling of resources, knowledge, and expertise. They sought to create a society where individuals from different backgrounds could live and work together, forging a new future that transcended the barriers of race, nationality, and culture. These colonies were characterized by their diversity and progressive values, a stark contrast to their ethno-nationalist counterparts.

The construction of these colonies further drove a wedge between the elite, as they sought alliances based on shared values and ambitions. Some chose to form pacts with like-minded individuals, ensuring that their new societies would reflect their ideals and aspirations. Others, driven by pragmatism, sought to forge alliances that maximized their influence and control, forming uneasy partnerships that spanned the ideological divide.

As the final preparations for the Great Divide neared completion, the inhabitants of Earth remained largely unaware of the true nature of the looming exodus. The elites continued their dance of deception, veiling their intentions behind a smokescreen of altruism and concern for the greater good. But as the time to depart drew closer, the cracks in the façade began to show, and the truth of the matter could not be hidden forever. The day of reckoning was fast approaching, and with it, the birth of a new era for humanity.

As the elite prepared for their journey into the cosmos, it became evident that, despite their diversity, certain groups were disproportionately represented among them. While the powerful few hailed from virtually every corner of the globe, Europeans, East Asians, and Jewish magnates, along with Middle Eastern oil tycoons, made up a significant portion of the ruling classes that endeavored to charter voyages.

These elites, driven by their desire to preserve their own culture and traditions, established ethno-nationalist colonies and space platforms that catered specifically to their respective groups. Their grand visions were carefully crafted to reflect the unique identities and aspirations of their constituents, further reinforcing the deep divisions among the elite themselves.

Meanwhile, the majority of Earth's population comprised people of African, South Asian, and Latin American descent, who continued to suffer from the lasting effects of poverty. Many of them lived in poverty and faced a daily struggle for survival amidst the escalating chaos on Earth. This vast disparity in wealth and opportunity painted a stark portrait of the societal divisions that persisted even in the face of global catastrophe.

By the time period in which this story takes place, the world's demographic landscape had shifted dramatically. Climate change, overpopulation, and social unrest had taken a particularly heavy toll on vulnerable communities in developing nations, leading to unprecedented levels of displacement and migration. As a result, the global distribution of wealth and power became even more skewed, with resources increasingly concentrated in the hands of the privileged few.

Far from being as prevalent as their counter parts, a select group of wealthy Black and Brown individuals, who had managed to ascend to positions of power and influence, emerged as key players in the space colonization efforts of their respective groups. Fueled by a desire to create a future where their communities could prosper and flourish, these visionaries set out to establish their own space platforms, exclusive to their ethnicities. These new colonies were designed to serve as ethno-nationalist havens for their people, providing them with an opportunity to escape the strife and turmoil that had engulfed their home planet.

As the elite prepared to embark on their cosmic journey, the Earth's inhabitants, now facing an even more fractured and divided future, began to grapple with the implications of the Great Divide. The stark inequality and abandonment by their leaders served as a bitter reminder of the injustices they had endured for centuries. In the face of such adversity, the underclasses would rise up, determined to forge their own destiny and reclaim the world that had been lost from them.

In the years that followed the Great Divide, Earth was battered by a relentless series of natural disasters and pandemics, compounding the already catastrophic effects of climate change, overpopulation, and social unrest. The beleaguered planet faced one calamity after another: powerful hurricanes ravaged the coasts, tsunamis wiped out entire cities, and earthquakes shook the very foundations of civilization. Vast tracts of land were rendered uninhabitable due to severe droughts, while other regions were inundated by torrential rains and flooding.

As if these disasters were not enough, the people of Earth also had to contend with a series of pandemics. Deadly diseases emerged, rapidly spreading through the weakened and malnourished population. Health systems crumbled under the strain, leaving the survivors at the mercy of the relentless onslaught of pathogens.

By the year 2125, in the 22nd century, the global population had plummeted dramatically as a result of the unprecedented scale of death and destruction. Once teeming with billions of inhabitants, the Earth now struggled to support a dwindling population of fewer than two billion souls.

In the face of such immense challenges, the world's original governments began to collapse, unable to maintain even the semblance of order amidst the chaos. Those that managed to cling to power were shadows of their former selves, their authority eroded and their structures rife with corruption. The ideals and principles upon which they had been founded were long forgotten, replaced by a brutal, unrelenting struggle for survival.

As the remnants of the old world crumbled away, new nations began to emerge from the ashes. Lacking the skilled individuals and knowledge base required to rebuild, these fledgling states reverted to a pre-industrialized existence. The citizens of these new nations eked out a living amongst the ruins of a once-great civilization, struggling to survive amidst the decaying remnants of a forgotten age.

The passage of time only served to further distance the people of Earth from the advanced technologies and achievements of their predecessors. The remnants of the past, now inscrutable and enigmatic, became the subject of wild speculation and far-fetched theories. The true history of the world was lost, buried beneath layers of myth and legend, as humanity struggled to make sense of the shattered remains of a bygone era.

With the world plunged into a dark age, the surviving population faced a bleak and uncertain future. The lessons of the past had been forgotten, and the Earth had become a desolate, unforgiving place where only the strong and resourceful could hope to endure. Yet, despite the adversity they faced, the indomitable spirit of humanity refused to be extinguished. Forged in the fires of hardship and loss, a new generation arose, determined to reclaim the world that had been lost and forge a new path forward for the people of Earth."
Page 1

Chapter I: The Patriarch's Vision

Alastor G. Julius stood before the vast window of his private study, gazing at the ravaged Earth below as he mulled over the words he would soon share with his sons. The polished-looking man in his 60s with cold grey eyes and salt and pepper hair exuded an aura of authority, tempered by an unmistakable air of wisdom. As the sun dipped below the horizon, he contemplated the gravity of the task that lay before him.

Turning away from the window, Alastor faced the portrait of his late father, a stern man whose steely gaze mirrored his own. A wave of nostalgia washed over him as he recalled the moment his father had passed the torch, entrusting him with the family company that had played a pivotal role in the introduction of AI into mass production. Under Alastor's leadership, the Julius Corporation had flourished, becoming a key actor in the robotization of the global workforce.

The sound of footsteps broke Alastor's reverie, and he turned to greet his three sons as they entered the study. Each bore a striking resemblance to their father, their confident strides and piercing eyes evidence of the powerful legacy that coursed through their veins.

"Father," the eldest son, Alexander, began, "you summoned us?"

"Yes, my sons," Alastor replied, his voice steady and resolute. "We stand at the precipice of a new era, and it falls upon us to take up the mantle of leadership, much like the hero Aeneas after the fall of Troy."

The three young men exchanged curious glances, their interest piqued by their father's impassioned words. Alastor continued, "You are familiar with the story of Aeneas, are you not? He was a noble Trojan prince who, following the destruction of his homeland, embarked on a treacherous journey to found a new civilization. His mission was fraught with peril, but he persevered, guided by divine intervention and an unwavering sense of duty."

Alastor paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "Our own journey will be no less arduous. The Earth we once knew is no more, ravaged by the forces of nature and the folly of man. But it is our destiny, like Aeneas, to forge a new path for our people. We will establish a haven amongst the stars, a homeland that will ensure the continued prosperity of our family and the elite who share our vision."

Alastor's sons listened intently, their eyes fixed on their father as he unveiled his grand vision. The enormity of the task that lay before them was not lost on the young men, but they knew that they had been groomed for this very moment. Their lives had been a series of trials and tribulations, all meticulously orchestrated by their father to prepare them for the challenges that lay ahead.

"Father," the youngest son, Marcus, asked hesitantly, "what do you ask of us?"

Alastor smiled at his son, understanding the trepidation that lurked behind his question. "I ask for your courage, your strength, and your unwavering commitment to our cause. The path we tread will be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but we must not falter. Our legacy depends on it."

With those words, Alastor G. Julius sealed the fate of his family and set in motion a chain of events that would forever alter the course of human history. The echoes of his vision reverberated through the hearts and minds of his sons, inspiring them to embrace their destiny with unyielding resolve.
Not bad at all, I'm impressed.
It still needs a human touch, but the way technology is evolving, I understand the concerns of TV and film screenwriters.
I look forward to the next chapters.
What will be the plans of Alastor G. Julius? :)

Alastor G Julius.jpg
This image generation is so cool!

I want to finish the first chapter, thus far I'm about halfway through.

I find if I don't give it specific instructions, and tries to wrap things up too quickly. Thus I need to come up with the theme of each page piecemeal.
It is interesting, because when I was younger, I used to play music with my friends, and we formed a lot of bands. We also played around with a keyboard and synthesizer.

Using AI to generate a novel is somewhat comparable to creating music with a synthesizer. It is automated, but you need to piece it together.
This image generation is so cool!

I want to finish the first chapter, thus far I'm about halfway through.

I find if I don't give it specific instructions, and tries to wrap things up too quickly. Thus I need to come up with the theme of each page piecemeal.

Did you invented these characters (Alastor G. Julius, Sven Kemp) and asked ChatGPT to create the plot or did ChatGPT created the characters itself ?
Page 1

Chapter I: The Patriarch's Vision

Alastor G. Julius stood before the vast window of his private study, gazing at the ravaged Earth below as he mulled over the words he would soon share with his sons. The polished-looking man in his 60s with cold grey eyes and salt and pepper hair exuded an aura of authority, tempered by an unmistakable air of wisdom. As the sun dipped below the horizon, he contemplated the gravity of the task that lay before him.

Turning away from the window, Alastor faced the portrait of his late father, a stern man whose steely gaze mirrored his own. A wave of nostalgia washed over him as he recalled the moment his father had passed the torch, entrusting him with the family company that had played a pivotal role in the introduction of AI into mass production. Under Alastor's leadership, the Julius Corporation had flourished, becoming a key actor in the robotization of the global workforce.

The sound of footsteps broke Alastor's reverie, and he turned to greet his three sons as they entered the study. Each bore a striking resemblance to their father, their confident strides and piercing eyes evidence of the powerful legacy that coursed through their veins.

"Father," the eldest son, Alexander, began, "you summoned us?"

"Yes, my sons," Alastor replied, his voice steady and resolute. "We stand at the precipice of a new era, and it falls upon us to take up the mantle of leadership, much like the hero Aeneas after the fall of Troy."

The three young men exchanged curious glances, their interest piqued by their father's impassioned words. Alastor continued, "You are familiar with the story of Aeneas, are you not? He was a noble Trojan prince who, following the destruction of his homeland, embarked on a treacherous journey to found a new civilization. His mission was fraught with peril, but he persevered, guided by divine intervention and an unwavering sense of duty."

Alastor paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "Our own journey will be no less arduous. The Earth we once knew is no more, ravaged by the forces of nature and the folly of man. But it is our destiny, like Aeneas, to forge a new path for our people. We will establish a haven amongst the stars, a homeland that will ensure the continued prosperity of our family and the elite who share our vision."

Alastor's sons listened intently, their eyes fixed on their father as he unveiled his grand vision. The enormity of the task that lay before them was not lost on the young men, but they knew that they had been groomed for this very moment. Their lives had been a series of trials and tribulations, all meticulously orchestrated by their father to prepare them for the challenges that lay ahead.

"Father," the youngest son, Marcus, asked hesitantly, "what do you ask of us?"

Alastor smiled at his son, understanding the trepidation that lurked behind his question. "I ask for your courage, your strength, and your unwavering commitment to our cause. The path we tread will be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but we must not falter. Our legacy depends on it."

With those words, Alastor G. Julius sealed the fate of his family and set in motion a chain of events that would forever alter the course of human history. The echoes of his vision reverberated through the hearts and minds of his sons, inspiring them to embrace their destiny with unyielding resolve.

It reminds me of Freshman English in college or my poetry:LOL:. Too many words and too many adjectives. Needs a lot of work before it passes for an actual novel that people would actually want to read. Yah you might replace the author but then you will need at least 2 editors one of which need to have some imagination before you ever even think of being on NY Times bestseller list.
Did you invented these characters (Alastor G. Julius, Sven Kemp) and asked ChatGPT to create the plot or did ChatGPT created the characters itself ?

Those characters I did invent with prompts. Basically, I tell it the ideas, and it writes it out, but takes a bit of liberty.
It reminds me of Freshman English in college or my poetry:LOL:. Too many words and too many adjectives. Needs a lot of work before it passes for an actual novel that people would actually want to read. Yah you might replace the author but then you will need at least 2 editors one of which need to have some imagination before you ever even think of being on NY Times bestseller list.

It really could be better I agree. But perhaps if I told it to write it in a specific style, it would better inform the AI.

Perhaps, GPT 5 will show some improvement. 4 was a big jump from 3.5 in many ways:

English Literature only 8th percentile

English Language only 14th percentile

Writing GRE 54th percentile

Though Verbal it is 99th percentile up from 63th

What is most impressive is the jump form 10th percentile to 90th percentile in the Uniform Bar exam. I think that is because there is a very big interest in firms using this as a tool. But that will not replace a real attorney doing multi-billion dollar deals for any foreseeable future.

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