British Pakistani perpetrated the London attacks

?British Pakistani perpetrated the London attacks?

Did they? This article asks some good questions:
The "Magic Bomb" Theory

"Here we go again. Another terrorist event with more questions than answers, questions that the major media (yet again) aren't even asking.

Hell, I'll even take a stab at answering them:

The metal was pushed upwards because THE BOMB WAS UNDERNEATH THE TRAIN.

Lait didn't remember seeing anyone, or a bag that could be holding a bomb, near the point of detonation because there was no bomber sitting there, there was no bag. THE BOMB WAS UNDERNEATH THE TRAIN.

An Asian guy, a white guy, two old ladies, and a blond businesswoman......and two dancers. There was no Islamic radical, no Mideastern terrorist sitting in that carriage [here I would ask how you'd recognise a Mideastern terrorist from looking alone, but the rest of the article is not that bad]. THE BOMB WAS UNDERNEATH THE TRAIN.

Dance partners Bruce Lait and Crystal Main were nearest the bomb.....again, no Islamic radical, no Mideastern terrorist sitting in that carriage. THE BOMB WAS UNDERNEATH THE TRAIN. "

It's based on this article about a survivor of the attacks.

Since human memory is far from perfect, I don't know how serious this has to be taken, but it's interesting enough to post it.

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