Religion How religious are you?


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Phoenix, Arizona
I thought my grandma was religious....Until I met a pastor in a church I go to. Oh my gosh.

He's literally a ned flanders clone. What's great about him, is his children and him are so nice, and well behaved. I don't know how he does it. I'm guessing its the power of believing in Jesus and the power of believing than being saved rather than actually Jesus saving him. Believing is a powerful thing. People in surgery who have a strong determination to live can live just on willpower alone; while someone who doesn't want to won't. Its amazing.

There is much I can't stand about him. Although he is a very nice man, we have way too many differences. I don't go to his church anymore. He just started his church. It consists of a hotel room, with chairs. No speaker. And 3 people go there reguarly.

Every sunday, when we go there, my mom gives him 20 dollars for his church. Even though she cannot afford to do so. My dad also likes his speeches very much.

However, I cannot STAND his speeches. Most of the audience is children, and he talks about pretty nasty gruesome stuff that children shouldn't have to hear. Not only that, we gotta sing every 5 seconds, and he just goes on and on and on. He doesn't like christian music (comtemoary) because its too sensual.

It's a stark contrast to what I used to go to. A youth group, which made it "fun". Honestly, I went there more for a social enviorment than a religious one, but it was fun. They made it fun. We even did contests. My pastor would call it a "rock concert". But what he doesn't know is, it taught the same thing as Mr.Boring pastor teaches, but much more effecitive for teenagers. (im a teenager)

He is stubborn and won't modifiy what he says. I guess he shouldn't have to.

2 days ago, we went to a Wayne Gretzky Hockey game. Gretzky was the coach, and it was my first one. The Coyotoes vs the Panthers I believe.

We were on the very top seat. It cost 12 dollars per person to go. I had more fun talking to him than watching the game, since I really don't enjoy watching sports. I learned alot about him. Here's what I learned:

1) He doesn't watch movies at all. When he does, they are few and far between. Movies such as "Beauty and beast" are forbidden because it has a "bar scene." Also, he does not watch Peter Pan (Rated G) OR let his kids watch it, because it has a fairy in it, and a fairy is as he calls it, "black magic." When he said this, I was so turned off, I muttered , "You shouldn't watch Harry Potter then.."

2) He told me he doesn't watch any movies his children can watch. Which, is none. WHenever he DOES watch TV, if they use the word hell, or the subistute word "heck". He changes the channel immediately, or just shuts the TV off.

3) What does he do then? According to him, he's either doing 2 things:
1) Preaching. 2) Handing out flyers for his church.

4) I asked him and his pastor friend, "Did you ever doubt god?" This is what really turned me off. He said "Never." The man was 40. Are you telling me, he NEVER doubted god? What bullock. Everyone does, at one point, right? That's just a downright lie. Especially when you're a teenager, you're changing, you rebell what people taught you, etc. When I was a child, like most children, I naively believed in religion, but when I grew up to me now, I'm more skepitcal.

His friend said the same thing, "Never.". It's funny how they like to be politcally correct in front of 'god'


It really is almost laughable. I've never seen someone this....extreme. It makes me wonder what they CAN do, besides god. Which, suffice to say, is not much. They go to church everyday, 2 times a day, for 4 hours total (one in morning, one in afternoon), then go home, and apparently study the bible.

"When my children wake up, first thing they do is worship god, and pray. We also pray before we eat, before we drive, and always, always, before we fly."

"Yes, my children can read the bible fluently. I mean, perfectly. My daughter is 11, and my son is 8. "

My response: "How can someone that young read a bible perfectly? I'm 17 and a good reader, and I can't even do that."

His response: "You don't need a second education to read the bible."


Apparently his children are homeschooled, so even though they should be in like 3rd grade, they are at around 11th grade reading level. Amazing.

So, now to my question.

Just how religious are you? Personally, I'm fine with people being religious, as long as it doesnt effect their life in everyway. I mean, the man won't even watch G rated movies.
4) I asked him and his pastor friend, "Did you ever doubt god?" This is what really turned me off. He said "Never." The man was 40. Are you telling me, he NEVER doubted god? What bullock. Everyone does, at one point, right? That's just a downright lie. Especially when you're a teenager, you're changing, you rebell what people taught you, etc. When I was a child, like most children, I naively believed in religion, but when I grew up to me now, I'm more skepitcal.
His friend said the same thing, "Never.". It's funny how they like to be politcally correct in front of 'god'
Yes, you're right of course, it seems to me also almost impossible not to have at least fleeting moments of doubt. Even a few of the Biblical disciples doubted (John the Baptist and Thomas from what I recall) and people living in religious communities or cults who have been brainwashed into it are sometimes skeptical of god or the life they are being forced to lead. For your pastor whose belief rests on such a firm and stalwart foundation, should simply being exposed to "secular" or "forbidden" or "evil" elements have the power to change all that ?

I am personally not particularly religious but I do try to focus on staying true to the most important truths of Christian teaching and not get sidetracked by the microscopic details of my outward appearance or ordinary activities.

On the other hand, his is the answer the vast majority of regular Americans would give which is why I try not to think too much about what really might be going on in the lives of weird and arrogrant fundamentalists like this who think that by avoiding all 'immodesty' or 'impurity' of the world they are becoming more humble and modest of heart. My only concern would be that he isn't abusing his kids and that the reason they are so well behaved isn't that they have become afraid of him. :worried:
I guess im not a very religeous person, im interested in learning about various religeons, but i feel i dont need religeon to live my life, or more importantly, be a good person. Im quite interested in buddhism, although thats not a religeon but rather a philosophical way of thinking- i think it has alot of good morals and teachings though.
I honestly dont know what to believe when it comes to gods/godesses/spirits/devils/holy animals/elves/giants etc, i do think theres probably some sort of higher spirital being, i also believe theres probably more than one and they aern't perhaps strictly good or evil, they may even be an afterlife, im also interested in the paranormal although i also honestly dont know what to make of that either... I guess most things in life just interest me and i want to gain knowlege and self discipline and stuff, but thats about it.

That ned flanders guy you were talking about GoldCoinLover, although he most likely feels he's doing the best thing ever with all his actions, he may even feel he is a better christian than other people, but i feel concerned about his children- theres nothing positive about isolating children from the rest of the world in this day and age...I hate to think whats going to happen when they get out into the real world and have to support themselves as adults, im sure they are going to go through alot of social isolation, stress, bullying and many difficult questions about themselves as individuals...Who knows, they may even rebel not only against their parents, but society as a whole if they feel they cant fit into the system of life somehow?
I'm not religious and I'm quite glad I'm not. Religious people like the one you described GCL, are just too narrow minded. But this is only my opinion. I mean, I met people who decided to convert to Christianity and their whole personality changes. Unfortunately they become one diminsional drones. The things they used to enjoy, they no longer enjoy. The things they used to be interested in, they're no longer interested in. That's why I couldn't convert to a religion, because I feel that certian parts of my personality would disappear. And I guess some Christians don't see how silly it is when they say that they won't allow their children to watch a certian cartoon because it's supposidly has implications of witchcraft.
I agree with Tokis-Pheniox about the isolation. It'll more likely hurt them than help them.
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Tokis-Phoenix said:
That ned flanders guy you were talking about GoldCoinLover, although he most likely feels he's doing the best thing ever with all his actions, he may even feel he is a better christian than other people, but i feel concerned about his children- theres nothing positive about isolating children from the rest of the world in this day and age...I hate to think whats going to happen when they get out into the real world and have to support themselves as adults, im sure they are going to go through alot of social isolation, stress, bullying and many difficult questions about themselves as individuals...Who knows, they may even rebel not only against their parents, but society as a whole if they feel they cant fit into the system of life somehow?

Yes, I'm 17 and was thinking the same exact thing. This man if very extreme.

That, topped on the kids being home schooled. He got offended when I asked him, factually, "Aren't you worried that they may miss out on some things most teenagers go through in public schools, i.e social things?"

He said no, and was offended. He said his children have many social things.

I guess he's afraid of them being offered drugs, etc. They will not be bullied. He plan's to teach them all the way up through high school.

But I can't help but wonder they rebell agianst it. But who knows. Afterall, the man says he NEVER, once, doubted god.

Which I think is bullcrap.
Let me tell you more about his background, it's quite interesting.

First, I'm suicidal. I've attempted my life 4 times. Everyday, he talks about suicidal statistics. This makes me feel uncomfortable . I'm not sure why. I'm very senstive towards what people think of me. My parents don't understand what they said hurt me They said, "You're not going to put us in a guilt trip. We've tried everything we could to help you, so we won't feel guilty if you kill yourself. It's your choice."

Which, in my corrupted mind, basically said:
"We don't give a crap if you kill yourself."

I guess its because of rejection. I feel like my parents are going to point at me, and humiliate me. They always do.

Now for his background.

He worked in the prison system for 10 years. He always tells terrible stories about how his workers commited suicide, and how he saved suicidal people in the maximum security prison.

Isn't it ironic that he had such a life change? He used to go out to bar's and drink even.

He also told a story of how people in canada (He's fluent in french and used to live there) escamoles, killed a wife, took the blood and poured it over a knife, and attracted the wolves, the wolves then licked it, and as they licked it more blood appeared on the life; It wa stheir own blood

It kind of distrubs me because of all the children there. I don't think its appropriate for them.

His parents were also not religious. It's kind of like he did a 360, he was so desperate to find hope, and of course, salvation just seems too good to be true; and, unfortunately, it probably is.

I believe it's more of a willpower that changes you; not jesus himself.
And he doesn't let his children watch Peter Pan? Yet, he's telling gory stories in their presence? My goodness.
Ma Cherie said:
And he doesn't let his children watch Peter Pan? Yet, he's telling gory stories in their presence? My goodness.
Yep, because stories in the bible are "OK" to tell to young children, didn't you know that? (/sarcasm)
He was trying to make a point about believing in Jesus Christ with the wolve thing. You know that movie, Passion of the christ? It was about bible yet it ws OK because it was about "Jesus"
Yep, why peter pan? Because it has tinkerbell, a fairy. And fairies are black magic, as he says anyway.
It was about greed he said. Something about that the wolves were so hungry, that they'd eat the blood on the knife and not even realize it was their own.
Today he said this:
"There's websites showing how to kill yourself, there's artists like Ozzy Osbuourne who have songs that promote suicide. One is called "Suicide solutions". When I worked in the prison, they told me the statistics. At first, I didn't believe them. But then one of my workers died. He said he couldn't make it to the prison, and was stressed out. After he was done on the phone talking to us, telling us how stressed he was, He then put a gun to his head and killed himself."
His kids were there, ages 8 to 11, respectively. As well as other younger children, when he told this story.

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