Do Looks Really Matter?

Do looks really matter?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 38.9%
  • No

    Votes: 10 11.1%
  • Sometimes, Initially, Partially...

    Votes: 45 50.0%

  • Total voters
jovial_jon said:
I'm definitely with ya on that one. :cool: Even if they had a great personality, if they couldn't make me laugh then I wouldn't be interested.

Right-o! They have to be jovial!!!! ;) :bravo:
Brooker said:
It's a broad question, but, of course there has to be an initial attraction. But have you ever noticed how a cute girl becomes gorgeous if she's nice and a pretty girl becomes unattractive if she's lame?

I absolutley agree, I knew this girl who was gorgeous when i first met her, but the more I got to know her, the less attractive she became. On the other hand, my current girlfriend was hot when I met her, and she keeps getting more beautiful every day.
TimF said:
@kirei I guess I would fall under the catagory of guys you would have been attracted to LOL :D . I dont know though if I would have seen you out in the real world I would be too afraid to talk to you lol :D . (afraid you wouldnt even give me the time of day)

Well, I would hope not. I'm really very down-to-earth. I know that "down-to-earth" is a cliche, but to me, that's the most important thing besides being hilarious. It's important for me to be down-to-earth and genuine and it's important to me for the people I'm around to be the same way. The only thing that matters to me is if I feel comfortable with someone.

I think you sound like an excellent guy, Tim, and I would give you the time of day anytime! ;) :cool:

What did the other people think of my quotes? Are they dorky like
Mr. Brooker says?

Nah. Girls like that mushy stuff sometimes. Just don't wear it out. Use those kinds of lines on special occasions only. If you use them too much, it will start to sound kind of phony. Those are good when used in moderation. ;)
Yeah Kirei, jovial's good! :D

Tim- Yeah, the lines are good, but as Kirei said, in moderation. The second example you gave is slightly dorky, but sometimes dorky isn't a bad thing! I couldn't say lines like that - I'm waaaay too shy! :p
kirei_na_me said:
I think you sound like an excellent guy, Tim, and I would give you the time of day anytime! ;) :cool:

Thanks kirei :)

kirei_na_me said:
Nah. Girls like that mushy stuff sometimes. Just don't wear it out. Use those kinds of lines on special occasions only. If you use them too much, it will start to sound kind of phony. Those are good when used in moderation. ;)

Exactally I couldnt have said it better myself! :cool:
I can respect people who care about how they look depending on situation such as professional looking, formal looking, casual looking etc.; these are the appearance and not about what kind of face or body they have.

I like people with confidence and matureness.
Looks are not very important for me as long as they are not offensive.
Looks...overall personality...I think the most important aspect in a mate is a combination of confidence, intelligence, and the ability to think 'outside of the box'.

The way a persons mind works is usually the most attractive thing for me. If they think oddly, in a good way; different, just an overall different, sometimes obscure approach on life, and the events in it, that really fascinates me.

I, personally, am a glutton for punishment. I find it compelling when my mate or someone I'm interested in, isnt particularly interested in me, and isnt particularily available for me. Oh yeah, thats hot.
kirei_na_me said:
Well, I would hope not. I'm really very down-to-earth. I know that "down-to-earth" is a cliche, but to me, that's the most important thing besides being hilarious. It's important for me to be down-to-earth and genuine and it's important to me for the people I'm around to be the same way. The only thing that matters to me is if I feel comfortable with someone.
Genuine, modest, respectful, serious, secure, sensitive but not always showing it -- does this mean they're down to earth ? Anyway, I can't decide. All of those are the most important thing to me. ;). And someone who has a little knowledge about a lot of things so we'll always have something to talk about. But most importantly that tries to accomodate people around them without changing personalities depending on who they're with. Looks should be about normal so that doesn't become a distraction. :cool:
IMHO when girls are attracted to me it has to be for my personality beacuse like I said I am arse ugly but recently I have been finding alot of beautiful girls that are attracted to me I found another one last night (i had talked to her for awhile and she admitted it last night) and she is gourgeous and I just dont see what they see in me other than my personality. When it comes to looks for me it doesnt matter beacuse I know that non atractive people usually are much more fun to be around beacuse they have better personalities this is not true for all cases though.
A woman's looks matter more to a man than a man's looks to a woman.

A woman is more concerned about the size of a man's . . . bank account.
Golgo_13 said:
A woman is more concerned about the size of a man's . . . bank account.

Just like how men are concerned about the size of a woman's...tracks of land. :D :D
TimF said:
Thanks kirei :)

Exactally I couldnt have said it better myself! :cool:
The personal approach from someone I really care about is usually enough in itself to knock me cold. Or someone who "touches me lightly" as they say in Japanese. Just asking how I'm doing. Are you too cold ? Tired ? Along with small, unexpected favors when you're having a hard time of things. :cool:
I think looks really do matter. We can all try to be hypocrites, but is foolish to deny human nature. We tend to judge too much on first impressions, we can't help it, sight is the sense with supremacy.
I agree with that Duo, but I think if you don't like their personality you're not gonna stick around for along. Looks alone can't make a good relationship, whereas personality alone can.
Very true, also, some good looking people are real jerks, but first impression are really important, is hard to usually change opinion, unless you discover something drastic.
Funny Story....

when I first got home from the Navy I went to a singles dance. I saw a girl on the dance floor who was a beautiful
Playboy centerfold looker, long black hair! I watched her get asked to dance every dance, but never by the same guy twice. I wondered what the problem with her could be, bad breath, BO? Why would a guy hit on her and run for the hills after exchanging a few words on the dance floor? I bided my time and finally got a chance to ask her to dance. Smelled OK to me. She seemed fairly intelligent.
I figured she was about 25, I was 23. Finally the mystery was revealed! She was 35(sure didn't look it) and had 12 children! Said she got pregnant at 15 for the first time and had gone throuh 4 husbands. So in this case , beauty was NOT enough!


Oh Frank, you and your long black hair fixation! :D
Jovial I think your missing the possiblities of long black curly hair over some beautifula green eyes. Ooooooooooooooooooooo :relief: :relief: lord even i'm sweating...
I think i know why the girls are all around you.

Your THE "Muffdiver Extraordinaire!"

all girls love it :blush: .


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