Free Hawai'i

I thought that the Hawaiians voted to join the US as a state in 1959. Anyway I don't see the point to revive a monarchy in the 21st century, when some of the oldest monarchies in the world (Japan, UK...) are already criticised as being anachronic. Hawaii is not the land of the natives anymore, and that would make it all the more ridiculous to have a Hawaiian sovereign. According to the 2000 Census, 6.6% of Hawaiʻi's population identified themselves as Native Hawaiian.
The Hawaiians don't seem to want the same type of "deal" the US gov't
is handing the mainland indigenous nations, whatever that is.

On the site posted above they said if they were treated the same way as the mainland indigenous nations there'd be essentially be giving up any hope for future sovereignty.

I'm guessing those Hawaiians at the time were not a majority Indigenous?
The "4th world" as indigenous peoples/nations are sometimes called are always getting screwed. Such as being forced out of communal land ownership. I imagine communal land ownership was denounced as "marxist" or "communist" during the cold war. When, of course, they've lived that way since before written history.

I don't know what a sovereign Hawai'i would look like, but it would probably be a "bad example" for all places the US has "interests" in.
Maciamo said:
I thought that the Hawaiians voted to join the US as a state in 1959. Anyway I don't see the point to revive a monarchy in the 21st century, when some of the oldest monarchies in the world (Japan, UK...) are already criticised as being anachronic. Hawaii is not the land of the natives anymore, and that would make it all the more ridiculous to have a Hawaiian sovereign. According to the 2000 Census, 6.6% of Hawaiʻi's population identified themselves as Native Hawaiian.
They don't need to bring back its monarchy, didn't stop Spain, they could still be independant though.
I always regard Hawaii as the remains of the American Pacific "Empire". A bit like Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands in the Carribean.
Not even the British took Hawaii as one of its colonies. Left it as a sovereign nation as we respected its monarchy. I know it is hard to believe, but even the British of the 18/19th century did have the occassional attack of decency when it came to some countries.

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