Fallmerayer was wrong ...

... there is continuity of the Ancient Hellenes to Neohellenes.

Here, Dienekes supports this idea.


Fallmerayer was an eye witness observer. As such he visited Athens and found no Greeks in Athens, just Albanians. Greeks had abandoned Athens and had long forgotten its antique glory.He visited other areas and everywhere he went he found Albanians. He concluded that half of 18th century Greece was Albanians (Arvanites). Now, we don't think half was Arvanites but at least 20% of Greece(18 century) was populated by Albanians. Now Dienekes tells us that this population is continuation of Hellenes?
And Vlahs of Northern Greece? Bullgars of Thracia?
How can one take Dienekes seriously?
Only Greek historians tell the truth and Austrian historians(Fallmerayer ) don't?
Antique Macedonia was not ethnically Hellenes and Dienekes tells us that his studies tell that they were?

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