Covid Covid fact checking


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Not sure how fact checking works- Can someone verify fact checking, for the following FDA 2096 information to be released?
Aaron Siri specializing legal counsel, class action.
FDA Doubles Down: Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until at Least the Year 2096 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

The Executive Branch gave Pfizer $1.95 billion in taxpayer funds to promote development of its vaccine through an advance-purchase agreement. (App000340 ¶ 11.) It then paid Pfizer more than $15.7 billion collected from the American people to purchase that product. (App000340-App000341 ¶¶ 12-16.) Thereafter, it spent $18.75 billion more of the American people’s money promoting that product. (App000341 ¶¶ 17-19.) Yet, when it comes to being transparent with those same American people, the FDA claims it cannot muster the resources to timely produce the same documents it reviewed for licensure in 108 days. Just as the government found the resources for Operation Warp Speed, it must now do the same to produce these critical documents with the same warp speed.
Omicron resevoir in the double and tripped vaccinated, Omicron prefers to spread in the fully vaccinated?Most reported U.S. Omicron cases have hit the fully vaccinated -CDC
Fact check- Covid 19 spreading within double, triple, fully vaccinated students?
Cornell University @97 percentile vaccination rate Covid-19 vaccines.

Cornell University Covid cases: More than 900 Covid-19 cases reported this week, many are Omicron variant cases in fully vaccinated students

Cornell University reported 903 cases of Covid-19 among students between December 7-13, and a "very high percentage" of them are Omicron variant cases in fully vaccinated individuals, according to university officials.

As of result, the school has decided to shut down its Ithaca, New York, campus, where it has about 25,600 students. Cornell's overall vaccination rate among students is 97%.
Fact check-
Vaccinated 3 times in 2021? Possible covid resovoir in single, double, triple vaccinated?
Infected with Covid;5+/- (august-december---5 month efficacy?
Maryland Gov. Hogan tests positive for COVID, despite being boosted
Hogan received his first two doses of the Moderna vaccine in January and February, then said in August that he had received a third dose.

Fact check-- Detailed Danish study on vaccinated/unvaccinated for covid and variants.

More than 76 percent of non-Omicron Covid infections in Denmark are in ........
About the only reason for concern in any of the Danish data is that Omicron still appears to be preferentially infecting younger people - though not people under 15, ........
Fact check-Freedom of information, data related for review in covid risk/benefit ratio in vaccines.

Does FDA really employ 17000 people? Delay in 55000 page dump from March to May?

[h=1]FDA Asks the Court to Delay First 55,000 Page Production Until May and Pfizer Moves to Intervene in the Lawsuit[/h]
Covid Updates

India has reported 16,051 fresh COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, 19.6 per cent lower than the previous day while the number of active cases, too, continued to decline swiftly. The active COVID-19 caseload in the country stands at 2,02, 131—9.8 per cent lower than the previous day. Active cases now make up less than 0.5 per cent of the total confirmed cases. The new cases take the number of total confirmed coronavirus cases in the country to 4,28,22, 473. A total of 206 COVID-19 deaths were logged in 24 hours, taking the toll of fatalities due to the infectious disease to 5,12,109. Kerala continued to report backlog deaths as part of its data reconciliation exercise registering 44 backlog deaths. examples of telemedicine services curogram. com/ blog/telemedicine-california
The state also recorded the most deaths in India in a day --48--followed by Karnataka and Odisha which reported 18 and 17 fatalities, respectively.The daily test positivity rate in India was 1.93 per cent on February 21 while the rolling average of the weekly positivity rate came down to 2.12 per cent. The states cumulatively registered 37,901 recoveries in the last 24 hours, taking total recoveries to 4,21,24,284 and the recovery rate to 98.33 per cent. The health ministry said that a total of 76.01 crore tests have been conducted in the country so far of which 8,31,087 tests were carried out in the last 24 hours. Overall, 175.46 crore vaccine doses have also been administered so far as part of the nationwide vaccination drive against coronavirus, as per details shared.
MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site
Examination of SEQ ID11652 revealed that the match extends beyond the 12-nucleotide insertion to a 19-nucleotide sequence: 5′-CTACGTGCCCGCCGAGGAG-3′ (nt 2733-2751 of SEQ ID11652), such that the resulting mRNA would have 3′- GAUGCACGGGCGGCUCCUC-5′, or equivalently 5′- CU CCU CGG CGG GCA CGU AG-3′ (nucleotides 23547-23565 in the SARS-CoV-2 genome, in which the four bold codons yield PRRA, amino acids 681–684 of its spike protein). This is very rare in the NCBI BLAST database.

Is this the first time in history that a segment of pandemic virus has patented segment or did this evolve in bats ? Seems like some of the covid vaccines were almost made in a couple of days, and released with indemnity clause.
filed the patent in February 2016 as part of its cancer research division, the report said..... filed the patent in February 2016 as part of its cancer research division, the report said.....
It would be interesting to hear first hand people who had all series 2;3;4?of Moderna vaccines for Covid and their effectiveness in catching and or spreading Covid.

52 Week Range117.34 - 497.49

^^^ I had 2x Pfizer and then I caught Covid anyway.
^^^ I had 2x Pfizer and then I caught Covid anyway.

Something very strange is happening. This December 2022 will be the 3 year anniversary. Yet I'm reading that in places like Israel and Italy(90%vaxxed)that a sixth wave is starting. Face masks for the work place? Makes no sense, it seams like the bar is being set lower and lower. First the Vaccine were going to stop the spread. Then the vaccinated could be a covid resovoir. Now face masks in the work place among the vaccinated, with a vaccine that is supposed to be effective in preventing severe hospital.
Something very strange is happening. This December 2022 will be the 3 year anniversary. Yet I'm reading that in places like Israel and Italy(90%vaxxed)that a sixth wave is starting. Face masks for the work place? Makes no sense, it seams like the bar is being set lower and lower. First the Vaccine were going to stop the spread. Then the vaccinated could be a covid resovoir. Now face masks in the work place among the vaccinated, with a vaccine that is supposed to be effective in preventing severe hospital.

It seems to be very persistent, though I think most people are kind of over the fear behind it. I am over the fear, I am not going to let it rule my life. That being said, I feel more confident because I am vaccinated. To me, this is more of an issue for people unprotected, and those who are vulnerable. I seldom wear a mask anymore, unless asked to.

Though right now I think I may have a bronchitis (tested negative for covid). What happens if I somehow get covid on top of that? I don't think it would be a very good scenario.

I think I may have had the Alpha variant back in January of 2020. I went on a business trip to Miami, coming back, me and my whole department were sick. I was out for a week. I went to the doctor, and he told me it may have been allergies. I suffer from seasonal allergies, and dust allergies, and I can tell you it surely wasn't the same.
It seems to be very persistent, though I think most people are kind of over the fear behind it. I am over the fear, I am not going to let it rule my life. That being said, I feel more confident because I am vaccinated. To me, this is more of an issue for people unprotected, and those who are vulnerable. I seldom wear a mask anymore, unless asked to.
Though right now I think I may have a bronchitis (tested negative for covid). What happens if I somehow get covid on top of that? I don't think it would be a very good scenario.
I think I may have had the Alpha variant back in January of 2020. I went on a business trip to Miami, coming back, me and my whole department were sick. I was out for a week. I went to the doctor, and he told me it may have been allergies. I suffer from seasonal allergies, and dust allergies, and I can tell you it surely wasn't the same.
I also suffer from allergies, ragweed, birch etc. Since this began in 2019 I do not know COVID . I'm triple unvaccinated (wife is triple vaccinated) and don't wear a mask and goggles at work(although I do take K2-D3 supplement and Norwegian Cod liver oil and Manukau honey). I wish there would be information on the effectiveness of different vaccines so I could make an informed choice. To my way of thinking a vaccine that would stop the spread and resovoir makes most sense. Not an endless booster campaign with every new resovoir mutation.
I also suffer from allergies, ragweed, birch etc. Since this began in 2019 I do not know COVID . I'm triple unvaccinated (wife is triple vaccinated) and don't wear a mask and goggles at work(although I do take K2-D3 supplement and Norwegian Cod liver oil and Manukau honey). I wish there would be information on the effectiveness of different vaccines so I could make an informed choice. To my way of thinking a vaccine that would stop the spread and resovoir makes most sense. Not an endless booster campaign with every new resovoir mutation.

Don't be a fool. Everywhere I am hearing stories of the vaxxies getting chronically, some are are getting cancer, and the worst is heart inflammation. I had an good old friend, my age die in his sleep with enlarged heart. I've heard plenty of 2nd hand stories of the same type of death. This is not a vaxine, you don't know what's in it, I don't it's in it, but we do know the people pushing it are downright rotten and up to no good.

PS Try raw milk for your allergies, thank me later. Just make sure it's from a farm where the cows are exclusively grass-fed.
Don't be a fool. Everywhere I am hearing stories of the vaxxies getting chronically, some are are getting cancer, and the worst is heart inflammation. I had an good old friend, my age die in his sleep with enlarged heart. I've heard plenty of 2nd hand stories of the same type of death. This is not a vaxine, you don't know what's in it, I don't it's in it, but we do know the people pushing it are downright rotten and up to no good.

PS Try raw milk for your allergies, thank me later. Just make sure it's from a farm where the cows are exclusively grass-fed.

We do know what is in the vaccines. The side-effects seen by some who have been vaccinated are far more common in those who have been infected with COVID who did not get vaccinated.
Don't be a fool. Everywhere I am hearing stories of the vaxxies getting chronically, some are are getting cancer, and the worst is heart inflammation. I had an good old friend, my age die in his sleep with enlarged heart. I've heard plenty of 2nd hand stories of the same type of death. This is not a vaxine, you don't know what's in it, I don't it's in it, but we do know the people pushing it are downright rotten and up to no good.
PS Try raw milk for your allergies, thank me later. Just make sure it's from a farm where the cows are exclusively grass-fed.
. Tripled vaccinated people with covid need to keep up there vaccination routine(perhaps mRNA vaccine decreases in strength after 3+/-months).I'm coming across people who don't want the 3rd, 4th,5th booster Vaxines (there saying my body my choice). Some people are calling the people who refuse booster updates as antivaxxers.
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. Tripled vaccinated people with covid need to keep up there vaccination routine(perhaps mRNA vaccine decreases in strength after 3+/-months).I'm coming across people who don't want the 3rd, 4th,5th booster Vaxines (there saying my body my choice). Some people are calling the people who refuse booster updates as antivaxxers.

The majority of vaccines eventually require booster shots (think of the series of vaccines young children receive in regards to diphtheria, tetanus, polio, meningococcal, Hib, etc). SARS-CoV-2 is no different in that regard, however coronaviruses mutate rapidly so what might have worked well previously begins to not work so efficiently with different strains of the virus, this is part of the reason why there is no vaccination for the common cold. Common colds are caused by rhinoviruses and coronaviruses and both mutate so quickly that it’s next to impossible to produce a vaccine for the common cold.

Some are hesitant to get 3rd, 4th or 5th boosters because there is a lot of discussion about updated boosters coming out later that are more geared towards the newer strains and will provide better protection towards those new dominant strains.
The majority of vaccines ..........

I'm tripple unvaxxed, in other words, unvaccinated for the common cold and flu, including swine flu(although I have many of the others you listed). Can you list your cold, flu and covid vaccines( with time intervals) you have taken?
The majority of vaccines eventually require booster shots (think of the series of vaccines young children receive in regards to diphtheria, tetanus, polio, meningococcal, Hib, etc). SARS-CoV-2 is no different in that regard, however coronaviruses mutate rapidly so what might have worked well previously begins to not work so efficiently with different strains of the virus, this is part of the reason why there is no vaccination for the common cold. Common colds are caused by rhinoviruses and coronaviruses and both mutate so quickly that it’s next to impossible to produce a vaccine for the common cold.

Some are hesitant to get 3rd, 4th or 5th boosters because there is a lot of discussion about updated boosters coming out later that are more geared towards the newer strains and will provide better protection towards those new dominant strains.

Bivalent vaccine time. Number 4/5 boosters for covid.

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