Cataholics rejoice!


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Study finds cats prefer spending time with humans to food. If someone dares to bring up that a 50 cat sample is too small for these conclusions it's obviously because they hate cats. :)


"The researchers took 50 cats from shelters and peoples homes and deprived them of food, human contact, scent and toys for a few hours.They then introduced them to stimuli within these four categories to see what they chose."

It varies by cat, of course.
"The authors of the study wrote: "While it has been suggested that cat sociality exists on a continuum, perhaps skewed toward independency, we have found that 50% of cats tested preferred interaction with the social stimulus even though they had a direct choice between social interaction with a human and their other most preferred stimuli from the three other stimulus categories."

Most cats chose human socialisation over any of the other categories.

Cats grooming humans

If someone wonders why so few women are in the video: most women would never allow a cat to do this to their hair! :) I don't either, so my cat(s) try to groom my arms and hands and face. I don't allow that either. Just think where that tongue has been, people. :(

Cat greeting returning owner:

My male cat is like that: he's enormous, but he tries to jump into my arms from the floor, and sometimes falls, poor thing.

My cats follow me everywhere around the house, and I mean everywhere! They never heard of the concept of privacy. They try to follow me outdoors too. I swear, the male would let me put a leash on him and go for a walk.

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Cats usually eat 16 times a day. Having them isolated for a few hours without food alone is not very significant. I am sure that if the cats had been a whole day without food the result would be another, bone would have been thrown to the food in the first place.
I so badly want a cat that can both use and flush the toilet! I would never stand having to clean up a cat's "business" in a box of kitty litter. I can't stand fecal matter. Here's a vid of a cat using a toilet to do "business".

As an added bonus, it knows how to flush....hopefully it flushed conscientiously and not by random accident...
I so badly want a cat that can both use and flush the toilet! I would never stand having to clean up a cat's "business" in a box of kitty litter. I can't stand fecal matter. Here's a vid of a cat using a toilet to do "business".

As an added bonus, it knows how to flush....hopefully it flushed conscientiously and not by random accident...

Wait until you have's even more up close and personal if you take my meaning! :)

That said, that is the down side of having cats for most people. If you live in the city or even the suburbs you can't let them go roaming because of the traffic and feral cats. However, if you live in the suburbs but have a fenced yard you can train them to go outside. That's the best solution, because you can let them enjoy the outdoors too.

When contemplating getting a cat, people shouldn't assume that all cats are going to be equally able to be "socialized". Some are definitely more intelligent or "affectionate" than others. It's like with kids: you have to love them anyway :)! (Also like children, however, the "parent" makes a big difference. It takes time and some effort to socialize any animal.)

It even varies by breed. I've always thought Siamese cats were really low on the intelligence scale. Of course, by neutering our house cats even before we know their "personalities" we're not pushing evolution along the path toward more domestication.
What's interesting is the fact that the cat in the video I posted started clawing at the bowl when it was done as if it was trying to bury its "product". I saw another vid where a different cat did the same exact thing after using the toilet.

Glad they can be trained to go outside. I never owned a cat so there's lots I don't know about them.
I must have missed a story about catholics and cats in my religion classes. What is the connection?
I must have missed a story about catholics and cats in my religion classes. What is the connection?

LOL! I made the same mistake as you did! I misread Cataholics as Catholics!
What's interesting is the fact that the cat in the video I posted started clawing at the bowl when it was done as if it was trying to bury its "product". I saw another vid where a different cat did the same exact thing after using the toilet.

Glad they can be trained to go outside. I never owned a cat so there's lots I don't know about them.

Cats would prefer to go outside, I think.

That motion is instinctive. They're making the motion they would make if they were outside and covering up their "mess" with dirt to mask the scent. Sometimes my cats make the same motion after they eat.

Cats are very dependent on scent. When I leave the house I'll return to find my two cats curled up on any piece of my clothing they can find, or if not, the blanket I use to cuddle in while I'm watching tv, or the place where I sit on the sofa. It's the same with the dog.

When my children were little and would run to climb into our bed at the slightest opportunity, often during the middle of the night when we were asleep and couldn't bring them back to their own beds, what with them and the one cat at the time and the dog, it got a little crowded. :) I would usually wake up to find the cat right on the top of my head. No joke, we switched to a king size bed.

Too many children here, but you get the idea!

If you go to someone's house and they have a cat, and you want to signal that you won't hurt them, let them circle you a few times, rubbing their bodies against your legs, and then put your fingers slowly down to their level so they can smell you. Also, I was told that when you want to signal affection or lack of aggression toward a cat, look them in the eyes and slowly blink a few times. That's how they show vulnerability.

Another typical cat behavior when they're feeling affectionate and want to cuddle with you is that they'll sort of "kneed" you or the area right next to you. That's what they do to the mother cat's body when they nurse.

Of course, everyone knows that when they want to be stroked and petted they can be quite insistent. Mine will literally pat my arm insistently until I do it. Or, as now, the female, in particular, will come and try to sit on the keyboard as I type. Spoiled rotten, just like everyone else in my life!
LOL! I made the same mistake as you did! I misread Cataholics as Catholics!
I thought it was about black cats and burning witches or something..., LOL.
I've come to the realization that I'm a cat person. I was at an Easter party at my sister's house and she just recently bought a cat. Let me tell you, I followed this cat around almost everywhere he went! I'll admit, I made a number of naive mistakes...apparently cats are more selective than dogs when it comes to where they allow you to pet them...he bit me when I was petting his hind legs! But I maintained my trust bc I was drawn by the certain level of beauty and finesse that cats, including himself, seem to posses as they move or jump to a platform with amazing precision.

From a mental health perspective, I had an "episode" at the dinner table. Sweat was pouring....Luckily, the cat was there on the window sill right next to where I was seated. I felt the urge to pet an animal to alleviate my symptoms and petting a cat was far more beneficial than having to pet an animal of any other species.
With the previous post in mind, I'll admit my feline addiction. I am
beginning to realize that I need cats in my life for the sake of my ( poor) mental health. In the event that the little demon in my brain wishes to hijack it and take control; giving me motivation to either bawl or run away in panic , I have faith that a cat would keep me calm during an "episode".
I thought it was about black cats and burning witches or something..., LOL.

The irony of religious dogma. Depending on where you are, the same is in some areas of Europe, but the superstitions of some places in England viewed white cats as unlucky [even bordering "evil"] and were relatively neutral/indifferent or even favorable to black cats.
My cats follow me everywhere around the house, and I mean everywhere! They never heard of the concept of privacy. They try to follow me outdoors too. I swear, the male would let me put a leash on him and go for a walk.

This sort of made me chuckle. I've always had cats, since a toddler really. Had five at one point, all siblings. But when younger the tom ironically [not the girls] would follow mum, myself, and brother out of the house and down to the local park or he would follow us to the bus stop.

My current cat is a Turkish Angora x Maine Coon. Big, big boy. Uzi is definitely something of a trouble maker. Friends say he looks so innocent in photos, if only they knew.

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