
Turks are originally, mongoloid with a lot of armenoid and kurdish admixture. In western turkey, due to originally inhabited by Greek populations, many of those so called "turks" have Greek origin.

Do I have anything non European in my features?
Non European = Mongoloid, arabid, negroid, armenoid.

Thanks for responding :)

Not really. Turks (as citizens of Turkey) are mostly of Anatolian or local origin since bronze/iron age, with about 10-15% of central asian Turkish admixture.
LeBrok, thanks for the replying, mate :)

You are a perfect Greek, obviously descendent of Greek Gods of Olympus.

The gods left long ago the place but still are some heroes and very few semi-gods still living in Athens. !!!

I woke up morning I put my laundry,-allready done-, I prepare my meal, -almost done-, I will watch the news, I will take an afternoon coffee at Philopappou. (2km from home, 1 km from Acropolis - a spectacular sight of the sacred rock.)

I will come for the symposium at night...

This is an armenoid. I believe I have nothing in common.

Also, rich facial hair had all ancient Greeks and im pretty sure, they werent armenoids. Also, scandinavians have rich facial hair. I think mediterranean, nordic and all their sub categories have rich facial hair.

Long oval face, shape of forehead, hair, skin tone, eyes and eyebrows, long nose with high roots, triangular chin, cheekbone shape. To say that you have nothing in common is a stretch, and sound like a very defensive position.
How can you compare my photos with that armenoid?

Defensive? Yes, because I consider armenoids non europeans

Another one...just what we needed.
Another one...just what we needed.

How can you compare my photos with that armenoid?

Defensive? Yes, because I consider armenoids non europeans

We are comparing you to another human being and you are getting defensive! Are you feeling superior to non-Europeans?
No kidding you look like Pericles -and that is not an irony- which is very common and there is no doubt about that. but if that is so, why we dont speak about grekanides and grecanoids?- hellenides or hellenoids ? etc.
Pour some water on your wine...

(for the game-s)
* The "game" have many levels of understanding, and pleasure which comes from understanding.

*There many "set of games" as recently noticed to the age of internet for example the trend is to describe stocks with names like: Iranian Neolithic, WHG, CHG, etc

(how we play)
*First we have to agree that we have to agree with the terminations and the game we use to end in a common accepted conclusion.

*keep the lines of every different games occasionaly played.

(how we classify, give a name and order to things )
We begin to say what "it is" and not what it is'nt. What "is not" is crucial to a second deegree, so first we are generic and after particullar and specifigue.

(for the armenides and the armenoids.- people and features)
For the people: and from anthropological perspective, I have the feeling they are very old in our region. I saw them on mainland as also to the islands. I saw them up on boat ,I saw them as sheppards. I also thing they match well with the Paleo/mesolithic remnant which introduced; the pig herdership -firstly- to our region heading to the transitions for the neolithic evolutions to come. The last one is mine speculation - We said to play...:rolleyes:
Did you notice some thing common with what we -propably- say as Alpinides Dinarides, Armenides, Iranides?
For the features: I believe that convex hook type nose is one characterisic among others characteristics. Having one or more characteristics dont make you armenide fro the example.
Some Armenides as well Dinarides have nice straight and long noses. One feature dont say nothing for the whole composite, as the abscence of a feature also.
No kidding you look like Pericles -and that is not an irony- which is very common and there is no doubt about that. but if that is so, why we dont speak about grekanides and grecanoids?- hellenides or hellenoids ? etc.

He does indeed. Of course, that's impossible, because the "original" Greeks are supposedly extinct. :) I know a lot of Italians who look like the supposedly extinct Greeks and Romans too, including me, at least a bit.

Unfortunately for @Ηercules the fleshy lips are absent.Anyway If anyone wish like ΠΑΝΑΞ's & Pericles lips here's a tip:
Kiss passionate a sandpaper and put peppers on them. :LOL:

What to say about the finger toes. I had a girlfriend once (amazing person, a queen with all means) which use to name my feets as: "the Hands" -so long in other words.
That was true, I use to spend alot of time up on a high positioned drawing desk and usually work at home barefoot, when a pencil dropped down I used to grab them with the toes.-a profoundly heritaged Hellenoid feature.

Ergonomy is the epitome of lazyness . ( παναξ 1972) -if you ask more greek you go to Hades. (rhetoric sic)(y)

@Angela your avatar is amazing, Medieval and late I suppose. So beauty. :heart:

Here I have sborten bearb you can see my lips clearer [emoji23]

He does indeed. Of course, that's impossible, because the "original" Greeks are supposedly extinct. :) I know a lot of Italians who look like the supposedly extinct Greeks and Romans too, including me, at least a bit.

If you look anything like your avatar, can I marry you?? [emoji7]
Unfortunately for @Ηercules the fleshy lips are absent.Anyway If anyone wish like ΠΑΝΑΞ's & Pericles lips here's a tip:
Kiss passionate a sandpaper and put peppers on them. :LOL:

What to say about the finger toes. I had a girlfriend once (amazing person, a queen with all means) which use to name my feets as: "the Hands" -so long in other words.
That was true, I use to spend alot of time up on a high positioned drawing desk and usually work at home barefoot, when a pencil dropped down I used to grab them with the toes.-a profoundly heritaged Hellenoid feature.

Ergonomy is the epitome of lazyness . ( παναξ 1972) -if you ask more greek you go to Hades. (rhetoric sic)(y)

@Angela your avatar is amazing, Medieval and late I suppose. So beauty. :heart:

Did you just say a lot of Turks have Kurdish admixture... that is hard to see unless you live in the south then yes I could see it but even then most people from the south of Turkey usually are more ethnically Arab then they are Kurdish. Example my family originally came from Mardin and northern Iraq long ago so most likely I do probably have Kurdish blood. But I think you'd pass for Greek like you said I think it's hard to classify a certain person now. Based just off looks. You are probably mixed with Turk or Arab as the Greeks were ruled for a very long time by the ottomans. This is true only if your family has been in Greece for 400-500 years. It is also possible that could have migrated from North Africa, Eastern Europe, Italy. So we are all mixed you do have some Arab features like nose, but even then it's hard to base someone's ethnicity just off there nose. For example I have red hair and light complexion. I have pictures under guess me also, but I'm a Turk. Check out my column if you don't mind.
My avatar is a sculpture supposedly of Beatrice d'Este, one of my favorite Italian Renaissance women. (Another one is Caterina Sforza, who was a bit of a she wolf!) She was a highly educated woman and a great patron of the arts; her salon included Da Vinci, Castiglione, and Bramante. She also seems to have possessed some ability at politics and governance and appears to have been a good and faithful wife despite the fact that her husband doesn't seem to have done much to deserve it. Unfortunately, she died young in childbirth. She has a slightly pensive, melancholy look to me.

Ah yes, the "Greek" toes. I have them too, although the second toe is not longer than the big toe; they're the same size. Very long and narrow though. It's hell when shoes have a very short toe piece. :) I've never tried picking things up with them, but maybe I could if I practiced. I got them from my father, who used to call them “intelligent” feet. J Now when I look at statuary of the Classical period, I always look at the feet, and most of the time I see that pattern. Who knows, it may just be that they thought that was an attractive look for feet and so gave them to everybody! :) My daughter would agree. Every time we get pedicures she bemoans the fact that she has short, stubby toes. Girls! This should be her biggest problem.
You are probably mixed with Turk or Arab as the Greeks were ruled for a very long time by the ottomans. This is true only if your family has been in Greece for 400-500 years.

There is no genetic proof of recent Turkish or Arab mixture in Greece nor does he look Arab....
Yes i think also there is a quite melancholic mood but stoic also... like always prepared for the tragedy...
Don't know... When the end comes so unfortunate, we use to say that God -both- wish them. Im touched of her, you gave me a good and very compact view of her.

She is opposing her -left !- cheek. Looking back, maybe somewhere away , somewhere far from here, far -from her heart-, without despise but away from every today's now. But she is there, steady and strong and wait for the drama to complete. ?
- Maybe is a work of art after her's death or maybe i motivated from your words about her.

(Marbles and toes)
There is -was, and will be- always a "trend" among the artists eveywhere.
It is also true that exists as a feuture for some among us, at least as I can say for today modern greeks, -who know's about the ancients.
For some are beautifull, for others maybe not, but i think is other the deep reason for that, and I mean about the sculpting issues and not to anthropological ones. I hope to find you an other time about that.

Walking barefoot to a beach - with very small pebbles- is the ideal. Oil them after. Repeat that as much you can even seasonally. (y)
There is no genetic proof of recent Turkish or Arab mixture in Greece nor does he look Arab....

I am not talking about recently. I am saying if his family has been in greece at least 400 years they are probably mixed, but because it is highly unlikely for someone to stay in that region for that long. I would guess that they probably migrated from another country. He could pass for someone from the levant.

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