Bush is out; you're up Mr./Mrs./Ms. President.


Gag me with a spoon
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Bush has done his damage. His reign of Texafication is over, and now you have been elected the new president of the United States.

Consider how much problems Bush has caused, how would you correct them? How would you handle the situation in Iraq? How would you handle the decisions Bush has made regarding combining religiously fueled actions into a supposed 'religiously-sterile' govt.?

Basically what I'm asking is, how would you clean up the mess?
Is there ANY way possible to make up for this all ? :? ....I doubt that there will be something like that...the man has done some PRETTY NASTY damage!!!
Now he has the whole Taliban breathing down his neck and the rest of the world has to pay for his acts of stupidity ! :(
Taliban? They are no longer existent, atleast not the majority of them. It is Al-Qaida now.. But what would you do if your trade centers were attacked? For th epeople who make assumptions, and conclusions that hes so bad, and DO NOT live in the U.S., please rethink what if your family was the one who died in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers, or if it was your home/city that was flooded with dust and rubble because of it... Would you think different? Or would you say my family died, lets not piss the world off.. after all it is JUST MY FAMILY, -- True Cowards Opinion.
playaa said:
But what would you do if your trade centers were attacked?

Well, I'm sure that I wouldn't attack a country that really had nothing to do with it. Anyway, I hear that Iraq wasn't even that much of a threat to anyone in the region, much less the US. I think that the only good thing that came out of that war was getting rid of Saddam Hussein (IMHO).
Yes, 9/11 was terrible. But nothing Bush has done has made the world a safer place, if fact, I think he's made the world a more dangerous place and has created furtile soil for terrorism. Bush had his own agenda from the start. I see no connection between 9/11 and Iraq.

In answer to what I would do.... I would start by giving Iraq back to the Iraqi people. Let's hope that actually happens on June 30 (I think is when it's supposed to happen).
Yes, I suppose that I didn't offer an answer at all, now did I? Well, I really don't know what I would do, because I am not privy to all of the information. Aside from that, I don't think that I am that well informed. All I can do is speak from what I have seen and heard, but if any contradictory evidence came out, I would change my stance.

However, I have a hard time believing most things that I hear nowadays, because to me it sounds like politically motivated BS. No matter how educated someone may sound on an issue, there always seems to be someone else there to call them an idiot and say that they know nothing (which seems to inevitably lead to mutual name-calling). So I tend to try to stay in the middle and ignore what most people have to say.

So I guess what it comes down to is that I know nothing, except that going after Iraq was highly illogical, and the economy is showing signs of improving (I'm pretty sure that I've been hearing that it's getting better, and that's my story for now). There you have it, another no-answer from me (I should be a politician!).
True, Iraq was a personal agenda for Bush, I think everyone knows/agrees with that, But I mean Afghanistan and a few other things.

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