English wife FTDNA results


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mtDNA haplogroup
My wife received her results not too long ago, and they were rather intriguing. She is as English as can be (for what its worth). She has both long line of ancestors from South East England, and the Yorkshire region of England. She has red hair, so she presumed her GB would be the highest result. She has often been referred to as Celtic due to her red hair. Her results are:

11% Italy/Greece (was surprised as she never expected it)
49% Scandinavia
40% Great Britain

She had no trace regions, and was rather surprised at the Italy/Greece. Her biggest chunk is Scandinavian, but Great Britain is not far off. Does Scandinavia include Anglo Saxon? or is it part of Great Britain? The results were through FamilyTreeDNA on the new myorigins version 2.0.

Thanks for reading!
There is a great deal of art/sculpture which shows influence (whether there were large-scale settlements remains unknown). There are several thousand towns and villages with names ending in "thorp", "by", and "howe", so there must have been quite a few that made mainland Britain their home. There was a ship burial somewhere in Scotland and there has been extensive archaeology in York. An Anglo-Scandinavian hybrid cross from Cumbria features Christian imagery but also has depictions of:
-Loki bound with his wife Sigyn protecting him
-The god Heimdallr holding his horn
-The god Vidarr tearing the jaws of Fenrir
-Thors failed attempt to catch Jormungandr

Also, look at "hogback" tombstones.
Those areas of England had Viking settlers from Denmark. The Angles and Jutes were also from Denmark so the high Scandinavian percentage is not too surprising. I think FTDNA 2.0 might have overinflated their Scandinavian scores for British people to overcompensate it being underreported in FTDNA 1.0. For example my friend who is primarily British received 75% British and 0% Scandinavian on FTDNA 1.0; however on FTDNA 2.0 he received 50% British and 26% Scandinavian. I think Ancestry dot com had similar issues a few years ago over reporting Scandinavian scores. The Italy/Greece could be from the Roman occupation.

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