Religion Can Muslims live peacefully with Christians, and vice versa?

I do not remember that I have ever insulted you in any of my posts so I do not consider your behaviour correct. I see that many of you discussing are getting too personal and not able to see other point of view and completely misjudging my post. I did not claim anything nor presented my point of view on Molenbeek nor on hancar squad. I just said that I get it, and what I get is that religion has nothing to do with anything, the psycopaths will find any kind of ideology or reason for killing. They will simply kill whenever they feell threatened and whenever think that their way of life is endangered. Hitler did it, Breivik did it, stalin did it , enver hoxha, isis, al qaeda, the list is endless... Fear and hatred are deadly combination, religion has nothing to do with it. Fear makes humans stupid and out of it develops hatred and when we hate we want to exterminate.

nobody1 claims Belgium is responsable instead of ISIS
these people are even worse than Hitler or Stalin
it takes some kind of religion, in this case the verses of the Quran to convince warriors to commit suicide in order to kill innocent people
he gives 5 examples of peacefull Islam, of which 2 or 3 don't exist anymore without mentioning what is happening today in many countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi-Arabia and even Turkey or organisations like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab etc.
the holy books, the Torah, the Bible and the Quran are dangerous books and very easy to abuse, they can form the basis of an ideologie worse than Nazism
there is a worldwide threat nowadays because of people preaching hatred while using verses from the Quran

I was quite offended by this one-sided and incorrect view of nobody1 who tries to blame someone or something else instead of the ones that preach all this blind hatred
I lost my temper and my patience
I'm sorry that I offended you in the proces
On topic!

Please take this perpetual Albanian/Greek war somewhere else. It's off topic for this thread.

This is NOT about an Greek -Albanian war at all. This argument resounds loudly with all the problems in Europe. I think Yetos is right about this guy he is a Radical Muslim hiding under a Catholic dress. This is exactly on topic IMO but if you want I will start a new thread elsewhere.

Look at the parallels. The garbage spewed here by this faceless, gutless, war-mongering psychopath, under the banner of "Albanian", is claiming Greeks have no rights to their land, that they have no culture and no language. How different is this from Radical Muslims claiming the Europeans have no rights to their land, language and culture that it is right that they be over run by Muslims and that Shari ah law be established in Europe. All this guy is doing is avoiding religion as the issue, which would make him obvious for a fundamentalist Muslim, he is trying to attack Greeks as unGreek and even that Greek is non-existent.

He is the puppet of the bankers. It is all about money. The bankers /financiers want to keep people fighting, killing, borrowing and spending. That is the way they make money! Honest trading.. commerce is too slow and these guys are greedy and toxic, i.e., psychopathic. They are called the "successful/ functional psychopaths" by the "successful/ functional psychopaths on the inside", within the richest rip-off ever, the pharmaceutical industry, they are otherwise known as psychiatrists. Disease is just another form of damage and the theatre of war inside the home, in the workplace and social spaces.

With military and "health care" spending countries have to borrow and borrow and borrow until war is the only option. In Europe they are looking to create the problem internally, within each and every European country, to unravel society, to put European at odds with Muslim, to incite racial and religious hatred when the vast majority of Muslims are good people. I have had friends from Pakistan, Syria, Iran and Egypt and found them to be good people. It is division in society that the bankers want then they make a killing. They pick off all the depressed property from the people because people can no longer afford it. Their motto: "when the streets run red with blood, it is time to buy property".
With military and "health care" spending countries have to borrow and borrow and borrow until war is the only option. In Europe they are looking to create the problem internally, within each and every European country, to unravel society, to put European at odds with Muslim, to incite racial and religious hatred when the vast majority of Muslims are good people. I have had friends from Pakistan, Syria, Iran and Egypt and found them to be good people. It is division in society that the bankers want then they make a killing. They pick off all the depressed property from the people because people can no longer afford it. Their motto: "when the streets run red with blood, it is time to buy property".

I suggest you study the laws of economics before you start looking for all kind of conspiracy theories, and I suggest you study the true nature of humans in order to see what is realy going on.
because I believe in God....but not the fabricated religions created by man which have been created to initially replace tribal societies

As I said before , there has only been one God, and from creation of mankind, ...............I do not believe that a new God was created every time a new religion was created
The problem it's that the people manipulate or tailor the religion by their wishes and their goals.
I suggest you study the laws of economics before you start looking for all kind of conspiracy theories, and I suggest you study the true nature of humans in order to see what is realy going on.

A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. The bottom half of the world adult population owned 1% of global wealth. Moreover, another study found that the richest 2% own more than half of global household assets.

As for the nature of humans, I am well acquainted and in a multitude of occasions since 2000 have put my findings to the test with spectacular successes.
My record is impressive if I should say so myself.
8 counts of cancer with 2 spontaneous remissions and 6 deliberate spontaneous remissions,
2 serious attempts to cause me strokes, one time with a blood build up but they couldn't "move it", ie cause me to become terrified as to have a huge hike in heart rate and blood pressure.
Numerous attempts to cause me heart problems all failed.
And they are the more serious attempts on my life.

In short the body is not a machine but purpose-driven, i.e., ideas and beliefs are the key to changes in body function. And disease is not the result of physical causes that need to be treated by physical means hence justifying the use of radical surgeries, radiation damage, chemical poisonings and these days perverse uses of the immune responses that cause autoimmune disease as the side effects.

Instead ideas, especially when those ideas are held with confidence, ie have become beliefs give rise to bodily reactivity and reactions that lead to disease. Thus a person can overcome disease simply by addressing the issue that confront them, realize the ideas/beliefs are false and return to resting metabolism and health. No need of any drugs and medical procedure. Every humane person, including the poorest of the poor can live in good health and it's free.

My life is being sought with a vengeance, 24/7 by a large number of people in the toxic sub-culture, which includes toxic bureaucrats, including corrupt police and corrupt politician and some toxic doctors because what I know and will give the world is significant and will bankrupt corrupt big pharma. I am walking, living poof for I am in my mid sixties and yet I have better health now than in my 20s and no one believes my age.
Well, you are accusing others of manufacturing their god, but you claim your god is the true one. It is pretty much what all the people believe in god, from big, small and one person religion, say that their god is the true one. Isn't it a true statement? How can you be sure that your god is not just your invention.
Regardless, all religious people that I know pray to their god(s). Imaginary or not, they pray to their god, not to the religion. I have no idea how you can pray to religion? What does that mean?

How do you know there is only one god? Is he talking to you?
[emoji1] ,yes you are correct. Me and Sile believe both to the Abraham's God. But there are other religions, as it is, the Buddhism and Hinduism . What about them? We need a state or a country secular and to guaranty the freedom of religion. Of course till the moment that the religion it's not hurting the other people. It might be a sin , but the ancient Babylon, Athens and Rome were a good place to live.
Are you saying there is a God created every time a new religion is created...................clearly you know that is not the one supports this ..............the only two scenarios is that there is only one God, so that fabricated stories by all religions are purely propaganda by man for the aim of wealth and the ability to control society OR there is no God.

My God Is not my invention , because there is only one God.

Their is NO their God ..........its the same God as all religions pray to, now, yesterday and in ancient times..............any other scenario does not work
What about Hinduism and Buddhism? What you said above it's the so called Abraham's God.
oh really?

that reminds me what christian say.

saint Paul was arrested and went prison, martyr
saint Peter was arrested and crusified, maryr
saint whoever ...... martyr

and then the magnificent, Nero burned rome,

that will create Martyres, and new saints,
and change of History

my childrens children will learn a history like that
Holland did Bataclan
USA president did 911
Queen of England bombeb the London metro
etc etc
At least every place where it's preached the radical religion should be closed. I am against to arrest everyone who think extremism it's good. That's against the democracy. However every imam who isn't radical should not be allowed to preach. He should be banned
nobody1 claims Belgium is responsable instead of ISIS
these people are even worse than Hitler or Stalin
it takes some kind of religion, in this case the verses of the Quran to convince warriors to commit suicide in order to kill innocent people
he gives 5 examples of peacefull Islam, of which 2 or 3 don't exist anymore without mentioning what is happening today in many countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi-Arabia and even Turkey or organisations like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab etc.
the holy books, the Torah, the Bible and the Quran are dangerous books and very easy to abuse, they can form the basis of an ideologie worse than Nazism
there is a worldwide threat nowadays because of people preaching hatred while using verses from the Quran

I was quite offended by this one-sided and incorrect view of nobody1 who tries to blame someone or something else instead of the ones that preach all this blind hatred
I lost my temper and my patience
I'm sorry that I offended you in the proces
The holy books are not dangerous. We, the human race are dangerous. You remind me the leftists in USA and in EU who are against the weapons. They say it's the fault of the guns, not the fault of the people when we kill someone. According to them we should ban the guns, the religions, the automobiles, the airplanes, everything. They want to ban everything. Because some of us are extremists and psychopaths, it doesn't mean that we should start to ban everything. Freedom it's important and should be as a common religion for all of us .

God bless freedom
A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. The bottom half of the world adult population owned 1% of global wealth. Moreover, another study found that the richest 2% own more than half of global household assets

Is that proof these people made money by creating war?
As for the nature of humans, I am well acquainted and in a multitude of occasions since 2000 have put my findings to the test with spectacular successes.
My record is impressive if I should say so myself.
8 counts of cancer with 2 spontaneous remissions and 6 deliberate spontaneous remissions,
2 serious attempts to cause me strokes, one time with a blood build up but they couldn't "move it", ie cause me to become terrified as to have a huge hike in heart rate and blood pressure.
Numerous attempts to cause me heart problems all failed.
And they are the more serious attempts on my life.

the medical world should take your DNA and study it toroughly
The holy books are not dangerous. We, the human race are dangerous. You remind me the leftists in USA and in EU who are against the weapons. They say it's the fault of the guns, not the fault of the people when we kill someone. According to them we should ban the guns, the religions, the automobiles, the airplanes, everything. They want to ban everything. Because some of us are extremists and psychopaths, it doesn't mean that we should start to ban everything. Freedom it's important and should be as a common religion for all of us .

God bless freedom

I didn't say religion should be banned.
And according to your reasoning religion is as harmless as weapons.
I agree.
When you wake up sober tomorrow, explain what it means to pray to religion.

Sorry, but I have no time, find someone else to do it for you... There are people whose English is native, and who'll do much better at this fundamental subject, than I can do.
What is wrong with you people? READ the name of the thread topic. There are numerous threads where the topic is the never ending list of grievances between Albanians and Greeks, Albanians and Serbs, and every other possible Balkanian madness. Use them.

The next off topic post will result in an infraction.
I really can't believe that you don't see it is the very same problem.
As for the topic question - no, they can't.

The ethnogenesis of modern Greeks, which was the subject of the deleted post, is not ON TOPIC. Linguistic wrangles are not ON TOPIC. Personal health histories and experiences with reincarnation, although harmless, are also not on topic.

If someone wants to argue that the conflict in Cyprus between "Turks" and "Greeks" proves that Muslims and Christians can't live peacefully together, or that the conflict between Albanians and other Balkan nationalities is in part a religious conflict because some Albanians are Muslims you can make that case. I would argue that the fact that the Albanians count both Christians and Muslims among them proves that Muslims and Christians can indeed co-exist peacefully. In fact, I think a case could be made that before the deliberate stoking of ethnic and religious hatred by extremists a good deal of progress had been made and that increasing numbers of Christians and Muslims were indeed co-existing peacefully.

The American experience also proves that it is possible. Most Muslim Americans live in perfect harmony with their Christian neighbors, just as Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, and Protestants live in harmony with one another. If people in the Balkans can't get beyond these things, maybe the fault is just as much in their xenophobic, atavistic, tribal mentality as it is in their religions.
The ethnogenesis of modern Greeks, which was the subject of the deleted post, is not ON TOPIC. Linguistic wrangles are not ON TOPIC. Personal health histories and experiences with reincarnation, although harmless, are also not on topic.

If someone wants to argue that the conflict in Cyprus between "Turks" and "Greeks" proves that Muslims and Christians can't live peacefully together, or that the conflict between Albanians and other Balkan nationalities is in part a religious conflict because some Albanians are Muslims you can make that case. I would argue that the fact that the Albanians count both Christians and Muslims among them proves that Muslims and Christians can indeed co-exist peacefully. In fact, I think a case could be made that before the deliberate stoking of ethnic and religious hatred by extremists a good deal of progress had been made and that increasing numbers of Christians and Muslims were indeed co-existing peacefully.

The American experience also proves that it is possible. Most Muslim Americans live in perfect harmony with their Christian neighbors, just as Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, and Protestants live in harmony with one another. If people in the Balkans can't get beyond these things, maybe the fault is just as much in their xenophobic, atavistic, tribal mentality as it is in their religions.

I agree with your post. Just to correct something. The conflict is between albanian from one side and greek and serbs from the other side. We have no problems with other balcan people. And we have not attacked any country during our history. On the contrary we have given our help the two peoples during their wars of liberation. And this conflict is not religious, but ethnic.
I really can't believe that you don't see it is the very same problem.
As for the topic question - no, they can't.
Could you elaborate more?

Why Albanians should vote the Christians as their leaders? Why the Albanians are living peacefully in their country?

There is enough space within the democracy for every reasonable person. That's why we should build the America in Balkans. That's why we should keep away from Balkans, the Russia, as much as it's possible Why the most peaceful Muslims, are the Muslims of USA? Because it's a democratic country.
The ethnogenesis of modern Greeks, which was the subject of the deleted post, is not ON TOPIC. Linguistic wrangles are not ON TOPIC. Personal health histories and experiences with reincarnation, although harmless, are also not on topic.

If someone wants to argue that the conflict in Cyprus between "Turks" and "Greeks" proves that Muslims and Christians can't live peacefully together, or that the conflict between Albanians and other Balkan nationalities is in part a religious conflict because some Albanians are Muslims you can make that case. I would argue that the fact that the Albanians count both Christians and Muslims among them proves that Muslims and Christians can indeed co-exist peacefully. In fact, I think a case could be made that before the deliberate stoking of ethnic and religious hatred by extremists a good deal of progress had been made and that increasing numbers of Christians and Muslims were indeed co-existing peacefully.

The American experience also proves that it is possible. Most Muslim Americans live in perfect harmony with their Christian neighbors, just as Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, and Protestants live in harmony with one another. If people in the Balkans can't get beyond these things, maybe the fault is just as much in their xenophobic, atavistic, tribal mentality as it is in their religions.
This was my idea ,and this is what I was trying to show just from the beginning. If Albanians or Americans could live altogether without any problem, why it's not possible for the rest of the world. Just we keep the religion personal. There is enough space for everyone within a liberal- democracy.

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