Cyber Truck from Tesla: are you impressed?

It could be a clever piece of advertising. If things go wrong during the presentation people are more likely to talk about it, especially if it's funny (which it was). Keep in mind that any publicity is good publicity. Now more people know about Tesla's "armoured" truck that if things had gone more smoothly. They will fix the problem with the weak windows. This way, people will be aware of Tesla's new truck, but won't be able to criticise it once the windows are fixed, and people will buy the truck. That's how advertising works.
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It could be a clever piece of advertising. If things go wrong during the presentation people are more likely to talk about it, especially if it's funny (which it was). Keep in mind that any publicity is good publicity. Now more people know about Tesla's "armoured" truck that if things had gone more smoothly. They will fix the problem with the weak windows. This way, people will be aware of Tesla's new truck, but won't be able to criticise it once the windows are fixed, and people will buy the truck. That's how advertising works.

Great. I was thinking the same way when I saw the video. But I wasn't sure whether others have the same doubts.
They are very crooked, isn't it? They actually made others believe (some how) that it is an onstage experiment went wrong. Now more and more people talking about the window crash. Think on this, you spend millions of dollars on developing a CYBER TRUCK with toughened material more powerful than FORD F150 (at least that is genuine, hopefully!) and you forget to test the durability or toughness of the glass prior to the unveiling ceremony?

Von Holzhausen doesnt seem that amused when the stel ball cracked through the glass. Bad acting though. LoL

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