Is free energy possible. Was Tesla right?

As long as multinational corporations hold interest in oil industry, then we can't really expect developments towards free energy and even electric cars are overpriced and limited to the upper classes, so even in the XXI century most people will likely be dependent on Oil, where as some do it yourself scientists were able to create cars which use solar energy to make the cars use free energy, but it would against the interest of global corporations whose income dependent on oil industry.
We have far liberal globalist members here who genuinely believe that Obama spent millions of dollars on drones to protect the Middle Eastern citizens from Al Quaida gerillas - Those guerillas who were created by the local CIA to oppose the Russian communists during the 70's still being used by who? I don't think anyone who don't watch the fox or BBC new 24/7 would question the possibility that US intelligence cooperates together with terrorist organizations to give reason for US miliatry to have a politically allowed presence in the Middle East and it's just another quite huge coincidence that the Middle East has one of the most natural Oil on the globe.
What are you doing here Seanp?! The conspiracy theorist forums kicked you out for being too radical?! You are not going to find friendly ears here. It is not going to be different now than last time.
What are you doing here Seanp?! The conspiracy theorist forums kicked you out for being too radical?! You are not going to find friendly ears here. It is not going to be different now than last time.

Aside the Ad hominem attack on my person coming from you, I don't have anything to against anyone here. It's a free forum to share opinions and it's not radical nor conspiracy to say facts that the CIA created Al Quaida in order to oppress Russian strategic involvements in Afghanistan during the 70's. (Admitted by the US military itself)
Lebrok, yes the sun is certainly the source of the vast majority of the energy in our solar system... but our Earth's magnetic field (resulting from the planet's molten inner core interacting with the solar wind) produces enough energy to power all of mankind's needs according to Tesla.

I'm a Tesla fanatic, I think his brain was the most advanced ever produced by our species. If he says it's possible, I don't doubt him. The problem he encountered with Wardenclyffe in Long Island and also in Colorado Springs wasn't tower height like most people think, but with tower "footprint". He had to place massive metallic structures deep in the ground to achieve ground (actually planetary) resonance. This is no small feat.

If you dig deep enough you will find interior space inside Earth. That's why they stopped him. Wake up sheeple
Aside the Ad hominem attack on my person coming from you, I don't have anything to against anyone here. It's a free forum to share opinions and it's not radical nor conspiracy to say facts that the CIA created Al Quaida in order to oppress Russian strategic involvements in Afghanistan during the 70's. (Admitted by the US military itself)
Every time you open your mouth the facts are omitted or being twisted to fit your conspiracy fantasies. Al Qaeda was created by Osama Bin Laden to fight Russian invasion of Afghanistan. US helped Al Qaeda fight Russians, as a proxy war/strategy against common enemy. Refresh your definitions of create versus help, use, enable.
Every time you open your mouth the facts are omitted or being twisted to fit your conspiracy fantasies. Al Qaeda was created by Osama Bin Laden to fight Russian invasion of Afghanistan. US helped Al Qaeda fight Russians, as a proxy war/strategy against common enemy. Refresh your definitions of create versus help, use, enable.

You should listen your beloved Liberals more often

If I could make a slight adjustment to my earlier comment relating to earth's magnetic properties... while much of the planet's interior is rich in magnetic elements, the fact that the core is molten would negate most if not all of it's electro-magnetic properties. However there is enough solid ferrous substance in the outer shelves to allow for mankind to survive safely protected from problematic radiation belts (and enough for Tesla to link a ground based grid to the upper atmosphere).

P.S. Seanp that last video was a real eye-opener. It's a bummer you are banned.
And by the way Exceededminimumso... we all know the Earth isn't hollow. Stop being silly.

It's flat. :)
And by the way Exceededminimumso... we all know the Earth isn't hollow. Stop being silly.

It's flat. :)

There's youtube video with Joe Biden saying that they created "earth is flat" theory to hide the fact that Eartn is hollow. it's an eye-opener and not in the "someone pronounces well known facts" way
There's youtube video with Joe Biden saying that they created "earth is flat" theory to hide the fact that Eartn is hollow. it's an eye-opener and not in the "someone pronounces well known facts" way

Source? I do recall someone mentioning that an earthquake has an almost ringing like phenomenon that gives the idea its hollow. I never went further researching into it. Just something I remember. I know the earth sure as hell aint flat. I am pretty sure its not hollow(but in this I have to be honest I haven't done much research).
I've heard the moon rings like a bell... during one of the Apollo missions sensors recorded massive ringing effects when portion of orbiter (or was it part of the lander) was intentionally jetisoned.

Regarding actual EARTHquakes, I know substrata has impact on how energy travels through the ground. For example the quake in Virginia a few years ago was felt through much of the Southern states because of dense granite/stone base.
Source? I do recall someone mentioning that an earthquake has an almost ringing like phenomenon that gives the idea its hollow. I never went further researching into it. Just something I remember. I know the earth sure as hell aint flat. I am pretty sure its not hollow(but in this I have to be honest I haven't done much research).

It was obvious joke, in my head at least. Makes me wonder how many conspiracy theories started same way

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