Classify this woman from the 30s


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What is her ethnicity, where is she from, what is her phenotype?

(Right side)

Not quite clear, i would assume something along the line of Central European, maybe Polish.

By old taxonomy would be some sort of what they call North-Pontid with Baltoid-Alpinid admixture in.
Can't classify, but she looks British to me.

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Middle European: probably German or a bit to the east, like Czechoslovakia or even Slovenia, i.e. quite a bit of Slavic admixture.

I would just caution that a relatively broad face with a squared off jaw is not limited to Middle Europe or Eastern Europe. I have it myself.

Tuscan actress Francesca Bertini:

Lina Cavalieri-Lazio

Lydia Borelli-Campania
Looks like Pontic influence. Not sure what else.
What is her ethnicity, where is she from, what is her phenotype?

(Right side)

She looks a lot like my grandmother did. Also had wavy/curlyish hair.
I will go out on a limb:
She is either fully Polish or half Polish mixed with Ashkenazi or possibly Dutch.
I think Angela did the best guess, but all others that guessed Polish are also not so wrong.

She is half Northern German(Mother) and half Austria-Hungary(Father).
But her mother is from an Elbe village that is very near the Wendland, a region that was once inhabited by the Polabians, a Slavic tribe:

The parents:

This was a good one; made you think. :)
I think Angela did the best guess, but all others that guessed Polish are also not so wrong.

She is half Northern German(Mother) and half Austria-Hungary(Father).
But her mother is from an Elbe village that is very near the Wendland, a region that was once inhabited by the Polabians, a Slavic tribe:

The parents:

Any more info on the mother's side?
I think Angela did the best guess, but all others that guessed Polish are also not so wrong.

She is half Northern German(Mother) and half Austria-Hungary(Father).
But her mother is from an Elbe village that is very near the Wendland, a region that was once inhabited by the Polabians, a Slavic tribe:

The parents:

Thanks, this was pretty interesting. I agree, Angela is good at this.

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I thought germany at first glance. But also I thought of a type of Spanish women with the broad face.

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