Galician (NW of Spain) Y-DNA

1- I told you to check the Eupidia Y-DNA, wich is realiable, and I told exactly what was the real phenotypical effect of this. Learn to read.

2- You are obsessed to link Spaniards with Africa as much as posible. Well child, go to Dodecad, and revise the Spanish average. You'll see that we have more Middle Eastern (West Asian and Southwest Asian) than African. Galicians, of course, are not different for this.

3- Very curious that a person who presumes to check scientific information, never said a word about this.

Go ahead T.r.o.l.l. Time to drink hot milk and continue sleeping, since you live in a never ending dream.

Let's see. Do you mean these data from Eupedia?

For according to these data the percentage of haplogroup E in Galicia is 22%, versus 17% in the link that I have posted. You are ignorant, and you do not even know to add.
Spaniards ain't no Africans, however Spain was once a colony of Africa for a significant time. But what's wrong with Africans?

If you refer to Al-Andalus, it was a question of something more than a colony but good according to your way of seeing the things also we were a colony of Rome and nobody says to us that we are Roman and there the question is, because the same ones that accuse to Spain of not being an European and of being a mulberry or bereber is because they themselves think that the factor bereber or Moor is denigrating to assume it to the Spanish as form of provocation, a typical question of the proper auto-racialism of sudamerica, which between they themselves are insulted and crushed for being more or less indigenous.
Doesn't matter if it's 22% or 40%. The fact is to talk ONLY about Africa, and give haplogroups and importance that is NOT MORE than ANCIENT MIGRATIONS. Understood t.r.o.l.l.?

And now, try to explain why you never said a word about the middle eastern components, since their presence is higher and you presume to check scientific information.

Come on little boy, do your homework.
The gypsies of Spain have the same rights and obligations that the rest of Spanish.
It is this type of confusions where more it is seen that Ferreiro is not Spanish, he does not know completely like they are the things in Spain.
The gypsies are an etina that they must take as 500 years in Spain, they have suffered pursuits and the rejection of the authorities and of the Spanish population, as probably it has happened to them in other countries of Europe.
The gypsies socially were never integrated to the Spanish society, they were staying separate in his guetos, although they were they those that they learned and profesionalizaron the Flemish art that cost many families to go out of the poverty being also better seen socially, nowadays many gypsies take a model of life completely normalized, but a big majority still lives isolated and his integration is difficult in the society.

You are lying. A lot of gypsies are not integrated, but others are integrated, especially in Andalucia. There are plenty of famous gypsies in Spain: singers as isabel pantoja, actors such as Pastora Vega, dancers such as Joaquín Cortés, and even politicians as Saenz de Heredia.

Don't you think I'm Spanish? me la suda. Me parece increíble que alguien que es gay sea tan racista. Con lo que han tenido que luchar los gays para ser aceptados por la sociedad.
Doesn't matter if it's 22% or 40%. The fact is to talk ONLY about Africa, and give haplogroups and importance that is NOT MORE than ANCIENT MIGRATIONS. Understood t.r.o.l.l.?

And now, try to explain why you never said a word about the middle eastern components, since their presence is higher and you presume to check scientific information.

Come on little boy, do your homework.

You can be sure that I will continue doing my job. Always providing scientific reports. And if you do not like, do not go into to the forum. Besides, you only do to bark, after nearly 150 post you have not posted even once a scientific report.
Gypsies are a different ethnic group here like Ashkenazi Jews are in Germany. This question was clear.

Stop fooling again parrot.

And still repeating and repeating...good night, remain in the cloud.
Gypsies are a different ethnic group here like Ashkenazi Jews are in Germany. This question was clear.

Stop fooling again parrot.

148 posts and not one link to a scientific report.
I guess Galicia is a region quite unknown in Europe. Located in the northwest of the Iberian peninsula shared culture with northern Portugal.
Most people will be surprised by the genetic data. As for the Y-DNA, atlantic component (R1b) is the most abundant 58%, but does not reach the level of 70% or 80% of the Basque Country and Wales. the Galician population is genetically more diverse than at first sight appears.

Of course these percentages are missing data from haplogroups of, which I suppose most probably belong to the group H. Although, for those not familiar with Galicia, I notice that here the gypsy population is much less than in other parts of Spain (example, Andalucia).
You are lying. A lot of gypsies are not integrated, but others are integrated, especially in Andalucia. There are plenty of famous gypsies in Spain: singers as isabel pantoja, actors such as Pastora Vega, dancers such as Joaquín Cortés, and even politicians as Saenz de Heredia.

Don't you think I'm Spanish? me la suda. Me parece increíble que alguien que es gay sea tan racista. Con lo que han tenido que luchar los gays para ser aceptados por la sociedad.

Odd number let's cheat you, the gypsies are not even at present completely accepted in the society. The stars of the flamenco singing or dance take his lives of stars, and a star of the cinema, dance, singing, be of the etnia to which it never belongs it can be integrated to the society, because the reputation it is prevented.

In Andalusia there are populations who have expelled the gypsies and relatively a for few years it has happened, unfortunately many gypsies also live of the traffic of drug, thefts and others.

Isabel Pantoja has a forefather who was gypsy, I believe that for the paternal side, it has triumphed in the world of the song and is completely integrated to the Spanish society, every case is different.

There are quarters in some cities where most of inhabitants is gypsy and coexists with not gypsy Spanish, but let's not deceive they are marginal quarters, where there exists the traffic of drugs, crime and others and not gypsy Spanish who live there are usually Spanish of the lowest classes and also marginal persons, there are exceptions in everything, but do not try to sell a lie.
We can compare the percentages of The American Journal of Human Genetics in Galicia with those of Eupedia.

The American Journal:


R1b 63%
E 22%
J2 3.5%
I1 3%
G 3%
I2a 2.5%
If you refer to Al-Andalus, it was a question of something more than a colony but good according to your way of seeing the things also we were a colony of Rome and nobody says to us that we are Roman and there the question is, because the same ones that accuse to Spain of not being an European and of being a mulberry or bereber is because they themselves think that the factor bereber or Moor is denigrating to assume it to the Spanish as form of provocation, a typical question of the proper auto-racialism of sudamerica, which between they themselves are insulted and crushed for being more or less indigenous.
The Northern African / Arab mark that was left on Spanish science (medicine, math), culture, art, way of thinking is undeniable. There's great Islamic art in Andalusia, like the Islamic mosaic art. It is an enrichment for Spanish culture.
I think that the same Arabs (northern Africans) left also some genetic imprint in some Spanish people.

But if someone tries to insult the Spanish nation, just ignore him because the same person ignores great Spanish history and culture. Spaniards contributed very much to the European cultural heritage. There was a time when Spaniard ruled the world, they took a very important part in shaping the modern world and are very important to the human history.

People like Miguel de Cervantes, Pablo Picasso, Antoni Gaudí were great Europeans!

I love Spanish cinema. Movie makers like Luis Buñuel and Víctor Erice are one of my favourites ever! Europeans must be proud of these people!
I love Spanish cycling, was big fan of Indurain and nowadays a big fan of Alberto Contador. I hope he will win le tour de France!
There are just to many great Spaniard to write about.

Btw, I don't like Nadal...
We can compare the percentages of The American Journal of Human Genetics in Galicia with those of Eupedia.

The American Journal:


R1b 63%
E 22%
J2 3.5%
I1 3%
G 3%
I2a 2.5%

I wonder which part of Galicia both samples were taken, because I suspect there are small differences between the coast and inland. I think at the coast is more abundant haplogroup E, and inland the haplogroup I.
The Northern African / Arab mark that was left on Spanish science (medicine, math), culture, art, way of thinking is undeniable. There's great Islamic art in Andalusia, like the Islamic mosaic art. It is an enrichment for Spanish culture.
I think that the same Arabs (northern Africans) left also some genetic imprint in some Spanish people.

But if someone tries to insult the Spanish nation, just ignore him because the same person ignores great Spanish history and culture. Spaniards contributed very much to the European cultural heritage. There was a time when Spaniard ruled the world, they took a very important part in shaping the modern world and are very important to the human history.

People like Miguel de Cervantes, Pablo Picasso, Antoni Gaudí were great Europeans!

I love Spanish cinema. Movie makers like Luis Buñuel and Víctor Erice are one of my favourites ever! Europeans must be proud of these people!
I love Spanish cycling, was big fan of Indurain and nowadays a big fan of Alberto Contador. I hope he will win le tour de France!
There are just to many great Spaniard to write about.

Btw, I don't like Nadal...

would be necessary to speak about everything what contributed the Spanish or Andalusian vision to the north of Africa in those moments, but good for that there are other threads.
Perhaps he surprises it and up to the date nobody has dared to say it, but that epoch perhaps should have been wonderful or not so wonderful, but it is something to what we feel a deep rejection, it happened already, it is only a page of our history, it happened already, four stones relics stay in foot and nothing more, we neither have oral tradition on this epoch, nor feel it our or present.

That we have M-81 very well, welcome are, now if it is like that they would be integrated and ours, but nothing any more, is a page of the past and Spain is a very fat book, as for to be fixed only on a page.
I hope that it should have remained clear.
As you see, Goga, to have E-M81 is something terrible for some spanish. Not for me, but unfortunately there are a lot of persons like them in Spain. I'm sorry to say, but I'm coming to the sad conclusion that Spain is the most racist country in Europe.

In another forum, carlitos ask me What South American country are you?, with arrogant attitude, as if being of South America was something to be ashamed. There are South Americans who worth much more than you, Carlitos.
Being Spanish does not mean being superior to others. A person can be Spanish and mediocre at the same time as the 4 fool who are here barking again and again.
As you see, Goga, to have E-M81 is something terrible for some spanish. Not for me, but unfortunately there are a lot of persons like them in Spain. I'm sorry to say, but I'm coming to the conclusion that Spain is the most racist country in Europe.

You prevaricate again and confuse, the M-81 of Spain is already Spanish, the cultural, religious differences are another topic.
It would not take you as employee, I hate the lying persons, negligible and prevaricators.
That we have M-81 very well, welcome are, now if it is like that they would be integrated and ours, but nothing any more, is a page of the past and Spain is a very fat book, as for to be fixed only on a page.
I hope that it should have remained clear.
But there IS a page about it. Even if it was just a paragraph. It is a reality, it is proven. Nothing to be ashamed of, though.

As you see, Goga, to have E-M81 is something terrible for some spanish. Not for me, but unfortunately there are a lot of persons like them in Spain. I'm sorry to say, but I'm coming to the sad conclusion that Spain is the most racist country in Europe.

In another forum, carlitos ask me What South American country are you?, with arrogant attitude, as if being of South America was something to be ashamed.
Because of you attitude here I thought you were a Latino too or even an African. This is how it looks like.
But there IS a page about it. Even if it was just a paragraph. It is a reality, it is proven. Nothing to be ashamed of, though.

Because of you attitude here I thought you were a Latino too or even an African. This is how it looks like.

I don't care your opinion about me. But if you are interested in my opinion, I'd not be ashamed to be latino or african. Why should I be? Is something bad for you? I'm sorry, but not for me.
But there IS a page about it. It is a reality, it is proven. Nothing to be ashamed of, though.

We are not ashamed. We push it back simply.
In another forum, carlitos ask me What South American country are you?, with arrogant attitude, as if being of South America was something to be ashamed.

You will want to say in another thread of the same forum, I do not visit South American forums they are the hell of the racialism between vosostros same, insults, violent acts, complexes, God, myself what good did it England in the United States, about what we would be thinking the Spanish in those moments,
I know my father and my mother. I love them no matter to what haplogroup they belong...


Lo there do I see my father. Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers. Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning. Lo, they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the Halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live...forever.

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