Can I use data from NG Genographic Y-DNA test to determine my subclass?


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I've had Y-Chromosome DNA testing done through the National Geographic Genographic Project. This, as I imagine you already know, gave me results by analyzing 12 STRs. It placed me in the E1b1b1 (M35) Haplogroup.

My question is: is there anyway I can find out more specifically what subclass I belong to using the STR data provided with my results or is E1b1b1 (M35) as accurate as I can achieve with the 12 STRs?

In other words, can I somehow use the 12 STR data included in my results to determine my subclass or would I need to get another Y-DNA test that takes into account more STRs in order to discover my subclass?

Thanks and apologies in advance if this is not the right place for this kind of question or if I did not explain myself sufficiently.
A 12-STR test is the most basic Y-DNA test there is. It can determine your haplogroup, but won't determine the subclade with certainty or at all. You will need an extra SNP test. I think you can order a deep clade test for E1b1b for 89$ at FTDNA, which does the testing for National Geographic. E1b1b is a large haplogroup with lots of subclades with very different origins, so it might be worth to take a deep clade test.
A 12-STR test is the most basic Y-DNA test there is. It can determine your haplogroup, but won't determine the subclade with certainty or at all. You will need an extra SNP test. I think you can order a deep clade test for E1b1b for 89$ at FTDNA, which does the testing for National Geographic. E1b1b is a large haplogroup with lots of subclades with very different origins, so it might be worth to take a deep clade test.

Thank you. I'll definitely want to look into that.

EDIT: Thanks again, I just ordered my deep clade testing from FTDNA for $99! I guess this doesn't require giving another sample because it says my test is already in progress?

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