Do you lock your doors?

Do you lock your doors ?

  • I am from the USA : yes, always (even for 5 min)

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • I am from the USA : only for longer absence

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • I am from another Western country : yes, always (even for 5 min)

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • I am from another Western country : only for longer absence

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • I am from another country : yes, always (even for 5 min)

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • I am from another country : only for longer absence

    Votes: 2 4.4%

  • Total voters
I've never heard of it, but that doesn't mean it is not here. The Habu and hemi-habu are the most well known here, but there are like 30 different species of snakes on this island chain.
I always lock my door, always.. I guess I'm just not living in the safest place. There have been people running around with guns in this house, threaten some neighbours and they have even physically abused one of the neighbours, but she has moved *wonders why*
People here are always stealing from everyone and everything, 14 year olds jumping on 12 year olds and steals cell phones, money, bus cards.. :eek:kashii:
so .. I ALWAYS LOCK MY DOOR, they're after me .. everyone *gets a touch of paranoia*
I generally lock my door

from force of habit growing up in Chicago. But, there have been times when I never lock my door!


While I was in college, I lived in a townhouse with 3 other people. During that time, I never once owned a key to the house, and never needed one, because it was always open! Of course, we lived on a campus with only 500 people living on it, in the middle of the woods, hours away from any city.
(Northern Wisconsin...)

Here in Japan, I always lock it, even though I'm in the inaka. None of my neighbors lock their doors, though.

I grew up in a bad part of East L.A. I always locked my doors. Now I'm way out in the boonies, up in the mountains and I constantly forget. There is crime and break ins are somewhat common, but I feel very safe.

Perhaps it's my siberian husky and four fat attack cats.

We lock our doors when we go out and at night but they're unlocked other times. There's been a few burglaries lately by where I live :eek:kashii: so it's better safe than sorry! I'm not bothered by people taking things, but the idea of someone breaking in freaks me out a bit.
The fact that people in Japan lock their doors even in areas with almost no crime goes against Michael Moore's assertion that Canada is less violent because they are less fearful. I know murders are rare in Japan, and I attribute it to strict gun control, and a culture that emphasizes order and conformity. I could be wrong...

The question still remains as to why in the US are we so violent? (I'm locking my door right now.)
I don't live in a great neighborhood. Heck, it's a hop, skip and a jump from Compton. Ever since I was very little, I remember always having the doors locked, and the windows checked to make sure they were securely locked. I even lock the doors in the car when I'm in it! (You can never be too careful, better safe then sorry.)
As a Canadian I have to wonder who exactly he dug up in Bowling for Columbine...mind you he was interviewing people on the opposite coast then where I am from (Vancouver.)

It is true that Canada has a lower crime rate than America, but crime still exists.

We actually had this huge discussion about it in English class, because you Van, almost everybody locks thier doors even if people are home, and I know a few who only lock them if everybody is out. I ALWAYS keep my door locked, my mom has drilled it into me since I was a baby.

Anyway, enough rambling. Yes, I do lock the door when I am in Canada. Here in Japan, I don't. My host family owns a store and I always leave through the store, so there is no need to lock the door (not to mention it would lower business.)
We always lock are doors, when there's nobody in the house. If I'm home alone I still lock everything. I live in a Suburban area in a private community lots of the houses are gated with alarm systems. People in my neighborhood always trip their own alarm systems by accident and the Insurance just goes up. Keeping your doors locked is good enough. My parents opted out of the alarm system, so our doors always stay locked as much as possible. I don't care how safe my community seems, I don't trust anyone!
I dont lock my doors for the simple fact we are well secured with out them being locked if you know what i mean. *rolls up sleeves* i mean we are well equiped if anyone ever wanted to break in and yes i do live in the city (Rochester, NY) and all you hear about for the first 45 minnutes of the news is the crime that happened the night before. but i am not worried my father and i are more than capable of dispatching burglars. so we have kept ours unlocked for as long as i can remember. Now if i was ever to wed and have children things might be different not only would i check on them periodically throught the night but i might have some sort of security system and maybe even a dog lol and of course the windows and doors would be locked. but hey thats just me.
sabro said:
The fact that people in Japan lock their doors even in areas with almost no crime goes against Michael Moore's assertion that Canada is less violent because they are less fearful. I know murders are rare in Japan, and I attribute it to strict gun control, and a culture that emphasizes order and conformity. I could be wrong...

The question still remains as to why in the US are we so violent? (I'm locking my door right now.)

The US has a massive population, made up of a huge diversity of people living in varing levels of economic states and who have vastly different life outlooks. It is inevitable that your country would have a certain amount of conflict and violence. I have only a "TV" view of the country and I don't really want to make any broad statements based on that!! There seems to be so many extremes, and like in any country there are always people who feel that their problems are everyone elses fault, and react according to that. Maybe everyone eats too much takeaway food! (joke!)
I just made that up, but am interested on your take!
Michael Moore, well that was not the smartest assertion. Even in countries with less crime, people still feel frightened, because it is always a possiblity.
I am really surprised that so many people do not lock their doors.
I live in Auckland, the biggest city in New Zealand. I always lock the doors and never leave my stuff anywhere in public. I think burglary and theft is pretty common here. When I stayed with my Aunty in the South Island, in a smaller town, she didn't and it freaked me out.
I always lock my doors. I also do it more for the principle of it than actually worrying.
Canadians Rock!

Yes, I was really amazed by Bowling for Columbine, about Americans and Canadians locking the door or not.


Here in Japan, most of doors are locked in metropolitan area. However when you go countryside, most doors are open as there are people coming in and out just to chat or bring some meals they made.

I live in Canada. The backwoods, or the jungle as I like to call it. And I still lock all the doors and windows. It's just common sense.
I lock the door when I leave the house. But I've heard about people going in through the window right next to you and steal right behind your back without anyone noticing a thing. thrill seekers probably...
We lock the doors at night and when were not at home. The car is unlocked too.
only when noone is at home and at night.
just to be sure. actually we live in a pretty safe neighbourhood, i accidentally let the garage door open for half a day, and nothing was stolen or missing.
I lock everything except my window when I'm home. I figure if a person is stupid enough to enter through there they can meet EL FISTO GRANDE and look like Mike Tyson all in the same night.

Oh and Tha Rippa that banner is one of the most hilarious things I have seen in my life.
I live in a nice neighbourhood, but I still lock my doors. It's a habit thing.

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