Guess the ethnicity and classify


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Italian, southern. I'm hopeless at classifications, so Moesan is not to mock:grin:, but...Atlanto-Med plus some more archaic admixture to explain the additional robustness?
Emiliano or from southern Lombardia .......maybe Pavia or Parma
Maleth can this guy fit in Malta?
Emiliano or from southern Lombardia .......maybe Pavia or Parma

I'd be highly surprised. That isn't a local face.
Yes Angela has guessed, he is from Mazara del Vallo (Sicily).
I'd be highly surprised. That isn't a local face.

These are typical faces:

Not that they're all's just that in the majority of cases it's a slightly different type of facial structure:

Nor are all southerners uniformly dark...and contrary to the mantra on anthrofora most of them don't look Saudi Arabian or Lebanese or whatever fits some people's agendas. Is there anything wrong with Italians just looking Italian...allowing for some overlap at the borders, of course?:)
Yes Angela has guessed, he is from Mazara del Vallo (Sicily).

If he was Sicilian I thought he might be from closer to Messina; some of my husband's Calabrian relatives have that kind of look.

Hey, do I get a virtual glass of wine or something? I'm a great fan of Marsala...:grin:
Ok I did it for you Hautville - Chin chin Salute :)

images (1).jpg
If he was Sicilian I thought he might be from closer to Messina; some of my husband's Calabrian relatives have that kind of look.

Hey, do I get a virtual glass of wine or something? I'm a great fan of Marsala...:grin:
Yes it is an usual look in the features.
Nor are all southerners uniformly dark...and contrary to the mantra on anthrofora most of them don't look Saudi Arabian or Lebanese or whatever fits some people's agendas. Is there anything wrong with Italians just looking Italian...allowing for some overlap at the borders, of course?

Yes, at least on here i can talk about sicilians and southern italian phenotypes without disturb. On Apricity it's impossible because we are everyday compared to Lebanese, Saudi or even Pakistani. I remember a thread of Italians who look South Asian or Calabrians and Sicilians that look Punjabi. It's a t-rolling and it's boring.
Yes, at least on here i can talk about sicilians and southern italian phenotypes without disturb. On Apricity it's impossible because we are everyday compared to Lebanese, Saudi or even Pakistani. I remember a thread of Italians who look South Asian or Calabrians and Sicilians that look Punjabi. It's a t-rolling and it's boring.

lol, dont worry. Its normal with some 12/13 year olds bored to death. Its a kind of growing up process. Its always best not to feed the t r o l l s. They have issues to deal with :bored:............
lol, dont worry. Its normal with some 12/13 year olds bored to death. Its a kind of growing up process. Its always best not to feed the t r o l l s. They have issues to deal with :bored:............
I dunno how old they are but certainly their game is boring. And they also speak about Maltese as well. Say boring for them is the minimum.
I dunno how old they are but certainly their game is boring. And they also speak about Maltese as well. Say boring for them is the minimum.


All I can tell you is that the young Americans involved in this kind of thing are the fringe of the fringe...rudderless young men who can't find a place for themselves in modern American society either because of lack of education, intellectual deficits, inability to hold down a job, lack of friends, or, most often, psychological issues. Sometimes it's all of those things and unresolved racial issues as well. A lot of them feel like "losers" if you're familiar with that term. They just want to belong and to have friends and girlfriends and to feel good about themselves. It's a well known phenomenon to law's the same dynamic that causes some young people to run off to join ISIS, although in their case there are also other reasons for their alienation.

It's all very sad. I have compassion for them, even when they make me angry. I have no compassion for the usually older men who fill their heads with this ****. In my world, associating oneself with people like this is career and social suicide...tantamount to a death wish. Just recently, some stupid, drunken college boys in a fraternity were caught on tape singing some idiotic song about blacks not being welcome in the group and using a pejorative word about them. They were expelled and the fraternity shut down. As one newsman commented, they should change their names and move out of state.

Trust me on this, the kind of people here who engage in conversations like the ones on anthrofora are pariahs in middle class, educated circles. Whatever insanity may be going on in Europe, this is the world in which these American young men live. They don't matter. That's their whole problem.

To care so deeply what a few disturbed young men with no life write on the internet through dozens of "sock" accounts is just silly, and calls into question your own values. Ignore it. Worry about your education...try to build a good life for yourself and hopefully a your country. This internet stuff is nonsense.

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