Illyrian and Albanian - a linguistic approach

Also, the D / Dz reflex of PIE. ǵ that we see in Messapic is a perfect match for what Albanian d /? [dh] would have showed in antiquity:

Proto-IE ǵ

Early Proto-Albanian. *j [dz]

Proto-Albanian. *d?

Albanian. d / ?

A visualization:

A visualization:
How is the albanian dh prounced or used ?
Venetian alphabet has dh in it and is used as a th sound, like then or that
Not to be confused with the venetian dz which became a z and a zed sound ...while x became a zee sound, like the word xe, meaning is or how are

Same letters means different words or sounds in other the c in the fruit acai..means a s in spanish but different in venetian
How is the albanian dh prounced or used ?

Venetian alphabet has dh in it and is used as a th sound, like then or that

Not to be confused with the venetian dz which became a z and a zed sound ...while x became a zee sound, like the word xe, meaning is or how are

Albanian "dh" is pronounced like "th" in English "that".
Albanian "dh" is pronounced like "th" in English "that".
I meant this type of c .....Açaí my post
Both above and dh and dz have been in use in venetian texts since circa 700 ad
The dz was dropped for plain z in the 11th century
"Hand" and "Winter" in different IE languages. From Sanskrit, to Celtic, Slavic, Albanian, etc.

Based on these innovations lacking in other IE languages, Matzinger argues Albanian, Armenian, Greek, Phrygian, and even Tocharian on the fringe, were part of the Balkan IE group:


We have a very limited confirmed glossary for the Phrygian language. Only 3 words out of a handful of words of that language, we can say with certainty we know the meaning of them:

Herodotus (Histories 2.2) [Pharaoh Psammetichus experiment]


Plato Dialogues Cratylus
: Yes, certainly. SOCRATES: Well then, consider whether ... tongue, and the. Phrygians may be observed to have the same word slightly changed, just as they have udor (water) and kunes (dogs), and many other words.

This very 3 words are basically 3 modern Albanian words:

So the distance betwen Phrygian and Albanian is much closer than the one shown in the graph above, and judging by these essential words, I would say that Albanian and Phrygian are the same language.
As for the Greek language, being a cultivated language, its dictionary was built based on the vernacular languages of that territory, Albanian first of all, and possibly every non-mythological language of that time.
the T-Roll has return

As for the Greek language, being a cultivated language, its dictionary was built based on the vernacular languages of that territory, Albanian first of all, and possibly every non-mythological language of that time.

We have a very limited confirmed glossary for the Phrygian language. Only 3 words out of a handful of words of that language, we can say with certainty we know the meaning of them:

Herodotus (Histories 2.2) [Pharaoh Psammetichus experiment]


Plato Dialogues Cratylus

This very 3 words are basically 3 modern Albanian words:

So the distance betwen Phrygian and Albanian is much closer than the one shown in the graph above, and judging by these essential words, I would say that Albanian and Phrygian are the same language.

now she abbandon his own theories about linguistics
and providing his shelf as expert of Brygian

In the Iliad, the Dardanians and Mysians are two seperate peoples and always referred to as such. Mysia neighbours Troy/Dardania. In the Aeneid, the Dardanians come to Italy where they meet the Italics already there. Hence the myth is not about the Italics origins.

Strabo says the Dardanian tribe called the Galabri gave Calabria its name. This is where we see the Messapic languages. The Messapic languages, like Albanian, are not satem or centum, they have 3 dorsal rows. They are Illyric languages.

Thracian is a satem language, not like messapic or albanian. It has only 2 rows.

Dardanian, as we see in Messapic inscriptions, is not like thracian.

The most proximate people to thracians are balts, not slavs. So Latvians and Lithuanians have more claim to being close to them linguistically than any slav.

Hence, Messapics called themselves Dardanians, Strabo called them Dardanians, their language is not thracian, it is Albanoid, it preserves the 3 rows.
" Among the Illyrians the Autariatae, Ardiaei, and Dardanii, and among the Thracians the Triballi; that is, they were reduced in warfare by one another at first and then later by the Macedonians and the Romans.

Be this as it may, after the seaboard of the Ardiaei and the Pleraei come the Rhisonic Gulf, and the city Rhizo, and other small towns and also the River Drilo, which is navigable inland towards the east as far as the Dardanian country.

This country borders on the Macedonian and the Paeonian tribes on the south, as do also the Autariatae and the Dassaretii ? different peoples on different sides being contiguous to one another and to the Autariatae.

To the Dardaniatae belong also the Galabrii, among whom is an ancient city, and the Thunatae, whose country joins that of the Medi, a Thracian tribe on the east. "

- Strabo, Geography
David Reich is no dummy:


I wonder if the Geganii noble family of the Albans, the Dardanians that founded Alba Longa, have any etymological relation Geg? Albanians, as we refer to northerners.
From the latest book this year on Messapic:

Big discovery.

A Proto-Albanian cognate to "Gentis" [kin, race] from
*ǵénh₁tis found in 3 Ancient Macedonian inscriptions:
Δεντις (Dentis)
Δεντις (Dentis)
Δεντιι (Dentii)

Also, "Gentīlis" Proto-Albanian equivalent is found in "Δεντίλλης" ( Dentíllis) in Rome and Lykaonia.

IE. *ǵ only gave D & Dh in Albanian.

This cannot be a Greek or Latin name.

See: Alb. Dhëndër from
IE. *ǵenturo




The Illyrian King Gentius' name is cognate with this, but not Proto-Albanian but rather on the Italo-Celtic branch. If it were proto-Alb it should be either Dzentius or Ddhentius.
David Reich is no dummy:

The arrows are in error.....there should be an arrow slight north of the top one , hitting modern Foggia and from there history states they marched south eliminating all opposition including the dorians on the heel.....these tatooed proto-dauniani became messapics and the other tribe which i cannot recall its name
Also ancient authors virgil and others state the daunians in ardea with the rutuli.....some even say the rutuli are daunians........there is a modern paper on this by Dominque Briquel
The arrows are in error.....there should be an arrow slight north of the top one , hitting modern Foggia and from there history states they marched south eliminating all opposition including the dorians on the heel.....these tatooed proto-dauniani became messapics and the other tribe which i cannot recall its name
Also ancient authors virgil and others state the daunians in ardea with the rutuli.....some even say the rutuli are daunians........there is a modern paper on this by Dominque Briquel

the Peuceti?
is this the other Messapic Tribe for which you cannot recall its name? :)

??? Virgil said: Rutuli (Ardea) = Dauni (Iapigi/Messapi) ???

Timeline: Illyrians, Ardea and Prenestini Latin Tribes.




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