How could I kill myself if I am too scared to jump off a bridge or a tall building?


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Yesterday, I stood on the edge of a platform but I was too afraid to jump onto the tracks. I'm planning to end my life because I am graduating from college next semester with a 2.5 GPA. My GPA was below 2.0 during my freshman and sophomore years, but I had a 3.8 during my senior year. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do now to change the past. I cry every second wishing that I could go back in time and do better in college. Now, I will never get a job or get into a Masters program. I won't be able to pursue my dream career as a paleoanthropologist or an archaeologist. I am an anthropology major interested in working for a museum, an archaeological research center, or a national park. Most employers ask for college transcripts and no one will hire someone who graduated with a 2.5. I don't want to flip burgers for the rest of my life. How could I kill myself without feeling any pain? One of my friends told me to drink bleach, but I know that bleach burns the lungs and digestive system. Could anyone suggest some other methods?
Oh god please dont! Please,please,please don't do that! I bummed out of college too, who cares!
It's not worth it I swear, check yourself into your local hospital if you can't trust yourself; please. Stay there some time and they will take care of yourself, I sure damn would but I have no idea where on this planet you are. Don't feel alone, I quit college too, you have your whole life ahead of you for marriage and kids and trust , don't throw it all away , I will be earning peanuts as well; you need a big hug and to be told it's gonna be o.k. , just hang in there and go to your local hospital saying you are going through a bout of extreme depression. I beg you don't do something that you would regret a millisecond afterwards. Where are your parents god damit????? Do you have any idea how bad it hurts to die? Jump on the tracks or off a building??? Oh sweet jesus have mercy
There's no easy way to die; every method is a bloody suffering because they all end in your permanent disappearance; think of that, I've been on a metro that hit a man, it took him 15 minutes of howling before he finally died and he was sectioned at the half, suffocation is horrible, toxins give a nightmarish death of poison, gunshot wounds hurt like all hell and are too brutal; PLEASE! Just don't die!
Have you thought about my proposition? Why not go to the hospital just to make sure you'll be fine; I'll regret it the rest of my life if you hurt yourself; you would be responsible for the death of more than one person; how terribly selfish!
Don't kill yourself. Don't listen to your friend either. Instead get help from somewhere like here.

If it helps, most employers care much more about the interview than GPA, and there's no limit to how many places you can interview. So instead of stressing about your GPA (which isn't even that bad) just try applying places! I've conducted interviews before and recommended people with lower GPAs over people with higher GPAs because they seemed more like they knew what they were talking about. If experience is an issue, look for research internship opportunities, and apply to a variety of graduate programs. And don't fret if those opportunities come from a "lesser" school--like GPAs, the university you attend doesn't matter as much as how much you can show that you know.
Your not a quitter annabk; your a WINNER! And winners fight hard when it gets tough!
Please msg me, let me know how u r feeling or I won't be able to sleep tonight
Yesterday, I stood on the edge of a platform but I was too afraid to jump onto the tracks. I'm planning to end my life because I am graduating from college next semester with a 2.5 GPA. My GPA was below 2.0 during my freshman and sophomore years, but I had a 3.8 during my senior year. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do now to change the past. I cry every second wishing that I could go back in time and do better in college. Now, I will never get a job or get into a Masters program. I won't be able to pursue my dream career as a paleoanthropologist or an archaeologist. I am an anthropology major interested in working for a museum, an archaeological research center, or a national park. Most employers ask for college transcripts and no one will hire someone who graduated with a 2.5. I don't want to flip burgers for the rest of my life. How could I kill myself without feeling any pain? One of my friends told me to drink bleach, but I know that bleach burns the lungs and digestive system. Could anyone suggest some other methods?

There's people that have spent years of their life living on the streets getting the hell kicked out of them and constantly being moved from place to place, nothing to live for, some of them, yet they soldier on. You want to kill yourself because your not doing as well as you could in college? Where there's a will there's a way, if you don't have the will to survive and to improve after a fall then you will never achieve it. The best way to kill yourself is to just get on with your life and let it happen when it happens. Believe in yourself, you don't know how lucky you are to be alive so make the most of it, you got a better deal of it than most other people, so don't bring shame upon yourself and others by bucking out. :)

Some people barely get a chance at life, at least make the most out of it, you have to keep trying to succeed, in anything you do. Except killing yourself of course.
Get her address and phone number, report her, give her no choice, she needs treatment to save her life right NOW! I have been worried sick all day and I would die of pain if I missed an opportunity to preserve life; somebody track her IP address and turn her in to her local hospital
Yesterday, I stood on the edge of a platform but I was too afraid to jump onto the tracks. I'm planning to end my life because I am graduating from college next semester with a 2.5 GPA. My GPA was below 2.0 during my freshman and sophomore years, but I had a 3.8 during my senior year. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do now to change the past. I cry every second wishing that I could go back in time and do better in college. Now, I will never get a job or get into a Masters program. I won't be able to pursue my dream career as a paleoanthropologist or an archaeologist. I am an anthropology major interested in working for a museum, an archaeological research center, or a national park. Most employers ask for college transcripts and no one will hire someone who graduated with a 2.5. I don't want to flip burgers for the rest of my life. How could I kill myself without feeling any pain? One of my friends told me to drink bleach, but I know that bleach burns the lungs and digestive system. Could anyone suggest some other methods?
The fact that you've posted here shows that you are in a desperate situation, but suicide is not the answer. Many people live happy fulfilling lives without a University qualification. Now that you recognise what you've done in the past, why not chill out and give it one more try? Study harder, get help from friends and educators and try, try again. If that doesn't work, think of other outlets for your talents.
I quit college too Hun and I'm still fine, I'm alive, I'll deal with it. Killing yourself is NOT the answer; you only get this life one time, life is so precious, preserve it! Your actions will kill many people; people you wouldn't even think would be affected like me I will die and your parents and friends; you must live a full life for them; LIVE for all of us!
Yesterday, I stood on the edge of a platform but I was too afraid to jump onto the tracks. I'm planning to end my life because I am graduating from college next semester with a 2.5 GPA. My GPA was below 2.0 during my freshman and sophomore years, but I had a 3.8 during my senior year. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do now to change the past. I cry every second wishing that I could go back in time and do better in college. Now, I will never get a job or get into a Masters program. I won't be able to pursue my dream career as a paleoanthropologist or an archaeologist. I am an anthropology major interested in working for a museum, an archaeological research center, or a national park. Most employers ask for college transcripts and no one will hire someone who graduated with a 2.5. I don't want to flip burgers for the rest of my life. How could I kill myself without feeling any pain? One of my friends told me to drink bleach, but I know that bleach burns the lungs and digestive system. Could anyone suggest some other methods?

Not sure if ******** or true...

If true first of all you should slap yourself in your face very f*ckin' hard! Then search Google for: volunteer programs in Africa or Asia. There you could actually help people, getting to know a different culture and with years of experience in the field you could make a great arguement in a job interview! But first of all don't be f*ckin' stupid! Life is not like a machine to push the reset button!
Yesterday, I stood on the edge of a platform but I was too afraid to jump onto the tracks. I'm planning to end my life because I am graduating from college next semester with a 2.5 GPA. My GPA was below 2.0 during my freshman and sophomore years, but I had a 3.8 during my senior year. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do now to change the past. I cry every second wishing that I could go back in time and do better in college. Now, I will never get a job or get into a Masters program. I won't be able to pursue my dream career as a paleoanthropologist or an archaeologist. I am an anthropology major interested in working for a museum, an archaeological research center, or a national park. Most employers ask for college transcripts and no one will hire someone who graduated with a 2.5. I don't want to flip burgers for the rest of my life. How could I kill myself without feeling any pain? One of my friends told me to drink bleach, but I know that bleach burns the lungs and digestive system. Could anyone suggest some other methods?
Please give us a sign that you are alive!

You are welcome to Kosovo, there are so many USA citizens who live in Kosovo and run their small businesses (here is one of examples And they are fully integrated, why, because everyone speaks English in Kosovo, and USA citizens are more then welcome.You might even be able to work in your field of interest.

Do not forget - you are here in this world for a purpose - you have to search for it and you will find it. Please say that you are OK!
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You are on this planet for a reason. There is a plan for you here. Sometimes recognizing that plan is difficult, but you must try.

You are young and your problem seems vast, but I can assure you it is not. GPA is one of the last things an employer looks at, trust me on this.

I wish I could help you in person... but know that I and others are praying for you.
1. "Last year, 33.5 percent of Americans ages 25 to 29 had at least a bachelor’s degree, compared with 24.7 percent in 1995, according to the National Center for Education Statistics." article
So, just by finishing your schooling you've put yourself among those 1/3 of Americans. That means that there are 200 millions (even more, because older population is less educated) Americans with no degree. Enough resources for flipping burgers, working in sticker factories, driving the fork truck... So, don't worry about that one. First problem solved.

2. Second problem:- the world is mass producing highly educated. If we look at the charts you will see that percentages tripled in just 15 years. Consequence - employers don't care about your GPA. They know that you can get a degree on some "Waikiki" Telenet University with an average of 10.0, and they have no time to check the background of your diploma. They'll be checking you live during the internship. Prepare to shine in touch-typing, Word, Excel, SPSS, Data Mining, etc...
I'm so sorry about that but I cannot encourage you to commit suicide. :useless:

Only you can set limits for yourself
Yesterday, I stood on the edge of a platform but I was too afraid to jump onto the tracks. I'm planning to end my life because I am graduating from college next semester with a 2.5 GPA. My GPA was below 2.0 during my freshman and sophomore years, but I had a 3.8 during my senior year. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do now to change the past. I cry every second wishing that I could go back in time and do better in college. Now, I will never get a job or get into a Masters program. I won't be able to pursue my dream career as a paleoanthropologist or an archaeologist. I am an anthropology major interested in working for a museum, an archaeological research center, or a national park. Most employers ask for college transcripts and no one will hire someone who graduated with a 2.5. I don't want to flip burgers for the rest of my life. How could I kill myself without feeling any pain? One of my friends told me to drink bleach, but I know that bleach burns the lungs and digestive system. Could anyone suggest some other methods?

When I was in second grade we learned about what people need to be happy and feel satisfied. It's really easy and I use it on bad days as a QA process.
I ask myself these questions when everything is closing in:
1. People need a good night's sleep. When was the last time I had a good night's sleep? Not just one night either, sometimes months go by without good sleep.
2. People need to eat. When was the last time I had good food? Americans like myself eat poorly, usually junk that makes you feel bad and sad. A lot of food is filled with hormones, salts and preservatives. That isn't soul food. Some nutrients make you feel good like Vitamin D and C. Put good things in, better results.
3. People need shelter and assurance. We all want to know that we will have a home tomorrow and our needs will be met. When we are cold, wet, afraid and poorly dressed we are like wet dogs; not happy. We can make small improvements with what we got.
4. People need physical activity. (I added this one) What did Forrest Gump do when things got bad? He went for a run. You got to sweat. Go to a suana. Get all the toxins out of your body. It invigorates your body. It is like a reset button. It's worth joining a gym if only you use the sauna and hot tub.
5. People need love. (not idiot Kim Kardashian love)
St. Augustine commented on the four loves.
a. Love of God (above you)
b. Love those who have nothing to offer you or who are beneath you (the weak, the old, the sick, the poor, the crippled, the downtrodden)
c. Love that is mutual (we are all good at this)
d. Love of oneself

The person who kills himself does in fact love himself. It is out of self-mercy that he jumps from a bridge. But he loves only himself and cares little for the mouths that need to be fed at home or about those he leaves behind in agony, and he cares not for why God put him on the earth in the first place.

The person who commits suicide is entirely focused on his own needs, not those of his fellow man, many of whom suffer greatly in this life.
You need to focus on the important things. Tell someone they are beautiful. Open a door for a little old lady. Thank God for every moment.
You know what you need? Rest. Not an eternal one, but you do need one long enought to get yourself together. Right now you're in a very depressed state (suprise I'm captain obvious). It's not gonna go easly. It might not go away for weeks, months etc. What you need to do is some thinking. On your own, on your life. If you jump on those tracks you cannot go back (again being captain obvious), but if you don't, you can restart your life. You see, college won't get you a job anyway. A diploma looks good, but it doesn't guarantee you anything. What you really need are connections, so when you go back to school, meet more people, befriend them, go out with them, find out if they can help you. But after you get the long rest.

There always are community colleges, online courses (Khan Academy is fantastic and free). If you want to learn of course. The best way of learning is internship, or apprenticeship (whatever you call it in America) not school, because people can't learn in a flow/speed that doesn't match theirs and under extreme stress. Some teachers go too fast, some go too slow, none are good. People need personal teachers but we're not living in a world with the perfect education system. So get to know someone who can teach you something you're gonna need in your life.

I don't know your age, but I bet you just went to college directly from high school. Most students do that, but it's a terrible burden society forces on well... children who have no idea what are they gonna do when they grow up. Most students enter the school with an undecided major and waste their money trying everything (in the US of course, it's free here). What people need it's time to think, which bring us to you. So you've wasted 4 years of your life and you're willing to waste your other 65 years which are expected of you. Or you know, you can do something in those years.

You are threatened by grades because you think they measure what you know, thus your employers won't appreciate you. You're wrong. You can say your employers it's due depression, and you're gonna be surprised how forgiving can they be. So they're gonna ask "Why didn't you work for these 5 years"? Depression. It's pretty common and legit reason. But you know 5 years are a pretty short time, and get shorter the more you get older (yet another instance of me being captain obvious). Suicide is an instant but it's safe to say, you're gonna be wasting 65+ years. 5 more years of school will not be a problem anymore.

To be honest, you can do whatever you want. I don't understand society trying to stop people from killing themseleves, or allow people to live a terrible life by not allowing them to end it. You see I'm pro towards a lot of "controversial" subjects. I'm pro euthanasia, pro abortion, pro eugenics, pro life sentence etc. But my opinions might/will change in the future. Who was the one who said, paraphrasing: "If some has the same thoughts at 40 as when he was 20 hasn't lived"? I don't remember. No one thinks straight when depressed. And you're gonna be depressed for a long long long time. And it's going to look longer to you than it actually is. Use that time to think. You might change your opinion.

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