George Soros Hacked


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More than 2,500 files from the organizations run by billionaire George Soros have been leaked by hackers on the DC Leaks webpage. The 2,576 files were released on DCLeaks, a website which claims to be "launched by the American hactivists who respect and appreciate freedom of speech, human rights and government of the people."

George Soros
is a Hungarian-American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, political activist and author who is of Hungarian-Jewish ancestry and holds dual citizenship. He drives more than 50 global and regional programs and foundations. Soros is named an architect and a sponsor of almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years. The USA is thought to be a vampire due to him and his puppets, not a lighthouse of freedom and democracy. His minions spill blood of millions and millions of people just to make him even more rich. Soros is an oligarch sponsoring the Democratic party, Hillary Clinton, hundreds of politicians all over the world. This website is designed to let everyone inside George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and related organisations. We present you the workplans, strategies, priorities and other activities of Soros. These documents shed light on one of the most influential network operating worldwide.

Full list of Soros NGOs manipulating elections in all EU member states

Nice work, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy

Among Soros files there is a list of his 226 "relaible allies" / "reliable MEPs" in the EU Parliament:

This also includes some MEPs from Central Europe (Visegrad Group countries):

George Soros, a criticized man with a great influence

The posting online of the “Soros leaks” allows us to see more clearly the influential strategy led by George Soros, the billionaire financier of Hungarian origin who uses his fortune to lead a huge influence strategy worldwide.

Over the decades, Soros has developed and supported a network of activists who promote everywhere the concepts of open, transparent and tolerant society, and also the human rights and societal reform (pro-LGBT, etc.).

Critics of George Soros instead see him as a dangerous destabilizing man, being at the origin or having contributed to most revolutions and coups through the world in the last 25 years. Among the most recent, the events in Ukraine in 2013, or the anti-government protests in Poland in 2015.

What MEPs “allies” in Central Europe?

Among the myriad of available documents, a particularly interesting document, Reliable allies in the European Parliament (2014-2019), listing 226 MEPs (out of 751) which could be reliable allies of the Open Society. In their individual record, one might find specific elements. For example, the Polish MEP Agnieszka Kozlowska-Rajewicz is indicated as being more progressive than her other Polish colleagues of the EPP Group (Christian Democrat Group).

Deputies are sorted by country, but also by committee and foreign delegation to better target the “allies” of the Open Society in each committee.

Here are 13 MEPs identified as proven or probable allies by the Open Society services after the European elections of 2014:

Proven or likely Open Society’s allies in the Visegrád Group countries in the European Parliament (2014–2019)

• Martina DLABAJOVÁ (Czech Republic, ALDE Group, Liberal)
• Jiří MAŠTÁLKA (Czech Republic, GUE / NGL, radical left)

• MESZERICS Tamás (Hungary, member of LMP, Greens / EFA Group in the European Parliament)
• Péter NIEDERMÜLLER (Hungary, Democratic Coalition, Socialist Group in the EP)

• Monika FLAŠÍKOVÁ BEŇOVÁ (Slovakia, a member of SMER, Socialist Group in the EP)
• Monika SMOLKOVÁ (Slovakia, a member of SMER, Socialist Group in the EP)
• Boris ZALA (Slovakia, a member of SMER, Socialist Group in the EP)

• Lidia Joanna GERINGER de OEDENBERG (Poland, Socialist Group in the EP)
• Andrzej GRZYB (Poland, Christian Democrat EPP group in the EP)
• Danuta JAZŁOWIECKA (Poland, Christian Democrat EPP group in the EP)
• Agnieszka KOZLOWSKA-RAJEWICZ (Poland, Christian Democrat EPP group in the EP)
• Bogusław LIBERADZKI (Poland, Socialist Group in the EP)
• Róża THUN UND HOHENSTEIN (Poland, Christian Democrat EPP group in the EP)
I can't say I feel bad at all, but what is the point in mentioning his Jewish ancestry?

You know the point. Is it relevant that the Koch brothers in the U.S., who support conservative politicians, are of German ancestry?

It's the same old garbage.

I hate to break it to you, Tomenable, but this is the way it works. So long as donations from private people or from corporations are allowed, people are free to give money to other people who share their political views, and that means all the way from the extreme left to the extreme right. So, Adelman, who is very wealthy from owning casinos, is free to support conservative Republican candidates. The world is a far more complicated place, and people, including Jews, are far more complicated than you understand.

Oh, and those videos had better not be from some right wing hate group, or you're going to get an infraction unless you delete them. We've had this conversation before.

I'd personally like to see the files of the right wing Polish politicians, or Hungarians, hacked. How much of their money comes from fascist, racist organizations? Heck, there are people in the "amateur" world of population genetics whose financial records I'd like to see.

Let's have it all out in the open, shall we?
You know the point. Is it relevant that the Koch brothers in the U.S., who support conservative politicians, are of German ancestry?

It's the same old garbage.

I hate to break it to you, Tomenable, but this is the way it works. So long as donations from private people or from corporations are allowed, people are free to give money to other people who share their political views, and that means all the way from the extreme left to the extreme right. So, Adelman, who is very wealthy from owning casinos, is free to support conservative Republican candidates. The world is a far more complicated place, and people, including Jews, are far more complicated than you understand.

Oh, and those videos had better not be from some right wing hate group, or you're going to get an infraction unless you delete them. We've had this conversation before.

I'd personally like to see the files of the right wing Polish politicians, or Hungarians, hacked. How much of their money comes from fascist, racist organizations? Heck, there are people in the "amateur" world of population genetics whose financial records I'd like to see.

Let's have it all out in the open, shall we?

Could you elaborate on why you want to see the records of the "amateurs"? Is there something shady about them ?
people, including Jews, are far more complicated than you understand

Is this "you" directed to me ???

Excuse me, did I claim that his Jewishness is somehow relevant?

To me, he could even be a Martian or a gentile Hungarian as well.
Tomenable clearly didn't mean to go there. The problem is that even on a site where we pride ourselves in reasonable discussion, conspiracy nut cases like DejaVu need to pollute everything with their garbage. Based on his other beliefs, it's likely he believes in a big Jewish conspiracy.
Tomenable clearly didn't mean to go there. The problem is that even on a site where we pride ourselves in reasonable discussion, conspiracy nut cases like DejaVu need to pollute everything with their garbage. Based on his other beliefs, it's likely he believes in a big Jewish conspiracy.

Conspiracy is part of human activity. But the attempt to explain everything with conspiracy is stupid. Things are too much complicated in the real life to be explained only with conspiracy theories.
DejaVu has his conspiracy dream, the return of mother Russia, the slavic brotherhood.
Yes, of course, Israel wants the remaining Jews in Europe to be harassed on the streets and murdered again, just so long as more Jews move to Israel. Why, I'm sure they're fomenting the whole refugee crisis for that whole purpose. Who cares how many Jews get killed or have to leave countries where their ancestors have lived for hundreds of years and with which they identify.

Should anyone be in doubt, that was sarcasm.

How unutterably stupid. Maybe if the people who come up with such theories weren't so incredibly insecure about their own intellect and the abilities of their countrymen, and so unwilling to compete with Jews, they wouldn't come up with this garbage.

Or is this kind of insanity genetic? It seems some people believe everything is genetic; human will or evil has nothing to do with anything. So, I wonder, is there a gene for stupidity married with envy, or for murderous hatred of anyone who is different from oneself, or a propensity for genocide or pogroms or rape of the women of the groups you dislike? Which group will score highest in that? Will people be as interested in finding that out as they are in finding out which group has more of the "criminal" gene, or the warrior gene?

Interesting keep it opens up all sorts of avenues of exploration.

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