Do Looks Really Matter?

Do looks really matter?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 38.9%
  • No

    Votes: 10 11.1%
  • Sometimes, Initially, Partially...

    Votes: 45 50.0%

  • Total voters
Nope, not to me. I think looks are a bonus. Tee hee. It's the personality that really matters.
Are looks important? I'll have to think about that one for a second. Let's see: the ladies refuse to make eye contact with me, say "eww" when they see me, cringe, snicker, giggle, and say rude things about me when I'm not looking. So are looks important? I guess to the ladies it is since I don't look like Pierce Brosnan to them.

Doc said:
Are looks important? I'll have to think about that one for a second. Let's see: the ladies refuse to make eye contact with me, say "eww" when they see me, cringe, snicker, giggle, and say rude things about me when I'm not looking. So are looks important? I guess to the ladies it is since I don't look like Pierce Brosnan to them.

Stupid I must say if they do that. Grr! But then everyone is different like the great-old-here-it-comes question "Does dick size matter?" or "Does boobs size matter?" No for one! If your a real women or man you would say "No."

Nee, that's a good topic to start.
I voted for 'sometimes, initially, partially'.

Looks don't matter very much to me. As long as someone is clean and takes some care in his appearance I can usually see something attractive - unless it goes too far. I find too much vanity very unappealing.
oooo, this is an old thread, I never noticed it before. :souka:
Looks are what draws my attention, but people are interesting, all of them... I don't really see anyone as 'ugly'... maybe that sounds like I'm being cliched but it's true.

Anyway it depends what you mean by 'matter'. I'm interested in people, so I like to try and talk to as many people as possible; I don't tend to single people out depending on looks but rather 'circulate'. But it depends on the situation. Obviously, some people catch the eyes more than others. With me, this depends on either if they are strikingly good-looking or if they are unusual-looking in some way. Either way, my eyes are drawn to them first, but whether I act on that depends on the overall circumstances - e.g. my motives, other people around, the whole social set-up.

Also, I can be drawn to people for other reasons that are kind of to do with 'looks' but not in the regular way... for example, someone who is on their own. (I tend to be drawn to someone on their own probably because they are not 'threatening'.) Or maybe someone who is looking just different - particularly quiet, or preoccupied, or whatever - just because they stand out so you notice them more.

Mehhh, I'm rambling... :sorry:
I am not going to deny it, looks do matter to me, whether little or alot, it depends. but no matter what, i will never again start a relationship based on just looks alone (which i've foolishly done so twice in my past relations :buuh:) However, people with good looks/nice clothes will catch my eye even in a big crowd. So in my initial impression, it has advantages for a beautiful guy. Many people say that gorgeous guys/girls are conceited/vain/hard to reach but nooo, some are humble and nice

If i meet someone for the first time, he won't stay on my mind afterwards if he doesn't look nice. UNLESS, that guy is super nice or have a very easygoing personality that makes me feel comfortable around him. This may seem so common to other people, but to me, i find it really hard to open up my feelings to others. Even some of my friends who i've known for many years, i still don't feel like myself when i'm around them. So far, i've only met two guys who can manage to make me feel comfortable when hanging around with them. omg, i lost my point. uh.. yeah.. like what everyone says, looks matter at first, then the personality will determine if a relationship will work out. (^^)b
at the beginning YES, later on NO.

Example: When you go out with your friends to a bar, and you see two chicks, one ugly chick, and one goodlooking chick! so, which girl are you gonna pick up? Not the ugly girl, at least you don't have that intention in the beginning. Conclusion: Looks do matter!

Example 2: When you are in a relation for a while, one week, 3 weeks, 6months, you are getting to know the inside of a person, at that moment you don't think about the outside any more, you just her to get your freaking beers when the game starts, and that she will shut up! :blush: Conclusion: Looks doesn't matter, Inside Does!!

So yeah, if you are looking for a one-night, or a couple of weeks, go for the looks, but eventually it doesn't matter anymore because it's all about the inside, and the beer!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't know what it meant when it asked "Do looks really matter?" I thought he meant all around (Like getting certain jobs, respect etc..), but I didn't know it was about attraction. So I put yes.

I would say that it partially does. There are people who are just in it for the looks. To me they have to be good looking, but if they aren't nice and they don't have a good personality then it doesn't matter what they look like. I wouldn't give them a time of day if they weren't nice.

To me, looks are just an accessory, but personality is what really makes a person beautiful..
I personally don't think looks matter, but I can understand where others think they do. Would you really want a scruffy looking teenager in your store? Afterall, don't teenagers usually like to steal things because they are either cheap/don't have any money? Would you want your daughter to date a guy who has a swastika tattooed on his chest? It's really all just common sense. I think it's stupid to make appearances matter, but we live in a society where money is the thing that matters most. Money buys things that make us look nice.
I personaly think sometimes or most of the time the first impression is very important....I have to admit that a good looking guy will catch my attention more than an ugly one (dont like the word ugly) but.....also a good presonality and an easygoing person matters more than looks......still when meeting someone what really counts is the attraction between both persons and mostly this attraction is for how the other person looks like...and only time will decide if there's chemestry between them or not and that's when looks wont matter anymore.............OMG I almost lost my point...I hope you understand what Im talking about....I made it so confusing :poh:
My sister has a boyfriend. But look wise, he's not her type, Well, he is now. But it's his personality that made him attractive.

Like I said before: looks are just an accessory, but personality is what really makes a person beautiful..
Yep looks do matter absolutely!
Who would want a girl/guy ,who just looks terrible most people would definetly tend to preferring a goodlooking guy/girl.
I agree but still I dont think anyone will stay with a bad/stupid/any adjective person just because is good looking....that girl/guy most have something else besides his/her looks.....unless you dont want a serious relationship with that person
Mitsuo said it best.
looks are just an accessory, but personality is what really makes a person beautiful.
Although, when you meet a person for the first time, you have to get a snap impression based on looks, because at that point you have nothing else to go on.
It's when people never reach beyond that, that you get problems. :wary:

There are certain stereotypes that have a reason behind them: like Thor was pointing out, look for a moment from the point of view of a storekeeper... scruffy = poor = more likely to steal something. Even though it's simplistic, it can be someone's gut reaction.

I posted something on the 'clothes' thread about how I'm sometimes interested to dress in different ways and observe the differences in people's reactions to me.
For example, I have 2 warm coats. One is long and velvet with beads and sequins on it and generally looks pretty swish and as though it cost a lot (it was from a sale! ^^). The other is an old baggy army jacket. I love both those coats about equally. I have noticed very much a difference in response from storekeepers depending on the coat I am wearing! :souka: Odd, but true...

So 'looks matters' applies to what you wear, as well as the natural looks of your face and figure.

Thor said:
Money buys things that make us look nice
That's a very good and important point and says a lot more concisely what I was just woffling on about. :sorry:

moffeltoff said:
Who would want a girl/guy ,who just looks terrible most people would definetly tend to preferring a goodlooking guy/girl.
Hmm, but I wouldn't prefer them if they were a less nice person. ><
IMO, most people don't look 'terrible' really... unless they don't wash themself or brush their hair at all, or something :sick: I don't really think of people as 'ugly'... just that some people stand out as good-looking from the rest (majority) as 'ordinary'.
I'm attracted to personality. For me, that's what defines how attractive people are. I know I've fallen for a lot of gals who at first glance didn't look at all pretty, but after I'd gotten to know them, they seem to get prettier. Of course, it apparently must have been the total opposite for them when they got to know me more

TimF said:
I have been talking to alot of people lately (alot of female people) and it seems that i am picking up a lot of women lately i am not good looking by any means i am just a good listener and i use alot of soft kind words like for instance this one girl i was talking to was starting to cry about a bad memory and i told her "Please dont are far too beautiful to have tears run down your face." and "Words alone are not enough to sway the heart but for when the time is right the heart moves on its own accord from within." I use words like this (only if I mean them though) to make up for my lack in good looks and i find they work just as good or if not better. So i am asking the good people of jref do looks really matter?

okay i think that this is a matter of the person that you are talking too. i haven't read any previous posts so forgive me if this is a repeat of someone elses. okay i think that it matters who your talking to i mean you could be talking number one to someone who is quite dependant on looks now for females if a guy is the "stuff" he is who everyone wants or wants to be. now i dont' think that looks matter as far as things go. Me and kris have been dating for a year and 3 months now if he wasnt' handsome i still would've talked to him because to me looks dont' make the person people make themselves who they are by personality. i've met beautiful females that are just so ugly and snotty on the inside that i can't stand to look at them.that's just my opinon and my input. now if a my boyfriend said something as sweet as that to me...i'd cry more because of how happy it made me.. just my input hope it helps in the long run:)
JoRuDeNnA said:
I agree but still I dont think anyone will stay with a bad/stupid/any adjective person just because is good looking....that girl/guy most have something else besides his/her looks.....unless you dont want a serious relationship with that person

Beeing nice sucks the only thing women say to you is :"Wow no one understands me the way you do"
Which means you are a "friend" ,so you have uktimately lost sukker ;)
My experience is ,that its much more attraktiv to be goodlooking *******.
moffeltoff said:
Beeing nice sucks the only thing women say to you is :"Wow no one understands me the way you do"
Which means you are a "friend" ,so you have uktimately lost sukker

I still prefer 'nice' people - I don't care if being nice sucks.
Nice as in kind, considerate, reliable - what's wrong with that?

I'm not sure I'd want a girl who is attracted to nasty men, anyway.
They're just setting themselves up for years of misery and bitterness later on.

People say "nice guys finish last".
Partly it can be true.
People overlook "nice guys" sometimes.
Too bad i can never find any of them. :(

All the rejected nice people! come to meeeeeeeee! :yeahh: I love you!! :yeahh:
Thanks Kinsao, that is kind of reassuring.
I think there is some truth to the saying ''Treat them mean, keep them keen''.
when it comes to getting the ladies.

However, in other areas being nice is quite useful.
I don't think I would have got this job, or the one before it without my better qualities, (not only the actual job specifications)
It is much more pleasurable to be nice if you want to work in a good atmosphere and have good relations with your business contacts, wherever possible.

There is only one person where I work that I don't get on with, and he had a problem with every other english engineer who worked here anyway.

So, I will keep being 'nice', but maybe I need to re-evaluate my approach to the fairer sex.

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