Religion Five Mythological Characters Please


never give a gun to ducks
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Iida CIty, Nagano
I’ll be honest from the get-go and fess up to asking you to help me prepare a one-off English lecture I have to deliver to some (special English course) high school students about “Mythology”. I have concluded my best approach will be to go for the “Top Ten” approach and briefly discuss the myths and fables surrounding the more popular mythological characters and creatures. I can approximate a fairly comprehensive list by myself of course – but I’m a British public-school educated, middle-aged man and perhaps would approach the task from a rather more classical angle than is strictly necessary.
Therefore, in no particular order, would people be so kind as to submit five mythological character/creatures that they deem worthy of mention – then I can go away and do my homework (which is rapidly turning out to be far too much for such a pathetic visiting professor fee!). I’m not bothered if there is any doubt as to whether or not the character WAS a real person e.g. Robin Hood, King Arthur.
My five:
King Arthur
Theseus and The Minator
St. George (yes I considered St. David but then I have to do the whole "What is Wales?" thing.)

Many thanks.

How about some American legends?

1. Jonny Appleseed
2. John Henry
3. Paul Bunyun

Otherwise, I'd also throw in

4. Gilgamesh
5. Dragons from different cultures. (St. George was a good start.)
6. Ra
8. The fox and wolf in various mythologies.
9. Moses
10.Jesus or the Buddha

Geez, this could be a long list. There are alot of dieties waiting to get on!

(WARNING: Just make sure whatever you do, you DON'T depict Muhammad graphically!)
Hercules, ameteratsu, odin, achillies, maybe jesus.
My favorites are Anansi the spider, and the native american coyote stories.
mad pierrot said:
How about some American legends? ....
Casey Jones might be interesting. He's regarded, curiously, as a heroic figure - but he wrecked a train because he was drunk, at the throttle .......

Anyhoo ....

Let's go with:

Thor (Everybody seems to go for him!)
Robin Hood
Jason (Of "Golden Fleece" fame.)
Santa Claus
"Jack the Ripper"

(I'd like to chuck in Sinbad and "Spring-Heeled Jack" - but that's seven, so I can't .... :))

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle...and here we are in the same prefecture, Nagano, Japan ... and yet are kilometers apart, and have never ever met. (perhaps) Hi there mr. sumo. snr san !! I'm up here in Matsumoto.

I thought I might throw in Monogusa Taro (or Monokusa Taro. but just be careful and don't slip on the vowels like I did once in class, and say 'Monokuso Taro' hee,hee)

This was a lazy character from this area. If you might be interested in using this one, let me know, and I will post the story. It's from here in Niimura, the outlying area of Matsumoto, where our university is.
Some of my favourites have been mentioned. Here is my top ten:

1) King Arthur - my favourite stories are the ones about Percival
.(since the legends of King Arthur are soooo far superior to everything else!)
17) Ancient Egyptian legends - the story of Isis and Osiris is sexy and gross - ideal for teenagers!
18) Robin Hood
19) Celtic stories, such as Ceridwen's Cauldron (beautiful story)
20) Satan's expulsion from heaven - Paradise Lost has the best version, IMO.
21) The Trojan War
22) Solomon and Sheba
23) Loki from Norse mythology
24) The Epic of Gilgamesh
25) Enoch/Metatron from Rabbinical literature

Can I only choose five? I'm having trouble keeping it to ten! :relief:
Good call on Paradise LostTsuyoiko.
So much useful input people - excellent!
I've been tipped off by the school's JET that the students will soon be studying about Greek myths so that's helped me focus my attention. King Arthur and Robin Hood I think are certs now, not least because I get to print off pictures of Kevin Costner's hair-piece! I wonder if Helen Mirren's fish-net clothed breasts might be too much....?
I think I'm going to avoid any of the more established deities. The rest I can now cherry-pick.
The fee really, really isn't worth it...but huge thanks anyway :)
So the class went well. I opted for Robin Hood, King Arthur and the Norse gods. Even got to waste a good 15 minutes watching the 'sword in the stone' part in 'Excalibur' plus of course the final 'moistened bint' scene.
Damn fools even asked me back for another lecture next month - own choice of theme this time thank god. The 'Olympics' was an immediate and topical choice.
The Japanese English teacher staff at the high school found it absurd that I knew the date and venue for every Olympics since Athens in 1896 - frankly I thought it equally absurd that five high school English teachers couldn't even 'near miss' at the venues of the 1960 (Rome) and 1968 (Mexico City) games that straddled the Tokyo games in 1964. Or am I weird? (actually I know the answer to that one already...
Got here too late to help, but glad everything went well heh :)
Great ones, Tsuyoiko :). Mmmm... Now I wanna go back and reread Paradise Lost. And yeah, Perceval's story was among my favs of de Troyes' work. My fav might be Erec and Enide, too. Sigh... I wish I was more widely read.

Oh, and glad everything went well, Sumo.

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