Iran Joins the Nuclear Club!

How do the methods I would endorse differ from those of the terrorists? Well, other than that they would both use explosives... the similarites end there. I do not want my country bombing innocent civilians. I want the US to bomb MILITARY targets and nuclear enrichment facilities. There is a big difference between the tactics terrorists use and the ways secular states operate.

I just don't think any theocracy is responsible enough to possess nuclear technology, as any implementation of such technology would inevitibly lead to a nuclear weapon.
Mike Cash said:
And we Americans are equally overjoyed to be shoehorned into your stereotyped view as well.
(Last time I checked, I was the same race as most Germans....)

I dont really care if anyone else from germany has a stereotypical view of americans and it doesn?t change anything about your remark earlier.
And I know you feel superior to me but that still doesn?t give you the right to discriminate me because of my nationality and I personally never said anything insulting to someone on this forum concerning his/her nationality.
moffeltoff said:
And I know you feel superior to me but that still doesn?t give you the right to discriminate me because of my nationality and I personally never said anything insulting to someone on this forum concerning his/her nationality.

In what way have I discriminated against you and in what way have I shown that I feel myself superior?
Blututh said:
How do the methods I would endorse differ from those of the terrorists? Well, other than that they would both use explosives... the similarites end there. I do not want my country bombing innocent civilians. I want the US to bomb MILITARY targets and nuclear enrichment facilities. There is a big difference between the tactics terrorists use and the ways secular states operate.

I just don't think any theocracy is responsible enough to possess nuclear technology, as any implementation of such technology would inevitibly lead to a nuclear weapon.

So you really believe ,that there wont be any civilian casualties as the result of bombimg these targets?
Has the thought ever occured ,that some of these targets are in situated in quite densely populated areas to make it more difficult to be hit by bombs and over shells?
No gouverment is responsibul enough to handle nuclear weapons.
Mike Cash said:
In what way have I discriminated against you and in what way have I shown that I feel myself superior?


"I love it when Germans say stuff like that" :cool:
moffeltoff said:
"I love it when Germans say stuff like that" :cool:

An ability to recognize irony doesn't equal an attitude of superiority.
Ok gentlemen please move this feud to another thread. I appreciate it.

I never ONCE said that there would be no civilian casualties from bombing. However, taking into account the accuracy and controlablitiy of today's bombs, the amount of civilian casualties could possibly be reduced to zero [think bombing when everyone there has gone to their homes?]. I would endorse bombing as a last resort, but the US's series of "ultimatums" has born no fruit. Iran is determined to defy the UN, the Security Council [which is expected to deliver a vote and statement in the next week or two], and the global community by continuing to steam ahead in their enrichment activities.
I'm willing to see a few iranians dead to stop the thousands upon thousands in a nuclear attack.

Sorry, i just cant play touchy-feely "FEEEED THEEE WOOOORRRLLLDDD" song, every life is precious game when were potentially playing with nuclear fire.
I dont personally think that the US would ho as far as to attack/invade Iran..
Their troops are already in both Iraq & Afghanistan.. and I reckon that they are pretty devastated already.
Iraq's invasion was difficult when the people were against the government + was under heavy sanctions for years..
Iran is in much better status atm.. people are supporting the government, they've got some weapons.. and they are quite brainwashed by their president..
Things could get pretty nasty ..
I'd say that sanctions could be pretty effective .. although that would harm the civilians pretty badly .. and they are already suffering.
It's all about whether the president would be affected by the threats and the sanctions or not really ..
I think that most americans should be concerned with Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. Especially since after their prayers on sunday, most of the population goes out in the streets shouting "death to america" and burns US flags. This is partly because most of the people of Iran think that Iran should be the most powerful and infulential country in the world, and see america as a country that is holding Iran back (and other reasons of course).

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a real nutter though, calling for destruction of Israel and the USA, and calling the holocaust a lie. He says he wants to and will "wipe Israel off the map", but last time I checked, Israel has around 300 nuclear weapons, and, at least currently, Iran has zero. If Iran tries to "wipe Israel off the map", then Israel will most likely return the favor 300 times over to Iran it it were attacked with nuclear weapons.
nurizeko said:
The iranian president has openly and un-ashamedly declared his will to see isreal destroyed, and has no concern for the lives of westerners as a whole.
This is one man i think has the real potential to use a nuclear weapon against another people without provokation (i.e. nukes flying at you).
The main problem with this issue im seeing is that people were such tools and douches and supported Bushess first war, clearly pointless and needless, that this douchy toolness is comming back to haunt us again because now their doing the opposite, Not supporting vital action to deal with a very REAL threat.
It actually knid of angers me that people will die in a nuclear vapourization because people cant tell the difference between a pointless war, and a military strike to disable the nuclear capabilities of a evil man, who like amny evil men, think a higher being is telling him to murder and slaughter innocent people.

Im not willing to take the chance iran is really caring soley about nuclear energy, not after the things the iranian president has said, and not at the risk of people dying to such a horrible disgusting weapon of mass murder.
I hope America absolutely flattens irans nuclear facilities to dust.

Mahmoud ahmadinejad the iranian president, is probably wanting to make the weapons to further enhance his bargaining chips with israel and the US. I don't forsee him using it against israel, since he most definitely knows that israel has a greater nuclear stockpile (and more advanced nuclear technology) than his nation. The situation would be like the indian-pakistani relationship, where the nash equilibrium would be reached. On one side, a nuclear weapon can basically destroy half of israel, but then on the otherside, the 100+ warheads that israel has can easily destroy the entire middle east and wreck heavy damage to persia.

Right now it seems that the islamic world is always at the mercy of israel simply because israel has a very strong military. they wanted to change the balance of power, and they see that building the nuclear weapons is the quickest mean in achieving that.

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