How much of a Neanderthal are you ?

How's this for a supraorbital torus.


Fuld of Lehman Bros. Wall Street guy.


The artist-model must have used Shia LaBeouf (?) as Neanderthal model.

The recent trend to prevent infant deaths was to have the baby sleep on its back. A lot of babies including my nephew ended up with a flatten skull at the back making a pizza like effect. His head as a result was pancaked round and enlarged. The baby's skull is very soft so it is malleable and subject to gravity and hydraulic pressure from the blood. As he grew older his skull gradually rounded.
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I tested on 23andme (they have the possibility of checking your Neanderthal admixture), I found out I'm apparently 2.4% Neanderthal, not sure on which calculator though because technically humans are 99.5% identical.
that neanderthal looks like joe rogan

So he was a natural for the show 'Fear Factor' where they ate insects and worms.:LOL:
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Neanderthal Traits in Modern Humans

Neanderthal Traits in Europeans
During the height of the American Civil Rights craze, liberal scientists in the United States invented the idea that "We are all Africans", descended from black Africans who lived 10,000 years ago and exterminated all previous human races such as Neanderthals, archaic Chinese, and archaic Australians. Among modern peoples, they even claimed that "race doesn't exist."
But then came DNA. At first, tests of mitochondrial DNA seemed to confirm an African origin. But then the 98% of human DNA which is found in the chromosomes, known as nuclear DNA, was tested. To their horror, liberals found that Europeans have some Neanderthal DNA. At first, the liberal party line was that the Neanderthal DNA was only 4% of the total, and not enough to make any difference.
However, it has come to light that many of the traits that make us Europeans were inherited from Neanderthals, and not Africans. These include white skin, blue eyes, red hair, large brains, creativity, and high intelligence. Reconstructions of Neanderthals have even shown that they looked like Europeans! We look more like Neanderthals did than we look like black Africans.
Here is a good summary of the traits we inherited from Neanderthals:
[h=2]"Physical traits of Neanderthals inherited by modern Europeans[/h]"All non-Africans today may have a roughly equal proportion of Neanderthal DNA, but some of the most visible physical traits appear to have been inherited especially by modern Europeans, and northern Europeans in particular. Here is a list of traits that distinguished Neanderthals from Homo sapiens, but that you could also have inherited if you are of European or Western Eurasian descent.

  • [*=left]"Occipital bun : a protuberance of the occipital bone (back of the head) that looks like a hair knot. You have it if you can feel a rounded bone just above the back of your neck (same height as the ears).
    [*=left]Low, flat, elongated skull : What matters here is especially the 'elongated skull', as opposed to the back of the skull falling almost vertically, like all East Asians, and most Anatolian, Caucasians and Eastern Europeans. Elongated skull are particularly common in Scandinavia, in the British Isles and in Iberia.
    [*=left]Retromolar space posterior to the third molar: i.e. an empty space behind the "wisdom teeth".
    [*=left]Supraorbital torus : protruding eyebrow bone (including big deep eye cavity between the eye and eyebrow).
    [*=left]Bigger, rounder eyes than average.
    [*=left]Broad, projecting nose : angle of the nose bone going more upward than average (not falling straight like a "Greek nose").
    [*=left]Bony projections on the sides of the nasal opening : i.e. nose bone making a "triangle" between the nose and cheeks/orbits.
    [*=left]Little or no protruding chin
    [*=left]Larger mental foramen in mandible for facial blood supply : this means that the side jaw and cheek are bigger or better supplied in blood than average. This increased blood supply could result in the cheeks being red (like blushing) when doing physical exercise or when the weather is cold.
    [*=left]Short, bowed shoulder blades : i.e. shoulder bones curving toward the front more than average.
    [*=left]Large round finger tips : typically "flat" and wide finger tips, especially the thumb (e.g. if your thumb is more than 1.5 cm wide).
    [*=left]Rufosity : i.e. having red hair, or brown hair with red pigments, or natural freckles.
    [*=left]Fair skin, hair and eyes : Neanderthals are believed to have had blue or green eyes, as well as fair skin and light hair. Having spent 300,000 years in northern latitudes, five times longer than Homo sapiens, it is only natural that Neanderthals should have developed these adaptive traits first."
    [*=left]Picture of Neanderthal in Suit

    The truth is that we are not all Africans. White people are partly descended from Neanderthals. Contrary to liberal racist propaganda, Neanderthals were not apes or some non-human species. Neanderthals were a human race that has gone extinct.
    White people resemble Neanderthals more than they resemble Blacks.

    Reconstruction of the
    Neandertal appearance

I tested on 23andme (they have the possibility of checking your Neanderthal admixture), I found out I'm apparently 2.4% Neanderthal, not sure on which calculator though because technically humans are 99.5% identical.
The comparisons from 50% to 99.9% of likness always baffled me by huge discapance. I guess it might be bigger or smaller depending if we compare single letters, markers or genes in general. Even with genes one would get huge difference when counting genes as per functions or complete similarity to the last letter.

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