Religion Christianity is a religion of peace, tolerance, forgiveness, love and redemption.

Sandoro- I can agree with that to a degree. The behavior and appearance of violence and war in all cultures seems to happen with or without the influence of religion... and although all religions may share a core of values-- I can imagine that although an Aztec was virtuous within his own society, members of neighboring tribes could not, even before their sacrifice, appreciate these values.

Perhaps my question was to narrow and I should have asked about the positive association with religion. I know our modern sensibilities often are at odds with organized religion.
kumo said:
And SVF, trying to compare Christianity with Nazism is rather ridiculous. The Christian god burns ALL Jews FOREVER, nazists in comparison don't hate Jews nearly as much, nor can they be so cruel.

lol! You are right, Kumo. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

See, Tsuyoiko! I do learn something by coming here. Kumo just made and taught a very saliant point worth remembering.

Now, Tsuyoiko, there is my confession of having learned something and you even get to see what I have learned. Would you please stop saying I "don`t learn anything," now...

Thank you. ;)
SVF- I started the thread for a particular purpose. The purpose of "debunking" and "merely taking issue" already exists on four other threads. Perhaps you can't be satisfied with that, but do you have a good reason for bringing it here? Are the threads you started inadequate?
sabro said:
SVF- I started the thread for a particular purpose. The purpose of "debunking" and "merely taking issue" already exists on four other threads. Perhaps you can't be satisfied with that, but do you have a good reason for bringing it here?

You`ve made an assertion in your thread title. It is available, open, and quite in fair play to discuss and take issue with. I do. I have. I will.

There is active. There is passive. Waiting for others to come to me for discussion, while fine -- is passive. Bringing the discussion to others is active. Both have merit. Both methods are employed.

Don`t you know that?
SVF, if you can say that Christianity itself was a direct cause of those people's suffering, then you have an argument. As it is, you are equating people who claim the label Christian with the faith itself, Christianity.

If I call myself a communist, and yet I mass market my slogan on shirts, making massive amounts of money, does that make me a communist? Is Karl Marx then directly responsible for my actions? It could then be said that Communism is actually a very capitalistic idea! Communists are also hypocrits!

We are talking about Christianity itself, and not what some people not following the very basic tenants of Christianity but claiming it's name have done.

And since Nazism and Christianity are quite different in terms of the actual tenants, then it makes no sense to compare those two.

I'll just list some verses that I still quite like.

Colossians 3:12(NIV) said:
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV) said:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Colossians 2:7(NIV) said:
rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV) said:
give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Colossians 3:13 (NIV) said:
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Philippians 4:8-9?(NIV) said:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable?\if anything is excellent or praiseworthy?\think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me?\put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

And also this one

It was in a time when I thought, prophecies are next to useless to me, and some of the parables are still beyond my understanding that I decided to look up these passages, as regardless of the circumstances, these were traits that a Christian was supposed to take on. Reading other material related to these traits however did lead me in another direction, but I'll say that it was great to think these traits out carefully, and finally being able to more simplify this list of traits.

All in all, I think the ethics of Christianity, even factoring in a few of the more debatable laws, are an excellent code to live by. I can say that I knew a lot of Christians who were dedicated to the community, and dedicated to all they did, and a lot of it was the result of their strong beliefs that they were this way (I am not saying it is exclusive to the Christians).

One last thing, Sabro is the thread starter, and although the thread seems to be making an assertion up for debate, I think that was done unintentionally. I think you should respect the now clear intentions of the threadstarter.
Thank you Revenent. (Obviously the title of the thread could have been thought out a bit better.)
I think that on the whole Jesus' teachings are about peace, tolerance, forgiveness, love and redemption - and also a good dash of standing up for oneself. The fact that many (perhaps most) Christians don't live up to those teachings is not reason enough to condemn Christianity. I know a few Christians who try to live up to those teachings, and they are among the best people I know.

Just after my sister was born, my parents both suffered from severe depression. My Mum got a lot of support from the local vicar. He came to the house every week and watched us so she could get stuff done, and would just sit and listen to her for hours sometimes. She still says she couldn't have got through that time without him. The church were also very supportive of us when my brother died. I went to Sunday School until I was about 13, where I was taught cooperation, compassion and tolerance. Even though I'm now an atheist, I'm glad my parents brought me up in the church, as I think I learnt valuable lessons there.

I still think 1 Corinithians 13 is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read.
people that try to live up to the part of Christianity that is good and noble are not only in the minority, they probably would've been just as good without christianity as a guiding pointer.

The fact remains that hate-mongering, persecution and biggotry has all been commited and carried out in His name.

Christianity like Islam have been corrupted since people started interpreting them in their own ways and should be put to death like the rabid dogs they are.

The only interpretation of any sort of religion as a vessel of love and understanding I will ever accept are the words of the current Dalai Lama.

When you look at his smiling face and hear him talk how can you ever compare that to old scriptures that contain persecution and death by the hands of a "loving" God?

If the awe that man inspires in me is not divine, then I don't know what is.
TwistedMac said:
Christianity like Islam have been corrupted since people started interpreting them in their own ways and should be put to death like the rabid dogs they are.

The only interpretation of any sort of religion as a vessel of love and understanding I will ever accept are the words of the current Dalai Lama.
The Dalai Lama wouldn't agree with your death sentence:
Tenzin Gyatso said:
You should respect other religions....the essence of all religions is basically the same: to achieve a true sense of brotherhood, a good heart, respect for others.
My signature contains the Dalai Lama's view on religion as a whole, which also includes Christianity and Islam. I believe that people who make the kind of statements TwistedMac has made haven't studied enough religion as a whole. Just my opinion.
Tsuyoiko said:
The Dalai Lama wouldn't agree with your death sentence:
I have read 3 of "his" books. (I am quite aware he did not actively write any of them but merely talked to a person that did.)

and yes... "the essence of all religions is basically the same: to achieve a true sense of brotherhood, a good heart, respect for others."

but in christianity and islam, this essence is long since lost to mankind.
break it down, start again.

And I know the Dalai Lama would never agree with such a statement. I said I respect him and he is the only person I would accept as being or ever having been divine in any way or form. I never said I would attempt to do everything the way he would.

He probably wouldn't want to kill a rabid dog either. I would.
Christianity is a religion of peace, tolerance, forgiveness, love, redemption, and dogma.

Forgive me, but the Bible, first of all, should be plain black and white. Too many grey areas are there and we have to guess if being gay is okay, if having sex is okay, if having fun is okay, if having your own free will is okay. I'm okay with Christianity, kind of. But some of it is totally moronic.

And how some of you Christians handle other religion is pathetic. You say the only way to be saved is to give up your free will and worship Jesus. Even a sinning murderer who is Christian will go to Heaven before a good Atheist, Jew, Buddist, etc. if you take the Bible literally.

Now if the bible was rewritten so people could UNDERSTAND it, and it was a little more specific on 'right' and 'wrong' I'd like it more.

Haha sorry if I'm ticking you guys off, but Christians have done a crapload of stupid stuff over the ages.
ewewssax said:
And how some of you Christians handle other religion is pathetic. You say the only way to be saved is to give up your free will and worship Jesus.
I disagree with you in that I don't think you have to give up your free will.
Haha sorry if I'm ticking you guys off, but Christians have done a crapload of stupid stuff over the ages.
and a lot of good too, look at all the charity efforts in needy areas sponsered by Christians, look at some of the good things, not just the bad.
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